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Liu Hongbo

刘红波 教授 的个人资料


刘红波 /Liu Hongbo



















2002.09-2006.07,燕山大学 土木工程 学士

2006.09-2011.06,天津大学 结构工程 博士(硕博连读)


2011.07-2013.09,天津大学 水利工程 博士后

2013.09-2017.06,澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,副教授


2014.03-至今, 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,硕士生导师

2015.03-至今, 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,博士生导师

2017.06-至今, 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,特聘研究员

2019.06-至今, 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,教授








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2) 中国建筑金属结构协会铝结构分会 秘书长

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4) 中国钢结构协会空间结构分会索结构专业委员会 委员

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6) 天津市钢结构学会 常务副秘书长

7) 全国现代结构工程学术研讨会组织委员会 副主任委员

8) 中国工程建设标准化协会轻钢结构委员会 委员

9) 中国钢结构协会空间结构分会专家委员会 委员

10) 中国建筑学会BIM技术学术委员会 委员

11) 天津市工程机械行业协会 常务理事

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13) 国际桥梁及结构工程协会

14) 《空间结构》核心期刊 编委

15) 《Engineering Structures》《Thin-Walled Structures》《Construction & Building Materials》等10余本国际SCI期刊审稿专家


1) 2019年度天津市科学技术进步二等奖

2) 2019年天津市优秀科技工作者

3) 2018年入选天津市人才发展特殊支持计划 “青年拔尖人才”

4) 2018年度天津市科学技术进步一等奖

5) 2017年度中国钢结构协会科技进步特等奖

6) 2017年度入选天津市“131”创新型人才第二层次

7) 2017年中国建筑业协会建设工程施工技术创新成果二等奖

8) 2017年度天津大学青年教工示范岗

9) 2015年度入选天津市创新人才推进计划青年科技优秀人才

10) 2015年教育部高校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步二等奖

11) 2015年度中国建筑金属结构学会优秀科技工作者

12) 2015年天津大学十佳杰出青年教工

13) 2014年度入选天津大学北洋青年学者计划

14) 2014年度河北省科学技术进步二等奖

15) 2014年度天津市科学技术进步一等奖

16) 2014年度天津大学教书育人先进工作者

17) 2014年度天津大学青年文明岗

18) 2013年度全国百篇优秀博士学位论文

19) 2013年天津市优秀博士学位论文

20) 2013年度中国钢结构协会科技进步特等奖

21) 2012年天津大学优秀博士学位论文

22) 2010年天津市王克昌文化科技创新奖

23) 2008年教育部高校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步二等奖


1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:锈损焊接空心球空间网格结构承载性能评估方法研究,2019~2022,项目负责人。

2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:火灾后焊接空心球空间网格结构残余力学性能研究,2017~2020,项目负责人。

3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:辐射-热-流多物理场耦合作用下大跨度钢结构非均匀时变温度效应研究,2013年~2015年,项目负责人。

4) 国家重点研发计划课题:高性能大直径高强耐候索预应力装配式节点开发及示范应用,2018~2021,子课题负责人。

5) 国家重点研发计划课题:基于BIM 的空间钢结构预拼装理论技术和自动监控系统的研究开发,2016~2019,子课题负责人。

6) 国家重点基础研究发展973计划课题:深海水下油气输送结构极端载荷作用机理研究,子课题负责人

7) 高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金:灾害天气下大跨度空间结构动态失效机理与灾后安全评估方法研究,2014年-2018年,项目负责人。

8) 第十五届高等院校霍英东青年教师基金:火灾后网架结构残余力学性能与安全评估方法研究,2016年-2018年,项目负责人。

9) 天津市自然科学基金:膜屋面下大跨钢结构太阳辐射非均匀温度效应研究,2016年-2019年,项目负责人。

10) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:强风作用下铝合金空间结构板式螺栓节点力学性能研究,2016年-2018年,项目负责人。

11) 天津市建交委科技项目:铝合金螺栓球节点网格结构成套技术开发与工程示范,2018年-2019年,项目负责人。

12) 天津市建交委科技项目:天津市地方标准《铝合金空间网格结构技术规程》编制,2015年-2017年,项目负责人。

13) 企业委托课题:铝合金空间网格结构技术开发,2015年-2019年,项目负责人

14) 中国博士后特别资助项目:风雪温耦联作用下大跨空间结构的动力特性与失效机理,2013年-2014年,项目负责人。

15) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:太阳辐射-内外对流耦合作用下大跨钢结构温度效应研究,2012年-2013年,项目负责人。

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:

[1] 刘红波,陈志华,王小盾,刘群. 扣件式钢管满堂支承体系承载性能与设计方法. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2017

[2] 陈志华,石永久,罗永峰,刘红波. 大跨度建筑结构原理与设计. 北京:人民交通出版社,2017.

