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Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety

Online Seminar Series on Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety 

Lecture 1- Real-time predictive modelling machine learning and data assimilation in environmental problems

Presenter: Senior Researcher Fangxin Fang (Imperial College London) 

Lecture 2- AI modelling for air flows, pollution and COVID-19

Presenter: Prof. Christopher Pain (Imperial College London) 

Lecture 3- Numerical methods for solid mechanics and coupled fluid-solid problems

Presenter: Dr. Jiansheng Xiang (Imperial College London) 

Time: 15:00 -- 20:00, Thursday, September 15, 2022

Platform: Tencent Meeting, ID: 188 601 341

Inviter: Assoc. Prof. Ting Zhang