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Ji Chunning

及春宁 教授 的个人资料


及春宁 /Ji Chunning










天津市津南区雅观路135号 天津大学北洋园校区43C401,300350








2003.04-2006.03 天津大学 港口、海岸及近海工程专业 博士

2000.09-2003.03 天津大学 港口、海岸及近海工程专业 硕士

1996.09-2000.06 河北澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 建筑工程专业 本科


2015.10-2016.10 美国密歇根大学 高级访问学者

2015.07-至今 天津大学 教授

2009.11-2011.10 英国Queen Mary,University of London 博士后(居里夫人人才项目)

2008.07-2015.06 天津大学 副教授

2008.06-2008.07 英国Queen Mary,University of London 访问学者

2006.04-2008.06 天津大学 讲师


结构力学、高等结构力学、海洋与海岸灾害、Computational Fluid Dynamics (全英文课程)




Hydro Science & Marine Engineering编委、Journal of Hydrodynamics编委、水动力学研究与进展编委。

Journal of Fluids and Structures, Journal of Computational Physics, Ocean Engineering, Physics of Fluids, Computers and Fluids, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,China Ocean Engineering、力学学报、水利学报、计算力学学报、浙江大学学报等审稿人,




居里夫人人才(第七框架计划),2009-2011,伦敦大学玛丽皇后澳门新葡京娱乐城 ,英国




(1) 复杂条件下海底管道局部冲刷和仿生水草缓流促淤细观过程及机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018.01-2021.12,项目负责人,650,000(人民币).

(2) Numerical Simulation of Sediment Entrainment,Marie Curie Action,the 7th European Community Framewk Programme (FP7),2009-2012,项目负责人,174,300(欧元).

(3) 弹性海底管道涡激振动与沙质海床三维局部冲刷耦合机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.01-2019.12,项目负责人,630,000(人民币).

(4) 新型潮流能利用装置水动力学研究与优化,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2015.01-2015.12,项目负责人,30,000(人民币).

(5) 流固耦合程序Y_CgLes_IBM在水利工程和海洋工程中的应用,四川大学水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室开放基金,项目负责人,80,000(人民币).

(6) 细长柔性海洋立管涡激振动数值模拟及其机理研究,天津市自然科学基金项目,2012.03-2015.03,项目负责人,80,000(人民币).

(7) 考虑横流向振动和尾流三维效应的海洋立管涡激振动机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2009.01-2011.12,项目负责人,200,000(人民币).

(8) 波浪结构物相互作用完全耦合模型基础研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,2008.01-2010.12,项目负责人,36,000(人民币).

(9) 基于虚拟区域法的涡激振动数值模拟研究,天津大学优秀青年教师基金(A类),2008.01-2010.12,项目负责人,150,000(人民币).

(10) 基于虚拟区域法的涡激振动数值模拟研究,天津大学优秀青年教师基金(B类),2008.01-2010.12,项目负责人,50,000(人民币).

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:


[1] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, J.J.R. Williams (2012). A novel iterative direct-forcing immersed boundary method and its finite volume applications, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 231, No. 4, pp. 1797-1821.

[2] Chen, W., Ji, C., Alam, M. M., Williams, J., & Xu, D. (2020). Numerical simulations of flow past three circular cylinders in equilateral-triangular arrangements. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 891. //doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2020.124.

[3] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, J. Ma, J.J.R. Williams (2013). Direct numerical simulation of sediment entrainment in turbulent channel flow. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 25, pp. 056601.

[4] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, D. Xu, J.J.R. Williams (2014). Saltation of particles in turbulent channel flow. Physical Review E, Vol. 89, No. 5, pp. 052202.

[5] W. Chen, C. Ji, W. Xu, S. Liu, J. Campbell (2015). Response and wake patterns of two side-by-side elastically supported circular cylinders in uniform laminar cross-flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 55, pp. 218-236.

[6] Chen WL, Ji CN, Williams JJR, Xu D, Yang LH, Cui YT (2018). Vortex-induced vibration of three tandem cylinders in laminar cross-flow: Vibration response and galloping mechanism, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 78: 215~238.