[3] 刘红波,陈志华. 大跨度建筑结构太阳辐射非均匀温度效应. 北京:科学出版社,2016.

[4] 陈志华,刘红波译.《建筑师必读:结构工程》. 华中科技大学出版社,2015.

[5] 陈志华,刘红波,周婷等.《空间钢结构APDL参数化计算与分析》.北京:中国水利水电出版社,2009.

[6] Rui Ma, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Calculation method for the residual stability bearing capacity under axial compression of steel tube members exposed to a high temperature, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 132, 2018, Pages 475-493

[7] Hongbo Liu, Jiaojie Ying, Zhihua Chen, Yuan Zhou, Xiangyu Yan, Ultimate tensile and compressive performances of welded hollow spherical joints with H-beam, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 150, 2018, Pages 195-208

[8] Xiaoxiang Wang, Zhihua Chen, Hongbo Liu, Yujie Yu, Experimental study on stress relaxation properties of structural cables, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 175, 2018, Pages 777-789

[9] Ziao Liu, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Guoping Zhang, Structural behavior of cold-formed thick-walled rectangular steel columns, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 147, 2018, Pages 277-292

[10] Jie Lu, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Behavior of welded hollow spherical joints after exposure to ISO-834 standard fire, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 140,2018, Pages 108-124

[11] Xifeng Gao, Xupeng Zhang, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Hongqiang Li, Residual mechanical properties of stainless steels S30408 and S31608 after fire exposure, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 165, 2018,Pages 82-92

[12] Hongbo Liu, Dongyu Liu, Zhihua Chen, Yujie Yu, Post-fire residual slip resistance and shear capacity of high-strength bolted connection, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 138, 2017, Pages 65-71

[13] Hongbo Liu, Yizhe Ding, Zhihua Chen, Static stability behavior of aluminum alloy single-layer spherical latticed shell structure with Temcor joints, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 120, 2017, Pages 355-365

[14] Yujie Yu, Zhihua Chen, Hongbo Liu, Xiaoxiang Wang, Effects of strength-weakening oriented heat treatment on structural steel and its application on steel plate shear walls, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 151, 1 October 2017, Pages 827-839

[15] Hongbo Liu, Jie Lu, Zhihua Chen, Residual behavior of welded hollow spherical joints after exposure to elevated temperatures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 137, October 2017, Pages 102-118

[16] Jie Lu, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Post-fire mechanical properties of low-relaxation hot-dip galvanized prestressed steel wires, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 136, September 2017, Pages 110-127

[17] Jie Lu, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Luke Bisby, Experimental investigation of the residual mechanical properties of cast steels after exposure to elevated temperature, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 143, 15 July 2017, Pages 259-271

[18] Zhongwei Zhao, Hongbo Liu, Zhihua Chen, Thermal behavior of large-span reticulated domes covered by ETFE membrane roofs under solar radiation, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 115, June 2017, Pages 1-11

[19] Hongbo Liu, Xiangwei Liao, Zhihua Chen, Shan-Shan Huang, Post-fire residual mechanical properties of steel butt weld — Experimental study, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 129, February 2017, Pages 156-162

[20] Yujie Yu, Zhihua Chen, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Advanced approaches to calculate recovery length and force redistribution in semi-parallel wire cables with broken wires, Engineering Structures, Volume 131, 15 January 2017, Pages 44-56

[21] Dongyu Liu, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Zhihua Chen, Xiangwei Liao, Structural behavior of extreme thick-walled cold-formed square steel columns, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 128, January 2017, Pages 371-379

[22] Li Jia, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Zhihua Chen, Qun Liu, Suolin Wen, Mechanical properties of right-angle couplers in steel tube–coupler scaffolds, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 125, October 2016, Pages 43-60

[23] Hongbo Liu, Bo Li, Zhihua Chen, Ting Zhou, Qi Zhang, Solar radiation properties of common membrane roofs used in building structures, Materials & Design, Volume 105, 5 September 2016, Pages 268-277,

[24] Zhao, Zhongwei, Chen, Zhihua, Liu, Hongbo, Zhao, Bingzhen. Investigations on Influence of Erection Process on Buckling of Large Span Structures by a Novel Numerical Method. International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(3): 789-798.

