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Zhu Haitao

朱海涛 教授 的个人资料


朱海涛 /Zhu Haitao






Department of Civil Engineering


Dept of Civil Engineering, Tianjin Univ




结构振动,结构可靠性分析,复杂结构分析与设计,地下结构动力响应分析,超高压杆塔基础可靠性分析, 软土地基强夯加固


BEng in Building Engineering/Technical Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin (2002)

MSc in Civil Engineering, University of Macau, Macao SAR (2005)

PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Macau, Macao SAR (2009)



Smart Materials and Structures

Nonlinear Dynamics

Journal of Vibration and Control

IEEE Access

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics


International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Journal of Constructional Steel Research

Earthquakes and Structures, An International Journal

Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

Advances in Structural Engineering

Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, An International Journal

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics

Journal of Sound and Vibration

Archives of Mechanics

International Journal of Damage Mechanics


International Journal of Electronics and Communications

Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

Physica A

Central European Journal of Physics

Journal of the Franklin Institute

Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science




Member, Dynamics and Control Division, The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Member, Engineering Mechanics Institute, The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Member, Applied Mechanics Division, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)



代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:

1. H.T. Zhu*, Nonzero mean response of nonlinear oscillators excited by additive Poisson impulses, Nonlinear Dynamics, 69(4), 2181-2191, 2012.

2. H.T. Zhu*, Probabilistic solution of some multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear systems under independent Poisson white noises, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(6) 4550-4557, 2012.

3. H.T. Zhu*, G.K. Er, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, Probabilistic solution of nonlinear oscillators excited by combined Gaussian and Poisson white noises, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330(12) 2900-2909, 2011.

4. H.T. Zhu*, G.K. Er, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, Exponential-polynomial closure method for solving truncated Kolmogorov-Feller equation, International Journal of Computational Methods, 9(1) 1240018, 2012.

5. H.T. Zhu*, G.K. Er, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, Responses of nonlinear oscillators excited by nonzero - mean parametric Poisson impulses on displacement, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 138(5) 450-457, May 2012.

6. H.T. Zhu*, G.K. Er, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, EPC procedure for PDF solution of nonlinear oscillators excited by Poisson white noise, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 44(3) 304-310, 2009.

7. H.T. Zhu*, G.K. Er, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, Probability density function solution of nonlinear oscillators subjected to multiplicative Poisson pulse excitation on velocity, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 77(3) 1-7, May 2010.

8. H.T. Zhu*, Michael C.H. Yam, Angus C.C. Lam, V.P. Iu, The shear lag effects on welded steel single angle tension members, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 65(5) 1171-1186 2009.

9. G.K. Er, H.T. Zhu*, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, Nonzero mean PDF solution of nonlinear oscillators under external Gaussian white noise, Nonlinear Dynamics, 62(4) 743-750, 2010.

10. G.K. Er, H.T. Zhu*, V.P. Iu, and K.P. Kou, Probability density function solution to nonlinear ship roll motion excited by external Poisson white noise, SCIENCE CHINA-Technological Sciences, 54(5) 1121-1125, 2011.

11. G.K. Er, H.T. Zhu*, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, Probabilistic solution of nonlinear oscillators under external and parametric Poisson impulses, AIAA Journal, 46(11) 2839-2847, 2008.

12. G.K. Er, H.T. Zhu*, V.P. Iu, K.P. Kou, PDF solution of nonlinear oscillators subject to multiplicative Poisson pulse excitation on displacement, Nonlinear Dynamics, 55(4) 337-348, 2009.