[7] W .Chen, C. Ji, D. Xu, N. Srinil (2019). Wake patterns of freely vibrating side-by-side circular cylinders in laminar flows. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 89, 82-95. //doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2019.02.013

[8] Chunning Ji, Yuting Cui, Dong Xu, Xiaoxiao Yang, and Narakorn Srinil (2019). Vortex-induced vibrations of dual-step cylinders with different diameter ratios in laminar flows. Physics of Fluids, 31, 073602. //doi.org/10.1063/1.5097730

[9] 及春宁, 花阳, 许栋, 邢国源, 陈威霖 (2018). 不同剪切率来流作用下柔性圆柱涡激振动数值模拟. 力学学报, 50(1): 21-31.

[10] 及春宁, 刘丹青, 许栋 (2015). 基于颗粒离散元的沙纹演变大涡模拟研究. 力学学报, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 613-623.


[1] Ji, C., Zhang, Z., Xu, D., & Srinil, N. (2020). Direct Numerical Simulations of Horizontally Oblique Flows Past Three-Dimensional Circular Cylinder Near a Plane Boundary. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 142(5).

[2] Chen, W., Ji, C., Xu, D., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Vortex-induced vibrations of two inline circular cylinders in proximity to a stationary wall. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 94, 102958.

[3] Chen, W., Ji, C., Xu, D., Zhang, Z & Wei, Y. (2020). Flow-induced vibrations of an equilateral triangular prism at various angles of attack, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 97, 103099.

[4] Ji, C., Yang, X., Yu, Y., Cui, Y., Srinil, N. (2020). Numerical simulations of flows around a dual step cylinder with different diameter ratios at low Reynolds number, European Journal of Mechanics/B Fluids, 79, 332–344.

[5] Zhang, B., Xu, D., Zhang, B., Ji, C., Munjiza, A., & Williams, J. (2020). Numerical investigation on the incipient motion of non-spherical sediment particles in bedload regime of open channel flows. Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-17.

[6] Chen, W., Ji, C., Xu, D. & Zhang, Z. (2020). Oscillation regimes and mechanisms in the vortex-induced vibrations of three circular cylinders with equilateral-triangular arrangements. Physics of Fluids, 32, 043602.

[7] Chen, W., Ji, C., Xu, D., An, H., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Flow-induced vibrations of two side-by-side circular cylinders at low Reynolds numbers. Physics of Fluids, 32(2), 023601.

[8] Zhang, Z., Ji, C., Alam, M. M., & Xu, D. (2020). DNS of vortex-induced vibrations of a yawed flexible cylinder near a plane boundary. Wind and Structures, 30(5), 465-474.

[9] Ji, C., Yang, X., Cui, Y., & Chen, W. (2020). Vortex dislocation characteristics of a dual-step cylinder in low-Re flow. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 62(4), 307-317.

[10] Chunning Ji, Xiaoxiao Yang, Yang Yu, Yuting Cui, Narakorn Srinil (2020). Numerical simulations of flows around a dual step cylinder with different diameter ratios at low Reynolds number, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids 79 (2020) 332–344.

[11] 陈威霖,及春宁,许栋, 徐晓黎(2020). 小直径附加圆柱对圆柱涡激振动抑制的参数优化.振动与冲击, 39(03): 24-29, 87.

[12] Weilin Chen , Chunning Ji , Md. Mahbub Alam and Dong Xu(2019). Flow-induced vibrations of three circular cylinders in an equilateral triangular arrangement subjected to cross-flow, Wind and Structures, 29(1), 43-53.

[13] Weilin Chen, Chunning Ji, Dong Xu, John Williams (2019). Two-degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder in the vicinity of a stationary wall, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91, 102728.

[14] Weilin Chen , Chunning Ji , Dong Xu (2019). Vortex-induced vibrations of two side-by-side circular cylinders with two degrees of freedom in laminar cross-flow, Computers and Fluids, 193, 104288.

[15] XU, D., JI, C. N., MUNJIZA, A., KALIVIOTIS, E., AVITAL, E., and WILLAMS, J (2019). Study on the packed volume-to-void ratio of idealized human red blood cells using a finite-discrete element method. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) 40: 737. //doi.org/10.1007/s10483-019-2473-6

[16] Wu, L., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Ji, C (2019). A meshless method by using radial basis function for numerical solutions of wave shoaling equation. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 31: 83. //doi.org/10.1007/s42241-019-0014-4

[17] Xu WH, Ji CN, Sun H, Ding WJ, Bernitsas, MM (2019). Flow-induced vibration of two elastically mounted tandem cylinders in cross-flow at subcritical Reynolds numbers, Ocean Engineering, 173, 375-387.