[25] Zhihua Chen, Jie Lu, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Xiangwei Liao, Experimental investigation on the post-fire mechanical properties of structural aluminum alloys 6061-T6 and 7075-T73, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 106, September 2016, Pages 187-200

[26] Qi An, Qingying Ren, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Xiangyu Yan, Zhihua Chen, Dynamic performance characteristics of an innovative Cable Supported Beam Structure–Concrete Slab Composite Floor System under human-induced loads, Engineering Structures, Volume 117, 15 June 2016, Pages 40-57

[27] Jie Lu, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Zhihua Chen, Xiangwei Liao, Experimental investigation into the post-fire mechanical properties of hot-rolled and cold-formed steels, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 121, June 2016, Pages 291-310

[28] Zhihua Chen, Jie Lu, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Xiangwei Liao, Experimental study on the post-fire mechanical properties of high-strength steel tie rods, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 121, June 2016, Pages 311-329

[29] Zhao Zhongwei, Chen Zhihua, Wang Xiaodun, Hao Xu, Liu Hongbo. Wind-induced response of large-span structures based on pod-pseudo-excitation method. Advanced Steel Construction, 2016, 12(1): 1-16

[30] Hongbo Liu, Li Jia, Suolin Wen, Qun Liu, Gang Wang, Zhihua Chen, Experimental and theoretical studies on the stability of steel tube–coupler scaffolds with different connection joints, Engineering Structures, Volume 106, 1 January 2016, Pages 80-95

[31] Wang Zhe, Chen Zhihu, Liu Hongbo. On lateral buckling of subsea pipe-in-pipe systems. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2015, 15(4): 881-892

[32] Qi An, Zhihua Chen, Qingying Ren, Hongbo Liu, Xiangyu Yan, Control of human-induced vibration of an innovative CSBS–CSCFS, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 115, December 2015, Pages 359-371

[33] Zhihua Chen, Yujie Yu, Xiaodun Wang, Xiaofeng Wu, Hongbo Liu(通讯作者), Experimental research on bending performance of structural cable, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 96, 15 October 2015, Pages 279-288

[34] Zhe Wang, Zhihua Chen, Hongbo Liu, Numerical study on upheaval buckling of pipe-in-pipe systems with full contact imperfections, Engineering Structures, Volume 99, 15 September 2015, Pages 264-271

[35] Zhong-wei Zhao, Han Zhu, Hong-bo Liu(通讯作者), Zhihua Chen, Thermal and integral lifting analysis of a lattice shell lighting roof based on genetic algorithm and probabilistic design, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 112, September 2015, Pages 208-220

[36] Hongbo Liu, Xiangwei Liao, Zhihua Chen, Qian Zhang, Thermal behavior of spatial structures under solar irradiation, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 87, 5 August 2015, Pages 328-335

[37] Liu Hong-bo, Chen Zhi-hua, Xu Shuai, Bu Yi-du. Structural behavior of aluminum reticulated shell structures considering semi-rigid and skin effect, Structural Engineering and Mechanics , 2015.54(1):121-133

[38] Yan Ren-zhang, Chen Zhi-hua, Wang Xiao-dun, Liu Hong-bo, Xiao Xiao. A new equivalent friction element for analysis of cable supported structures, Steel and Composite Structures , 2015.18(4):947-970

[39] Chen Zhi-hua, Yan Ren-zhang, Wang Xiao-dun, Liu Hong-bo(通讯作者), Xiao Xiao. Experimental researches of a suspen-dome structure with rolling cable-strut joints, Advanced Steel Construction , 2015.11(1):15-38

[40] Liu Hong-bo, Han Qing-hua, Chen Zhi-hua, Wang Xiao-dun, Yan Ren-zhang, Zhao Bo. Precision control method for pre-stressing construction of suspen-dome structures, Advanced Steel Construction , 2014.10(4):404-425

[41] Liu Hong-bo, Chen Zhi-hua, Han Qing-hua, Chen Bin-Bin, Bu Yi-du. Study on the thermal behavior of aluminum reticulated shell structures considering solar radiation, Thin-Walled Structures, 2014.85:15-24

[42] Liu Hong-bo, Chen Zhi-hua, Chen Bin-bin, Xiao Xiao, Wang Xiao-dun. Studies on the temperature distribution of steel plates with different paints under solar radiation, Applied Thermal Engineering , 2014.71(1):342-354

[43] Yu Yu-jie, Chen Zhi-hua, Liu Hong-bo, Wang Xiao-dun. Finite element study of behavior and interface force conditions of seven-wire strand under axial and lateral loading. Construction and Building Materials, 2014.66:10-18

[44] Liu Hong-bo,Chen Zhi-hua,Zhou Ting. Temperature distribution and structural behavior of box-section arch structures under solar radiation. Advanced Steel Construction,2013.9(4):298-308

[45] Wang Xiaodun,Weng Kai,Liu Hongbo,Zhang Yulan,Chen Zhihua. Experimental study on the mechanical property of Visual bolt-ball joint system. Advances in Structural Engineering,2013. 16(10):1749-1761

[46] Liu Hong-bo, Chen Zhihua. Non-Uniform Thermal Behaviour of Suspen-Dome with Stacked Arch Structures [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2013, 16(6): 1001-1009.

