刘海笑 教授 的个人资料 |
姓名(中文/汉语拼音) |
刘海笑 /Liu Haixiao |
职称 |
教授 |
职务 |
导师资格 |
博导 |
所在系、所 |
港口工程系 |
通讯地址 |
澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 港口工程系,300072 |
电子信箱 |
办公室电话 |
主要研究方向: |
1、新型深水系泊技术; 2、新型深水锚固结构; 3、嵌入式海洋工程结构; 4、大型集成式浮式结构物; 5、海上浮式风机平台; 6、海洋土复杂循环动力特性; 7、海洋岩土工程; 8、合成纤维系缆复杂力学性能; 9、海底管道沙粒侵蚀分析; 10、海洋矿藏资源开采技术。 |
主要学历: |
1995.03—1998.06:清华大学水利水电工程系水工结构工程专业博士生; 1992.09—1995.03:天津大学力学系实验力学专业硕士生; 1985.09—1989.06:中山大学力学系应用力学专业本科生。 |
主要学术经历: |
2006.01—现在:天津大学岩土工程专业博士生导师; 2005.01—现在:天津大学港口、海岸及近海工程专业博士生导师; 2003.06—现在:澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 教授; 2010.08—2011.02:澳大利亚西澳大学(UWA)COFS高级研究学者; 2003.08—2004.08:英国牛津大学(University of Oxford)工程科学系访问学者; 2000.03—2003.06:澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 副教授; 1998.06—2000.03:天津大学水利工程学科博士后流动站(港口、海岸及近海工程方向)博士后。 |
主要讲授课程: |
1、弹塑性力学(研究生); 2、弹性力学及有限元法(本科生); 3、计算机工程仿真分析方法(研究生); 4、计算机辅助工程(CAE)软件(研究生)。 |
主要学术兼职: |
《海洋工程》编委; 《Ocean Systems Engineering》(韩国)、《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》(美国)、《American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences》(美国)、《Current Development in Oceanography》(印度)编委。 |
主要学术成就、奖励及荣誉: |
1、“复杂地基介质-结构系统波动与动力问题的研究”成果获2006年天津市自然科学三等奖(第1完成人); 2、入选2006年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。 |
主要科研项目及角色: |
[1] 深海锚固结构在海床中的嵌入机理、破坏模式和动力行为—国家自然科学基金重点项目,2016年至2020年,负责人; [2] 深水锚在海床土中复杂动力行为的理论与数值模拟研究—天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(重点项目),2014年至2017年,负责人; [3] 海底管道沙粒侵蚀的机理、特性及分析模型—国家自然科学基金资助项目,2013年至2016年,负责人; [4] 深水绷紧式系泊系统非线性循环动力特性及响应—国家自然科学基金资助项目,2012年至2015年,负责人; [5] 拖曳缆绳在海床土中的反悬链特性—国家自然科学基金资助项目,2010年至2012年,负责人; [6] 深海系泊系统性能与动力特性—国家自然科学基金重点项目,2007年至2010年,负责人; [7] 适用于深海油气开发平台的新型系泊技术—国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,2007年至2009年,负责人; [8] 波浪作用下结构海床系统的失稳破坏机理及数值仿真安全评估—国家自然科学基金资助项目,2004年至2006年,负责人; [9] 随机波作用下大直径圆柱壳结构的非线性动力响应及仿真—国家自然科学基金资助项目,2000年至2002年,负责人; [10] 层状与各向异性介质波动问题的理论与实验研究—国家自然科学基金资助项目,第2完成人,1996年至2000年; [11] 港口工程结构在随机波作用下的动力响应研究—中国博士后科学基金资助项目,1998年至2000年,负责人。 |
代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况: |
国际期刊、国际会议发表论文 [1] Kang R, Liu HX. A unified explicit correlation of predicting the sand erosion in elbows for gas and annular flows based on probability analysis. Wear, 2019, 428-429: 279-292. [2] Liu HX, Peng JS, Liang K, Xiao Z. The behavior of anchor lines embedded in layered soils. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 190: 106424. [3] Liu MY, Liu HX. A mechanistic model of liquid film movements in pipe elbows for annular flow. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141(6), 062002. [4] Kang R, Liu HX. A probability model of predicting the sand erosion in elbows for annular flow. Wear, 2019, 422-423: 167-179. [5] Kang R, Liu HX. A mechanistic model of predicting solid particle erosion on the symmetry plane of elbows for annular flow. Journal of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141, 032907. [6] Peng JS, Liu HX. Analytical study on comprehensive behaviors of drag anchors in the seabed. Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 90: 101855. [7] Peng JS, Liu HX, Zhao YB, Liang K. Failure mode and pullout capacity of anchor piles in soils with cohesive and cohesionless properties. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2019.1649332. [8] Lian YS, Liu HX, Yim SC, Zheng JH, Xu PF. An investigation on internal damping behavior of fiber rope. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 182: 512-526. [9] Zhang R, Liu HX, Dong S. Approximate theoretical solution of the movement and erosion of solid particles in a 90° bend. Wear, 2019, 430-431: 233-244. [10] Lian YS, Yim SC, Zheng JH, Liu HX, Zhang N. Effects of damaged fiber ropes on the performance of a hybrid taut-wire mooring system. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, DOI: 10.1115/1.4044723. [11] Sun J, Liu HX. CFD analysis on hydrodynamic characteristics for optimizing torpedo anchors. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019), Scotland, UK, 2019. [12] Gao JC, Liu HX. CFD analysis on similarity criteria of hydrodynamic characteristics for gravity-installed anchors. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019), Scotland, UK, 2019. [13] Liu HX, Yang WX, Kang R. A correlation for sand erosion prediction in annular flow considering the effect of liquid dynamic viscosity. Wear, 2018, 404-405: 1-11. [14] Lian YS, Liu HX, Li LA, Zhang YM. An experimental investigation on the bedding-in behavior of synthetic fiber ropes. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 160: 368-381. [15] Liu HX, Xiong J, Zhao YB. Three-dimensional behavior of embedded anchor lines under out-of-plane loading. Applied Ocean Research, 2018, 79: 134-148. [16] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Key techniques in simulating comprehensive anchor behaviors by large deformation finite element analysis. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2018, 140(1), 012001. [17] Liu HX, Li Z, Zhang YM. Offshore geotechnical problems in deepwater mooring techniques for large floating structures. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018, 11(2): 598-610. [18] Lian YS, Zheng JH, Liu HX, Xu PF, Gan LL. A study of the creep-rupture behavior of HMPE ropes using viscoelastic-viscoplastic-viscodamage modeling. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 162: 43-54. [19] Lian YS, Zheng JH, Liu HX. An Investigation on Creep and Creep-Rupture Behaviors of HMPE Ropes. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2018, 140(2), 021401. [20] Zhang YM, Liu HX. Impact of connection properties on dynamic response of modular floating structures. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2018), Madrid, Spain, 2018. [21] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Performance of embedded mooring lines during keying and diving of gravity installed anchors. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2018), Madrid, Spain, 2018. [22] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Toward a quick evaluation of the performance of gravity installed anchors in clay: penetration and keying. Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 69: 148-159. [23] Lian YS, Liu HX, Zhang YM, Li LA. An experimental investigation on fatigue behaviors of HMPE ropes. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 139: 237-249. [24] Zhang R, Liu HX, Dong S, Liu MY. A probability model for fully developed annular flow in vertical pipes: Film thickness, interfacial shear stress and droplet size distribution. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 139(3), 032001. [25] Zhao YB, Liu HX, Liu MY. Failure mode and pullout capacity of anchor piles in clay. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017, 10(3): 769-780. [26] Kang R, Liu HX, Liu MY. A two-dimensional model of predicting sand erosion in elbows for liquid flow. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2017), Trondheim, Norway, 2017. [27] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Key techniques in simulating comprehensive anchor behaviors by large deformation finite element analysis. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2017), Trondheim, Norway, 2017. [28] Liu HX, Xu K, Zhao YB. Numerical investigation on the penetration of gravity installed anchors by a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 60: 94-108. [29] Zhao YB, Liu HX, Li PD. An efficient approach to incorporate anchor line effects into the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis of comprehensive anchor behaviors. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 59: 201-215. [30] Liu MY, Liu HX, Kang R. Similarity criteria of the solid particle erosion in elbows between model experiments and engineering for dry gas and gas-mist flows. Wear, 2016, 360-361: 121-136. [31] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Numerical implementation of the installation/mooring line and application to analyzing comprehensive anchor behaviors. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 54: 101-114. [32] Li Z, Liu HX, Zhao YB. Large deformation numerical analysis of the ultimate pullout capacity of plate anchors in sand. Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rodos, Greece, 2016. [33] Peng JS, Liu HX, Zhao YB. Analytical study on comprehensive anchor behaviors in the seabed. Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth (2016) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rodos, Greece, 2016. [34] Liu HX. Offshore geotechnical problems in deepwater mooring techniques for large floating structures. 2016 International Symposium on Marine Engineering Geology (ISMEG2016), 21-24 October, 2016, Qingdao, China. [35] Liu HX, Peng JS, Zhao YB. Analytical study of the failure mode and pullout capacity of suction anchors in sand. Ocean Systems Engineering, 2015, 5(4): 279-299. [36] Liu HX, Zhou ZW, Liu MY. A probability model of predicting the sand erosion profile in elbows for gas flow. Wear, 2015, 342-343: 377-390. [37] Huang W, Liu HX, Lian YS, Li LA. Modeling nonlinear time-dependent behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes under cyclic loading. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 109: 207-216. [38] Zhao YB, Liu HX. The drag effects on the penetration behavior of drag anchors during installation. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 109: 169-180. [39] Liu HX, Lian YS, Li LA, Zhang YM. Experimental investigation on dynamic stiffness of damaged synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2015, 137 (6), 061401. [40] Lian YS, Liu HX, Huang W, Li LA. A creep-rupture model of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings based on thermodynamics. Applied Ocean Research, 2015, 52: 234-244. [41] Liu MY, Liu HX, Zhang R. Numerical analyses of the solid particle erosion in elbows for annular flow. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 105: 186-195. [42] Hu C, Liu HX. A new bounding-surface plasticity model for cyclic behaviors of saturated clay. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, 22: 101-119. [43] Zhang R, Liu HX, Liu MY. A probability model for fully developed annular flow in vertical pipes: Prediction of the droplet entrainment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 84: 225-236. [44] Zhang W, Liu HX, Li XZ, Li QP, Cao J. An analytical method for positioning drag anchors in seabed soils. China Ocean Engineering, 2015, 29(1): 49-64. [45] Lian YS, Liu HX, Hu LM. Feasibility analysis of a new hybrid mooring system applied for deep waters. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2015. [46] Liu MY, Liu HX. A numerical procedure to estimate sand erosion in elbows for annular-mist flow based on film thickness and droplet diameter prediction. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Hawaii, USA, 2015. [47] Liu HX, Peng JS, Zhao YB. Analytical study of the failure mode and pullout capacity of suction anchors in sand. Proceedings of the 2015 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Incheon, Korea, 2015. [48] Liu HX, Li Z, Zhang YM. An overview of positioning technologies for large floating structures in deep waters. Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Sciences, Technology and Education, Hong Kong, China, 2015. [49] Liu HX, Su FM, Li Z. The criterion for determining the ultimate pullout capacity of plate anchors in clay by numerical analysis. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2014, 7(4): 374-386. [50] Liu HX, Liu CL, Zhao YB, Wang C. Comparative study of reverse catenary properties of the installation line for drag anchors. Applied Ocean Research, 2014, 48: 42-54. [51] Liu HX, Zhao YB. Numerical study of the penetration mechanism and kinematic behavior of drag anchors using a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 45(4): 29-39. [52] Liu HX, Huang W, Lian YS, Li LA. An experimental investigation on nonlinear behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings under cyclic loading. Applied Ocean Research, 2014, 45: 22-32. [53] Zhang W, Liu HX, Zhao YB, Yue YZ. Interactional properties between drag anchor and installation line. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2014, 140(2), 04013018. [54] Hu C, Liu HX. Implicit and explicit integration schemes in the anisotropic bounding surface plasticity model for cyclic behaviours of saturated clay. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 55: 27-41. [55] Zhang R, Liu HX. Numerical simulation of solid particle erosion in a 90 degree bend for gas flow. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, USA, 2014. [56] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Numerical simulation of drag anchor installation by a large deformation finite element technique. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, USA, 2014. [57] Huang W, Liu HX, Hu C. Modeling the stress-strain properties of synthetic fiber mooring lines under cyclic loading. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth (2014) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, Korea, 2014. [58] Zhang R, Liu HX, Zhao CT. A probability model for solid particle erosion in a straight pipe. Wear, 2013, 308: 1-9. [59] Liu HX, Liu CL, Zhao YB, Wang C. Reverse catenary equation of the embedded installation line and application to the kinematic model for drag anchors. Applied Ocean Research, 2013, 43: 80-87. [60] Huang W, Liu HX, Lian YS, Li LA. Modeling nonlinear creep and recovery behaviors of synthetic fiber ropes for deepwater moorings. Applied Ocean Research, 2013, 39: 113-120. [61] Liu HX, Wang C, Zhao YB. Analytical study of the failure mode and pullout capacity of suction anchors in clay. Ocean Systems Engineering, 2013, 3(2): 79-95. [62] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Large deformation finite element analysis of the anchor line embedded in seabed soils. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Nantes, France, 2013. [63] Liu HX, Liu CL, Yang HT, Li Y, Zhang W, Xiao ZJ. A novel kinematic model for drag anchors in seabed soils. Ocean Engineering, 2012, 49: 33-42. [64] Hu C, Liu HX, Huang W. Anisotropic bounding-surface plasticity model for the cyclic shakedown and degradation of saturated clay. Computers and Geotechnics, 2012, 44: 34-47. [65] Liu HX, Zhang W, Liu CL, Hu C. Movement direction of drag anchors in seabed soils. Applied Ocean Research, 2012, 34: 78-95. [66] Liu HX. Recent study of drag embedment plate anchors in China. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2012, 11(4): 393-401. [67] Zhang W, Liu HX, Zhou HF, Sheng ZG. A new technique to measure the trajectory of drag anchors in soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2011, 34(4): 279-287. [68] Huang W, Liu HX, Shan GM, Hu C. Fatigue analysis of the taut-wire mooring system applied for deep waters. China Ocean Engineering, 2011, 25(3): 413-426. [69] Liu HX, Li Y, Yang HT, Zhang W, Liu CL. Analytical study on the ultimate embedment depth of drag anchors. Ocean Engineering, 2010, 37(14-15): 1292-1306. [70] Liu HX, Zhang W, Zhang XW, Liu CL. Experimental investigation on the penetration mechanism and kinematic behavior of drag anchors. Applied Ocean Research, 2010, 32(4): 434-442. [71] Hu LM, Ding JW, Liu HX. Mechanical behavior of marine clay under wave loading. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2010, 20(1): 72-79. [72] Jiao YS, Fan MH, Zhang QF, Liu HX. The plastic yield loci of a shallow VLA in clay. Proceedings of the 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, 2010. [73] Zhang SX, Tang YG, Liu HX. Snap tension in mooring lines of deepwater platform. China Ocean Engineering, 2009, 23(3): 415-428. [74] Zhang SX, Tang YG, Liu HX. Study on snap tension in mooring lines of deepwater platform. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Honolulu, USA, 2009. [75] Jiao YS, Zhang QF, Liu HX, 2008. The prediction of dragging trajectory of a VLA at early stage. Proceedings of the 18th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2008. [76] Tang YG, Zhang SX, Zhang RY, Liu HX. Development of study on the dynamic characteristics of deep water mooring system. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2007, 6(3): 17-23. [77] Ding JW, Liu HX, Hu LM. Response of marine clay to cyclic loading. Proceedings of the 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007. [78] Liu HX, Liu JQ. Mechanism investigation on instability and failure of structures in seabed-wave-structure coupling system. Proceedings of the 14th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Toulon, France, 2004. [79] Liu HX, Zhang CH. Internal stress calculation in 2D time domain BEM for wave propagation in anisotropic media. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2003, 19(8): 637-643. [80] Liu HX, Tang Y. Dynamic wave pressures on deeply embedded large cylinder structures due to random waves. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2003, 9(1): 21-28. [81] Liu HX. Frequency domain analysis of dynamic wave pressures on deeply embedded large cylinder structures due to random waves. Proceedings of the 12th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, KitaKyushu, Japan, 2002. [82] Liu HX, Zhang CH. Comparative study on anisotropic solid waves by time domain BEM and dynamic photoelasticity. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2001, 25(5): 439-454. [83] Liu HX, Zhang CH, Jin F, Li Z. Analytical and experimental study on wave propagation problems in anisotropic media. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(4): 289-296. [84] Liu HX, Zhang CH, Zhou XR. Wave propagation in fibre reinforced composite plate with circular hole under impact loading. Materials Science and Technology, 2001, 17(4): 472-476. [85] Liu HX, Zhang CH, Li Z, Zhou XR. Photoelastic studies for composite dynamics. Journal of Materials Science, 1999, 34: 3479-3487. |