[18] 陈威霖,及春宁,许栋(2019). 不同控制角下附加圆柱对圆柱涡激振动影响.力学学报, 51(02): 432-440.

[19] 及春宁,谭沛森,仵柏衡(2019).静水中并列振荡双圆柱水动力学性能及机理.中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版) ,49(06):104-112.

[20] 张志猛,及春宁,许栋,陈威霖,杨枭枭(2019).上游圆柱固定条件下串列三圆柱涡激振动响应和尾流特性.水动力学研究与进展(A辑), 34(02): 174-183.

[21] 许栋, 张博曦, 及春宁, 王旭涛, 李龙兵 (2019). 梯级水库对南渡江干流底栖动物丰枯水期沿程变化的影响.水资源保护, 35(02): 60-66+84.

[22] 许栋, 许航维, 及春宁, 杨海滔, 张炳昌 (2019). 不可压粘性流体浸入边界直接力法及软件实现. 计算力学学报, 36(4): 520-527.

[23] 杨枭枭, 及春宁, 陈威霖, 张志猛 (2019). 三角形排列圆柱绕流尾流模式及其流体力特性.水动力学研究与进展(A辑), 34(01): 69-76.

[24] 张炳昌, 许栋, 及春宁, 白玉川 (2019). 大宽深比变曲率弯道水动力结构大涡模拟研究. 水力发电学报, 2019(10): 77-91.

[25] 王立强, 唐军务, 张琦彬, 及春宁, 许栋, 周伟, 商宁宁, 王国鹏(2019).水下不分散混凝土抗冲刷临界流速和凸起障碍物影响. 水运工程, 38(06): 43-49.

[26] Bangwen Zhang, Shaowu Li, Chunning Ji (2018). Numerical Simulation of Ripple Evolution under Turbulent Flow Using a Coupled LES and DPM Model. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(11), 04018067.

[27] Chunning Ji, Ziteng Peng, Md. Mahbub Alam, Weilin Chen, Dong Xu (2018). Vortex-induced vibration of a long flexible cylinder in uniform cross-flow, Wind and Structures, 26, 5, 267-277.

[28] Liu, XL, Yang, B, Ji, CN, Chen, Q, Song, MR (2018) Research on the Turbine Blade Vibration Base on the Immersed Boundary Method, Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 140(6), 061402.

[29] Bin Qin, Md. Mahbub Alam, Chunning Ji, Yang Liu, Shengjin Xu (2018). Flow-induced vibrations of two cylinders of different natural frequencies, Ocean Engineering, 155: 189~200.

[30] Ji CN, Xu WH, Sun H, Wang R, Ma CH, Bernitsas MM (2018). Interactive flow-induced vibrations of two staggered, low mass-ratio cylinders in the TrSL3 flow regime (2.5x104 [31] Xu WH, Ma Y, Ji CN, Sun C (2018). Laboratory measurements of vortex-induced vibrations of a yawed flexible cylinder at different yaw angles, Ocean Engineering, 154: 27~42.

[32] Xu WH, Ji CN, Sun H, Ding WJ, Bernitsas MM (2018). Flow-induced vibration and hydrokinetic power conversion of two staggered rough cylinders for 2.5x104 [33] Md. Mahbub Alam, Q. Zheng, J.F. Derakhshandeh, S. Rehman, C. Ji, F. Zafar (2018). On forces and phase lags between vortex sheddings from three tandem cylinders, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 69: 117-135.

[34] 陈威霖, 及春宁, 许栋 (2018). 低雷诺数下串列三圆柱涡激振动中的弛振现象及其影响因素. 力学学报, 50(4): 766-775.

[35] 及春宁, 邢国源, 张力, 许栋 (2018). 倾斜流作用下柔性立管涡激振动的数值模拟, 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 39(2): 324~331.

[36] 陈威霖, 及春宁, 许栋 (2018). 小间距比下串列双圆柱涡激振动数值模拟研究: 振动响应和流体力. 振动与冲击, 37(23), 261-269.