[47] Liu Hong-bo,Chen Zhi-hua,Zhou Ting. Investigation on temperature distribution and thermal behavior of large span steel structures considering solar radiation. Advanced Steel Construction,2013. 9(1): 41-58

[48] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua. Research on effect of sliding between hoop cable and cable-strut joint on behavior of suspen-dome structures,Advanced Steel Construction,2012,8(4):359-365

[49] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua,Zhou Ting. Numerical and experimental investigation on the temperature distribution of steel tubes under solar radiation, Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2012,43(6):725-737

[50] Zhou Ting,Chen Zhihua,Liu Hongbo. Seismic behavior of special shaped column composed of concrete filled steel tubes,Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2012,75:131-141.

[51] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua. Structural behavior of the suspen-dome structures and the cable dome structures with sliding cable joints, Structural Engineering and Mechanics,2012,43(1):53-70.

[52] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua,Zhou Ting. Theoretical and experimental study on the temperature distribution of H-shaped steel members under solar radiation,Applied Thermal Engineering,2012,37:329-335.

[53] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua,Zhou Ting. Research on the Process of Pre-Stressing Construction of Suspen-Dome Considering Temperature Effect,Advances in Structural Engineering,2012,15(3):489-493.

[54] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua. Influence of cable sliding on the stability of suspen-dome with stacked arches structures,Advanced Steel Construction, 2012,8(1):54-70.

[55] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua,Wang Xiaodun. Simulation of Pre-Stressing Construction of Suspen-Dome Considering Sliding Friction Based Large Curvature Assumption, Advanced Science Letters,2011,4(8-10):2713-2718.

[56] Chen Zhihua,Liu Hongbo(通讯作者),Wang Xiaodun,Zhou Ting. Establishment and application of cable-sliding criterion equation,Advanced Steel Construction, 2011,7(2):131-143.

[57] Chen Zhihua,Zhou Ting,Liu Hongbo(通讯作者),Chen Yonghao,Wang Xiaodun. Experimental and Theoretical Study on Structural Behavior of Fabric Reinforced Concrete Sandwich Panels, Advanced Science Letters,2011,4(3):663-668.

[58] Liu Hongbo,Chen Zhihua,Wang Xiaodun,Zhou Ting. Theoretical analysis and experimental research on stability behavior of structural steel tube and coupler falsework with x-bracing. Advanced Steel Construction,2010,6(4): 946-962.

[59] Hongbo Liu,Qiuhong Zhao,Xiaodun Wang,Zhihua Chen. Experimental and Theoretical Study on Stability Behavior of Structural Steel Tube and Coupler Scaffold without X-bracing. Engineering Structures,2010,32(4):1003-1015.

[60] 贾莉,刘红波(通讯作者),陈志华,刘群,温锁林. 扣件式钢管满堂脚手架整体稳定试验与有限元分析[J]. 建筑结构学报,2017,06:114-122.

[61] 陈志华,卢杰,刘红波(通讯作者). 建筑用铝合金单次及反复受火后力学性能试验研究[J]. 建筑结构学报,2017,04:149-159+174.

[62] 刘红波,张智升,陈志华,陈强. 太阳辐射下钢板筒仓温度场与温度效应研究[J]. 建筑结构学报,2016,08:151-157.

[63] 刘红波,刘东宇,徐杰. 天津新港船闸桥锈蚀检测与结构性能评估[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),2015,S1:147-150.

[64] 赵中伟,陈志华,王小盾,刘红波,闫翔宇,曹景全,李根喜. 于家堡交通枢纽站房网壳施工仿真分析与监测[J]. 建筑结构学报,2015,01:136-142.

[65] 王哲,王小盾,陈志华,刘红波. 向心关节索杆体系弦支穹顶张拉模拟分析[J]. 建筑结构学报,2014,11:102-107.

[66] 陈志华,陈滨滨,刘红波(通讯作者). 钢结构常用涂料太阳辐射吸收系数试验研究[J]. 建筑结构学报,2014,05:81-87.

[67] 刘红波,陈志华,牛犇. 弦支穹顶结构施工过程数值模拟及施工监测[J]. 建筑结构学报,2012,12:79-84+129.

[68] 刘红波,陈志华,王小盾,刘群. 有剪刀撑扣件式钢管模板支架简化计算方法[J]. 土木建筑与环境工程,2011,04:65-72+79.

[69] 刘红波,陈志华,王小盾,周婷. 太阳辐射下弦支穹顶叠合拱结构的温度效应[J]. 天津大学学报,2010,08:705-711.

[70] 陈志华,刘红波,王小盾,周婷. 弦支穹顶结构研究综述[J]. 建筑结构学报,2010,S1:210-215.

[71] 刘红波,陈志华,周婷. 弦支穹顶结构预应力张拉的摩擦损失[J]. 天津大学学报,2009,12:1055-1060.