王力晨 副研究员 的个人资料 |
姓名(中文/汉语拼音) |
王力晨 /Wang Lichen |
职称 |
副研究员 |
职务 |
导师资格 |
所在系、所 |
土木工程系 |
通讯地址 |
天津市南开区卫津路92号天津大学附中东楼219 |
电子信箱 |
办公室电话 |
主要研究方向: |
1.CFRP拉索在索结构中的应用; 2.基于卷积神经网络的天花板震后损伤检测。 |
主要学历: |
2006-2010 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木工程系 土木工程 本科 2011-2017 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木工程系 结构工程 硕士 2013-2017 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木工程系 结构工程 博士(硕博连读) |
主要学术经历: |
2017-2019 东京大学生产技术研究所 建筑学 博士后研究员 2019-至今 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木系 副研究员 |
主要讲授课程: |
主要学术兼职: |
主要学术成就、奖励及荣誉: |
主要科研项目及角色: |
代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况: |
[1] Lichen Wang*, Ken’ichi Kawaguchi, Pujin Wang. Damaged ceiling detection and localization in large-span structures using convolutional neural networks. Automation in Construction, 2020, 116: 103230 (DOI: //doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2020.1032304) [2] Lichen Wang, Jie Xu, Qinghua Han*. Effects of cross-sectional size and shape on the longitudinal tensile and anchoring properties of CFRP cables. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2019, 31(5): 04019053-1-10 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002679) [3] Lichen Wang, Ken’ichi Kawaguchi, Jie Xu, Qinghua Han*. Effects of transverse constraints on the longitudinal compressive strength of unidirectional CFRP pultruded plates and rods. Composite Structures, 2019, 207C: 740-751(DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.09.071) [4] Lichen Wang, Jinyuan Zhang, Jie Xu, Qinghua Han*. Anchorage systems of CFRP cables in cable structures-A review, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 160: 82-99. (DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.10.134) [5] Qinghua Han, Lichen Wang, Jie Xu*. Test and numerical simulation of large angle wedge type of anchorage using transverse enhanced CFRP tendons for beam string structure. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 144: 225-237. (DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.150) [6] Qinghua Han, Lichen Wang, Jie Xu*. Effect of chamfering of cable clamp plate on shear behaviour of CFRP tendons. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 113: 324-333. (DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.03.069) [7] Qinghua Han, Lichen Wang, Jie Xu*. Experimental research on fracture behaviors of damaged CFRP tendons: Fracture mode and failure analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 112: 1013-1024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.03.036) [8] Qinghua Han, Lichen Wang, Jie Xu*, Alberto Carpinteri, Giuseppe Lacidogna. A robust method to estimate the b-value of the magnitude-frequency distribution of earthquakes. Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 2015, 81:103-110. (DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2015.09.004) [9] Qinghua Han, Lichen Wang, Jie Xu*. Experimental research on mechanical properties of transverse enhanced and high-temperature-resistant CFRP tendons for prestressed structure. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 98: 864-874. (DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2015.09.003) |