[37] 陈威霖, 及春宁, 许栋 (2018). 小间距比下串列双圆柱涡激振动数值模拟研究: 尾流和耦合机制. 振动与冲击, 37(23), 270-277.

[38] 徐晓黎, 及春宁, 张力, 陈威霖 (2108). 层流条件下并列三圆柱涡激振动响应与尾流形态. 计算力学学报, 35(05): 643-649.

[39] 许栋, 张博曦, 及春宁, 杨海滔, 季则舟, 张志强 (2018). 防风网扬尘庇护区湍流流场模拟数值边界条件. 环境工程学报, 12(10): 2825-2832.

[40] 许栋, 杨海滔, 及春宁, 王旭涛, 李龙兵 (2018). 梯级水库影响下南渡江干流浮游生物群落沿程变化. 水生态学杂志, 39(04): 63-72.

[41] 许栋, 黄雄合, 及春宁, 白玉川(2018).小角度斜向入流条件下复式断面明渠流速重分布线性理论. 应用数学和力学, 39(07): 785-797.

[42] 许栋, 杨海滔, 王迪, 及春宁, 白玉川, 季则舟(2018). 河道斜交桥墩壅水特性数值模拟研究.水力发电学报, 37(08): 55-63.

[43] 谢潇潇, 及春宁, John Williams(2018).低雷诺数下不同顶角三棱柱体绕流受力和尾涡脱落机制.水电能源科学, 36(06):73-76.

[44] 徐学军, 许栋, 徐善辉, 及春宁, 杜尊峰(2018).SPMT液压平板车车板变形有限元计算与仿真模拟. 起重运输机械, 2018(10):114-118.

[45] Singh, K. M., Avital, E. J., Williams, J. J. R., Ji, C., Bai, X., & Munjiza, A. (2017). On parallel pre‐conditioners for pressure poisson equation in les of complex geometry flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 83: 446–464.

[46] X. Liu, C. Ji, X. Xu, D. Xu, J.J.R. Williams (2017). Distribution characteristics of inertial sediment particles in the turbulent boundary layer of an open channel flow determined using Voronoï analysis, International Journal of Sediment Research, 32, 401–409.

[47] D. Xu, C. Ji, Y. Bai, X. Song (2017). Three-dimensional numerical investigation on the influence of geometric shape on flow in river bends, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 19(5): 666~685.

[48] Dong Xu, Chunning Ji, Eldad Avital, Efstathios Kaliviotis, Ante Munjiza, John Williams (2017). An Investigation on the Aggregation and Rheodynamics of Human Red Blood Cells Using High Performance Computations, Scientifica, 6524156, 1-10.

[49] Xu WH, Luan YS, Han QH, Ji CN, Cheng AK. (2017). The effect of yaw angle on VIV suppression for an inclined flexible cylinder fitted with helical strakes, Applied Ocean Research, 67: 263~276.

[50] W. Xu, J, Xu., Y. Wu, C. Ji. (2017). Study on pure IL viv of a free spanning pipeline under general boundary conditions. China Ocean Engineering, 31(1), 114-122.

[51] 徐万海, 栾英森, 李志彪, 及春宁 (2107). 倾斜柔性抑制圆柱的涡激振动特性, 天津大学学报, 50(6), 637-642.

[52] 李非凡, 及春宁, 许栋, 韩冰, 张海 (2017). 细长柔性立管涡激振动的数值模拟研究, 工程力学, 34(4), 221-230.

[53] 陈勇, 及春宁, 许栋. (2017). 复式断面明渠紊流三维直接数值模拟. 港工技术, 54(2), 1-5.

[54] 张力, 及春宁, 邢国源. (2017). 低雷诺数条件下并列三圆柱绕流的尾流模式和水动力系数研究. 水动力学研究与进展, 32(3), 263-272.

[55] 申振东, 许栋, 白玉川, 及春宁, Ante Munjiza (2017).基于联合有限元-离散元的混凝土重力坝破坏三维仿真模拟, 计算力学学报, 34(1): 49-56.

[56] 许栋, 王迪, 及春宁, 聂红涛, 符传君, 李龙兵 (2017). 海南南渡江下游二维水动力及水生态数值模拟简, 环境科学研究, 2017, 02: 214~223.

[57] 黄雄合, 许栋, 及春宁, 白玉川, 刘洪昌 (2017). 明渠砂质床面桩柱冲刷与导流防护试验研究, 水利水电技术, 2017.11, 48(11): 128~134.

