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Li Ning

李宁 教授 的个人资料


李宁 /Li Ning














动力学与控制(Dynamics and Control):

1)工程结构抗震/减震理论及其应用(Seismic Engineering, Structural Vibration Reduction and Control)

2)地震动灾害效应和工程波动(Damage Potential of Strong Ground Motion / Wave Propagation)

3)钢-混凝土组合结构、混凝土结构分析设计理论(Steel-Concrete Composite / Concrete Structure Theory)

4)地震模拟振动台试验和混合试验理论及方法(Shaking Table Testing / Hybrid Substructure Testing Method)

5)数据驱动/机器学习土木工程防灾(Data-driven / Machine-learning Civil Engineering Disaster Mitigation)


His mainly research topics including engineering seismic resistant analysis, vibration reduction and control.

He hosted and/or joined 16 national projects and/or provincial projects as project instructor and/or major researcher. It is worth noting that he is in charge of 3 NSFC projects. There are nearly 80 journal papers had been published, and 48 papers were indexed by SCI or EI. 5 National Invention Patents were granted. His research interests are including the damage effects of artificial strong ground motions with near-fault effect, long period effect and large residual displacement for bridge structures; the test method and theory of bridge structures considering coupled effect among shaking table, soil, fluid and the specimen; the bridge seismic performance and safety evaluation based on sustainability and resilience performance index; and so on. The candidate is trying to establish the hybrid testing framework, which combined with simulation and physical tests, for under water shaking table array facility in Tianjin University. All of these researches will fill the gap of experimental verification of bridges design method and theory considering the soil-, fluid-structure coupled effects and spatial seismic excitations at the same time. The achievements of this research are expected to accomplish the seismic test method and theory of bridge with FSI and SSI coupled effect and provide an important basis for the seismic performance design and safety of bridge structures in China.


2009年10月哈尔滨工业大学防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业博士研究生毕业Doctor of Engineering| Harbin Institute of Technology| Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering| 2009

2006年6月中国地震局工程力学研究所防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业硕士研究生毕业Master of Engineering| Institute of Engineering Mechanics, CEA| Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering| 2006

2004年6月哈尔滨工业大学土木工程/理论与应用力学专业毕业Bachelor of Engineering| Harbin Institute of Technology| Civil Engineering| 2004 & Bachelor of Science| Harbin Institute of Technology| Theory and Application of Mechanics| 2004


2017年-至今 天津大学土木系教授、博士生导师2017.7- School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University | Professor | Supervisor of PH.D student

2012年-2017年 天津大学土木系副教授2012.7-2017.6 School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University | Associate Professor

2009年-2012年 天津大学土木系讲师2009.10-2012.6 School of Civil Engineering | Tianjin University | Assistant Professor


工程抗震原理,本科生专业限选课,24学时;Seismic Resistant Design Principle, undergraduate course

高层建筑结构,本科生专业限选课,32学时;High-rise Building Design, undergraduate course

工程结构抗震理论与应用,硕士研究生专业课,32学时;Aseismic Engineering Structure, Master course

结构风工程,硕士研究生专业课,32学时。Structural Wind Engineering, Master course



Earthquake Engineering & Structure Dynamics; Engineering Structure; ACI Structural Journal; Construction and Building Material; Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration; Smart Structures and Systems, Advances in Structure Engineering; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering等刊物审稿人。























国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-JST 项目(中日)),桥梁结构地震灾害效应的精细化分析与损伤控制研究(51021140003),项目负责人:李忠献,2010.1-2012.12;



代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:

[1] Dan Zhang, Ning Li*, Zhong-Xian Li. Seismic performance of rapid repair RC bridge column with prestressed steel hoops and steel jacket. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. Submitted. 2020.

[2] Jin Li, Ning Li*. Optimization for post-disaster resilience of urban transport network using PGM and simulated attacks. Structural Safety. Submitted. 2020.

[3] Ning Li, Shuangcheng Zhang, Dan Zhang, Zhong-Xian Li. Energy dissipation and resilience of precast segmental concrete-filled steel tube self-centering column: parameter study and design. Engineering Structures. Submitted. 2020.

