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Five Professors from School of Civil Engineering on World’s Top 2% Scientists List

Five professors from the School of Civil Engineering are on the World’s Top 2% Scientists List released by Stanford University, USA. They are Prof. Jiang Mingjing, Prof. Li Zhongxian, Prof. Liang Jianwen, Prof. Todorovska Maria I and Prof. Xia Kaiwen.

This database of 2020 Top-cited Scientists has been created by Prof. John P. A. Loannidis 's team at Stanford University. Based on six indicators, including citations, h-index and hm-index etc, the world's top 2% scientists were selected from nearly 7 million scientists in 22 disciplines and 176 sub-disciplines.

Prof. Jiang Mingjing and Prof. Li Zhongxian are among the list’s 901 scientists in Civil Engineering, 88 of whom are from China. Prof. Liang Jianwen and Prof. Todorovska Maria I were on the list in the subject of Strategic, Defense & Security Studies that features 360 scientists, including 6 from China.


By the School of Civil Engineering

Editor: Eva Yin