[58] 韩冰, 及春宁, 刘爽, 陈威霖 (2016). 中等间距比条件下串列双圆柱流致振动数值模拟, 港工技术, 2016, 06: 1~6.

[59] 许栋, 及春宁, 白玉川 (2016). 基于生活实践的工程流体力学启发性教学初探. 力学与实践, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 195-198.

[60] 陈威霖, 及春宁 (2016). 单圆柱涡激振动中的振幅不连续和相位切换现象研究, 水动力学研究与进展, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 441-448.

[61] 及春宁, 陈威霖, 徐万海 (2016). 正方形顺排排列四圆柱流致振动响应研究, 振动与冲击, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 54-60.

[62] 许栋, D. PAyet, 及春宁, 徐斌, 白玉川, 刘红波 (2016). 基于浅水方程并行计算的城市洪水演进仿真模拟, 天津大学学报, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 341-348.

[63] 许栋, 徐彬, David PAyet, 白玉川, 及春宁 (2016). 基于GPU并行计算的浅水波运动数值模拟, 计算力学学报, 01, 114-121.

[64] W. Chen, C. Ji, R. Wang, D. Xu, J. Campbell (2015). Flow-induced vibrations of two side-by-side circular cylinders: Asymmetric vibration, symmetry hysteresis and near-wake patterns, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 110, pp. 244-257.

[65] D. Xu, Y. Bai, C. Ji, J.J.R. Williams (2015). Experimental study of the density influence on the incipient motion and erosion modes of muds in unidirectional flows: the case of Huangmaohai Estuary, Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 187-201.

[66] 及春宁, 李非凡, 陈威霖, 宋晓阳 (2015). 圆柱涡激振动研究进展与展望, 海洋技术学报, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 106-118.

[67] 陈威霖, 及春宁, 徐万海 (2015). 并列双圆柱流致振动的不对称振动和对称性迟滞研究, 力学学报, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 731-739.

[68] 宋晓阳, 及春宁, 许栋 (2015). 明渠湍流边界层中颗粒的运动与分布, 力学学报, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 231-241.

[69] 许栋,申振东,高喜峰,薛法兴,夏绪林,及春宁,防风网透流风空气动力学特性大涡数值模拟研究,计算力学学报,2015.8.15,(04):530~536

[70] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, D. Xu, J.J.R. Williams (2014). Numerical investigation of particle saltation in the bed-load regime. Science China Technological Sciences, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 1500–1511.

[71] 及春宁, 陈威霖, 宋晓阳, 许栋 (2014). 明渠紊流中泥沙颗粒输移的大涡模拟研究, 泥沙研究, No. 8, pp. 1-9.

[72] 及春宁, 陈威霖, 黄继露, 徐万海 (2014). 串列双圆柱流致振动的数值模拟及其耦合机制, 力学学报, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 862-870.

[73] 及春宁, 杨立红, 黄继露, 刘爽 (2014). 串列双圆柱流致振动数值模拟, 港工技术, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 1-6.

[74] 及春宁, 刘爽, 杨立红, 肖忠 (2014). 基于嵌入式迭代的高精度浸入边界法, 天津大学学报, No. 5, pp. 377-382.

[75] 肖忠, 王元战, 及春宁 (2014). 复合加载下软基上半圆堤结构稳定性分析, 岩土力学, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 789-794.

[76] D. Xu, E. Kaliviotis, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, C. Ji, J.J.R. Williams (2013). Large scale simulation of red blood cell aggregation in shear flows. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 1810-1817.

[77] 及春宁, 黄继露, 肖忠 (2013). 适用于浸入边界法的大涡模拟紊流壁面模型, 计算力学学报, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 828-833.

[78] 肖忠, 王元战, 及春宁 (2013). 基于极限平衡法的箱筒型基础防波堤稳定性分析, 岩土工程学报, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 828-833.

[79] 谭艳, 许栋, 白玉川, 及春宁 (2013). 关于圆柱绕流水动力特性的大涡数值模拟研究, 港工技术, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 5-8.

[80] C. Ji, Z. Xiao, Y. Wang, H. Wang (2011). Numerical investigation on vortex-induced vibration of an elastically mounted circular cylinder at low Reynolds number using the fictitious domain method. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 207-221.

[81] 肖忠, 王元战, 及春宁, 黄泰坤, 单旭 (2010). 波浪作用下加固软基上大圆筒结构稳定性分析, 岩土力学, Vol. 26, pp. 2648-2654.

[82] 及春宁, 王元战, 王建峰 (2009). 虚拟区域法在流固耦合问题中的应用, 力学学报, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 49-59.

[83] 肖忠, 王元战, 及春宁, 李元音, 谢善文 (2009). 筒型基础防波堤稳定性有限元数值分析, 土木工程学报, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 119-125.

[84] 田双珠, 李越松, 及春宁 (2009). 天津港典型软粘土蠕变试验研究, 水道港口, Vol. 6, pp. 024.

[85] C. Ji, Y. Shi (2008). Application of the Volume-of-Fluid method on unstructured quadrilateral mesh. Journal of Marine Science and Application, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-9.

[86] 及春宁, 郭磊, 师颖 (2008). 适用于具有复杂海底边界的自由表面流动模拟方法, 港工技术, Vol. 2, pp. 002.

[87] 及春宁, 张海, 郭磊 (2008). 冰激振动下海洋平台地基土的动力液化研究. 海洋通报, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 81-87.

[88] 王元战, 龚薇, 及春宁, 李元音, 谢善文 (2008). 基于粘性流模型的筒型基础防波堤波浪力数值分析. 海洋工程, Vol. 3, pp. 008.

[89] 黄旭东, 及春宁, 王雪松 (2008). 基于非结构化四边形网格的VOF法. 海洋技术, Vol. 2, pp. 015.

[90] 及春宁, 张海, 师颖 (2007). EP法中参数e的合理取值, 辽宁工程技术大学学报, Vol. 26, pp. 240-242.

[91] C. Ji, X. Dong, C. Zhao, Y. Wang (2007). A fully coupled fluid-structure interaction model based on Distributed Lagrange Multiplier/Fictitious Domain method. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 439-450.

[92] C. Ji, Y. Wang, Y. Shi (2005). Application of modified EP method in steady seepage analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 27-35.

[93] C. Ji, Y. Wang, J. Wang (2005). A novel VOF-type volume-tracking method for free-surface flows based on unstructured triangular mesh. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 529-538.

[94] S. Bie, W. Li, Z. Li, Z. Ren, C. Ji (2003). Experimental study on stability of breakwaters with penetrating box foundations. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 71-82.

[95] S. Bie, C. Ji, Z. Ren, Z. Li (2002). Study on floating properties and stability of air floated structures. China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 263-272.

[96] 别社安, 赵冲久, 及春宁, 任增金 (2002). 筒型基础海洋平台气浮拖航稳性分析, 天津大学学报, 2002, (02): 222~226.


[1] Chunning Ji (2019), Vortex dynamics in the wake of a dual-step cylinder in uniform & shear flows, Keynote lecture, International Symposium on High-Fidelity Computational Methods & Applications 2019 (HiFiCoMa 2019), 2019.12.13-16, Shanghai, China.


[1] Chunning Ji, Zhimeng Zhang, Dong Xu, Narakorn Srinil (2019). Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of flows past an inclined cylinder near a plane boundary, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2019), June 9-14, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland.

[2] Chunning Ji, Zhimeng Zhang, Md. Mahbub Alam and Dong Xu (2019). Three-dimensional DNS of vortex-induced vibrations of an inclined flexible cylinder near a plane boundary, The 2019 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ACEM19), September 17- 21, 2019, Jeju Island, Korea.

[3] Weilin Chen, Chunning Ji, Md. Mahbub Alam and Dong Xu (2018). Vortex-induced vibrations of three circular cylinders in an equilateral triangular arrangement subjected to cross-flow, The 2018 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ACEM18), August 27- 31, 2018, Incheon (Seoul), Korea.

[4] Ji, C., Zhang, Z., Xu, D., Fan, D. & Xu, W. (2018). Vortex-Induced Vibration of an isolated flexible cable in stepped flow with Re=4000: a numerical study, the 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV-7), Carry-le-Rouet (Marseille), France, July 3-6, 2018.

[5] Chen, W., Ji, C. & Xu, D. (2018). Wake patterns of two stationary/vibrating side-by-side circular cylinders in laminar flow, the 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV-7), Carry-le-Rouet (Marseille), France, July 3-6, 2018.

[6] 及春宁, 许栋, 宋晓阳, 陈威霖(2017). 基于紊流大涡模拟和颗粒离散元的沙纹演变模拟, 中国力学大会, 2017.8.13-16, 北京.

[7] 及春宁, 许栋, 陈威霖(2017). 嵌入式迭代浸入边界法及其在柔性植被明渠紊流数值模拟中的应用, 2017.8.13-16, 北京.

[8] 及春宁, 许栋, 陈威霖, 宋晓阳(2017). 基于 Voronoi 分析的紊流边界层中惯性离散颗粒分布特征研究, 中国力学大会, 2017.8.13-16, 北京.

[9] Chunning Ji, Ziteng Peng, Md. Mahbub Alam, Weilin Chen and Dong Xu (2017). Vortex-induced vibration of long flexible cylinder in uniform cross-flow, The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ACEM17), August 28- September 1, 2017, Ilsan (Seoul), Korea.

[10] Md. Mahbub Alam, J.F. Derakhshandeh, Q. Zheng, S. Rehman, Chunning Ji and F. Zafar (2017). The flow around three tandem circular cylinders, The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17), August 28- September 1, 2017, Ilsan (Seoul), Korea.

[11] C. Ji, W. Xu, H, Sun, M.M. Bernitsas (2017). Interactive flow-induced vibrations of two staggered, low mass- ratio cylinders in the TrSL3 flow regime (2.5x104 [12] W. Xu, C. Ji, H. Sun, W. Ding, M.M. Bernitsas (2017).Flow-Induced vibration (FIV) AND hydrokinetic power conversion of Two Staggered, Low Mass-Ratio Cylinders, with Passive Turbulence Control in the TrSL3 Flow Regime (2.5 x 10^4 [13] 许栋, 及春宁 (2016). 冲积河流多尺度水沙运动数值模拟, 第2届钱宁泥沙青年学术沙龙, 2016.8.20-2016.8.21, 清华大学.

[14] Dong Xu, Ji Chunning, Xu Bin, Bai Yuchuan (2015). Parallelized Numerical Simulation of Urban Flooding from Tsunami, the 8th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop (SCSTW-8), 2015.11.11-2015.11.13, Nanning, China.

[15] Dong Xu, Ji Chunning, John Williams (2015). Simulation of Fluid-Structural Interactions using LES and DEM, International Symposium on Meshfree Methods in Computational Hydraulics, 2015.12.8-2015.12.9, Shanghai, China.

[16] C. Ji, D. Liu, D. Xu, J.J.R. Williams (2014). Direct numerical simulation of particle saltation in the bed-load regime, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, ICSE2014, Perth, Australia, 2-4, December 2014

[17] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, J.J.R. Williams (2014). Direct numerical simulation of particle saltation in turbulent channel flow, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC2014, New York, USA, 17-21, August 2014.

[18] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, J.J.R. Williams (2013). Numerical Simulation of Bed-Load Transport in Turbulent Channel Flow. Proceedings of the 35th IAHR World Congress, IAHR2013, Chengdu, China, 8-13 September 2013.

[19] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, E. Avital, J.J.R. Williams (2013). Hydrodynamic Forces on Saltating Particles in Turbulent Channel Flow. Advances in River Sediment Research. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS2013, Kyoto, Japan, 2-5 September 2013.

[20] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, J.J.R. Williams (2012). Direct Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Turbulent Channel Flow. Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, CGJOINT2012, Keelung, Taiwan, 23-29 September 2012.

[21] C. Ji, A. Munjiza, J.J.R. Williams (2011). Numerical Simulation of Sediment Entrainment in Turbulent Channel Flow, UK Turbulence Consortium Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom, 7-9 September 2011.

[22] 及春宁, 王元战 (2006). 虚拟区域法在流固耦合中的应用, 中国石油总公司学术年会, 北京, 中国, 2006年6月1日.

[23] 及春宁, 王元战 (2006). 波浪与结构物相互作用完全耦合模型, 中国深海发展战略院士论坛, 上海, 中国, 2006年4月15日.


[1] 许栋,及春宁,吴淑雄,一种用于水流泥沙实验的可变形明渠弯道水槽装置,中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 103711101 B, 授权公告日 2016.02.24

[2] 及春宁, 许栋, 张金凤. 一种基于可变形支座的流致振动发电装置, 中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 104578671 B, 授权公告日 2017.02.22

[3] 及春宁, 张金凤, 许栋. 一种基于可变形双层透空箱型支座的流致振动发电装置, 中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 104564492 B, 授权公告日 2017.02.22

[4] 徐万海, 马烨璇, 及春宁, 杨钢. 可改变海洋立管束空间布置的涡激振动试验装置, 中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 105203297 B, 授权公告日 2017.11.21

[5] 徐万海, 马烨璇, 及春宁, 杨钢. 局部流速增大立管束空间布置可变的涡激振动试验装置,中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 105203283 B, 授权公告日 2017.11.28

[6] 徐万海, 马烨璇, 及春宁, 杨钢. 局部流速增大倾角阶梯来流海洋立管涡激振动试验装置,中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 105241623 B, 授权公告日 2018.02.27

[7] 臧志鹏, 及春宁, 陈同庆. 海底管道涡激振动试验装置和模拟方法, 中国, 发明专利, 授权公告号 CN 106679791 B, 授权公告日 2019.08.30


[1] 许栋, 及春宁, 张金凤, 徐彬. 履带运动式海流发电装置, 授权公告号: CN 204783440 U.

[2] 许栋, 及春宁, 张金凤, 徐彬. 主动旋流式自来水下水池防堵塞装置, 授权公告号: CN 204875978 U.

[3] 许栋, 徐彬, 黄雄合, 宛鹏, 刘堃, 苏俐珊, 杨璐璐, 及春宁. 一种海底管线浮球式柔性冲刷防护装置, 授权公告号: CN 204512795 U.



陈威霖(2017), 李非凡(2018), 陆程(2018), 张志猛(2019), 李建增(2019)


卫昱含(2018),宋立群(2018),殷彤(2018),王义瑄(2019), 毛志文(2019), 严雨浩(2019) , 宋木清(2019)


Md Akter-Uz-Zaman, Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Local Scour Around Submarine Pipelines Using Two-Phase Flow Model, 2020.

张晓娜, 细长斑海豹胡须涡激振动及其尾流循迹机理数值模拟研究, 2020.

彭子腾, 海底管道周围沙质海床三维局部冲刷数值模拟研究, 2020.

崔宇婷, 剪切流下双变截面圆柱绕流及涡激振动数值模拟研究, 2020.

Razibur Rahman, Characteristics of wake patterns and vortex induced vibration of three circular cylinders in a triangular arrangement at low Reynolds number, 2019.

张志猛, 不同来流倾角下近壁面圆柱绕流和涡激振动三维直接数值模拟研究, 2019.

杨枭枭, 低雷诺数下双变截面圆柱绕流及涡激振动数值模拟研究, 2019.

花阳, 近壁面圆柱绕流和涡激振动的三维数值模拟, 2018.

徐晓黎, 附加控制杆涡激振动发电装置能量获取及水动力特性研究, 2018.

邢国源, 倾斜流与剪切流中柔性立管涡激振动数值模拟, 2017.

张力, 并列三圆柱流致振动的数值模拟及其机理研究, 2017.

陈勇, 复式断面明渠中二次流与紊流拟序结构直接数值模拟研究, 2017.

刘丹青, 振荡流中串列双圆柱涡激振动数值模拟, 2016.

韩冰, 考虑振荡内流的细长柔性立管涡激振动数值模拟, 2016.

宋晓阳, 颗粒离散元和点球浸入边界法在泥沙输运研究中的应用, 2015.

陈威霖, 圆柱流致振动数值模拟及其机理研究, 2015.

李非凡, 考虑内流的细长柔性立管涡激振动数值模拟研究, 2015.

刘爽, 低雷诺数下并列圆柱涡激振动的数值模拟及其机理研究, 2014.

杨立红, 低雷诺数下串列多圆柱流致振动的数值模拟及其机理研究, 2014.

黄继露, 低雷诺数层流中串列双圆柱流致振动的数值模拟及其机理研究, 2013.

杜远征, 三维圆柱绕流及涡激振动的数值模拟, 2012.

王微微, 考虑平面旋转和顺流向振动的海洋立管涡激振动数值模拟, 2012.