[4] 周子豪,李宁*,李忠献.基于实时混合试验误差累积规律的时滞影响修正方法.工程力学.已投稿.2020.EI

[5] Ning Li, Zihao Zhou, Zhong-Xian Li. Equivalent Inverse of Real Plant-based Controller Design Strategy for Real-time Hybrid Simulation. 2020, Journal of Vibration and Control, submitted. SCI/EI

[6] 李宁,陈浩,李忠献.非经典阻尼多点激励大跨度结构分析方法研究.工程力学.已投稿.2020.EI

[7] 李宁,刁泽民,李忠献.考虑震源特征的近断层脉冲型多维地震动模拟.振动与冲击.已投稿.2020.EI

[8] 寇峥,李宁*.基于NSGA-II的城市桥梁系统震后可恢复性分析与优化.工程力学.录用待刊.2020.EI

[9] Shuling Gao, Ning Li*, Lijun Yang, Chenhao Sang, Jinfeng Wang, Zhong-Xian Li, Lili Xie. Effect of heat input on the microstructure and mechanical properties of MAG welded Q960E high-strength steel butt joints. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Submitted. SCI/EI.

[10] 高树灵,李宁*,陈俊.水下振动台新型防水气枕的模拟与优化设计.天津大学学报(科学技术版).已投稿.2020.EI

[11] Ziqi Yang, Yang Lv, Ning Li, Zhongxian Li and Nawawi Chouw. Experimental assessment of slenderness effect on the seismic response of bridges with footing separation. Engineering Structures, submitted. SCI/EI

[12] Ning Li, Zihao Zhou, Zhong-Xian Li. Equivalent Inverse of Real Plant-based Controller Design Strategy for Real-time Hybrid Simulation. 2020, Journal of Vibration and Control, submitted. SCI/EI

[13] Dan Zhang, Ning Li*. Zhongxian Li, Lili Xie. Seismic Performance of Precast Segmental CFST Bridge Columns with Energy Dissipaters. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2019, submitted. SCI/EI

[14] Dan Zhang, Ning Li*. Zhongxian Li, Lili Xie. Seismic Performance of Bridge with Unbonded Posttensioned Self-Centering Segmental Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns: An Underwater Shaking Table Test. Soil Dynamic & Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 138,106350. (SCI/EI. doi: 10.1016/j.sdee.2020.106350)

[15] 李宁,车育文,李忠献.基于概率图的城市桥梁网络震后可恢复性分析方法.天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版).已投稿.2020.EI.

[16] 李宁,刘洪国,刘平 等.近断层竖向地震动特征统计分析.土木工程学报.2020,53(10):1-10.EI.

[17] Zihao Zhou, Ning Li*, Zhong-Xian Li, Bille F. Spencer Jr. Model-Based Control Strategy for High Fidelity RTHS with Dual Compensation: Time-Delay-Free Implementation and Uncertainty Elimination, 2020, Journal of Vibration and Control, Submitted. (SCI/EI, doi: )

[18] Dan Zhang, Ning Li*, Zhong-Xian Li, Li-li Xie. Experimental Investigation and Confinement Model of Composite Confined Concrete using Steel Jacket and Prestressed Steel Hoop. Construction & Building Materials. 2020, 256, Sep, 119399. (SCI/EI, doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119399)

[19] 李宁,陈俊,高树灵,韩庆华,李忠献.基于共享内存的过约束多自由度振动台解耦控制方法.振动工程学报,录用.2020.EI

[20] 李宁,周陈,周子豪,李忠献.二阶段在线迭代时滞补偿方法及试验验证,振动与冲击,2020,39(17):31-38.EI,

[21] Ping Liu, Ning Li*, Hua Ma, Lili Xie. Relative Energy Zero Ratio-Based Identification for Pulse-like Ground Motions, 2020, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2020, 19(1): 1-16. (SCI: KV1HY, WOS: 000520176100001, EI: 20200308051763, doi: 10.1007/s11803-020-0544-3)

[22] 李宁,董洁.重庆西站东站房安装过程关键施工技术.施工技术,2019,48(24):67-70.

[23] 李宁,张双城,李忠献,谢礼立.预制拼装钢管混凝土自复位桥墩变形分析模型及验证,工程力学,2020,38(4):135-143.doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2019.06.0321(EI).

[24] 张亚楠,尤克泉,孔兰兰,李宁*.新型层间报柱式悬臂吊装施工安全性探究.结构工程师,2019,35(5):214-219.

[25] 李宁,张孟孟,李忠献.配筋混凝土构件协调相似准则与试验研究.天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版).2019,52(11):1145-1154.(EI:20195207943622)

[26] Zhong-Xian Li; Kun Wu; Yundong Shi; Ning Li; Yang Ding. Experiments study on the interaction between water and cylindrical structure under earthquake action, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 188: 106330. (SCI/EI)

[27] 李宁,周子豪,李忠献.基于时滞追踪的实时混合试验自适应补偿方法.工程力学,2019,36(7):38-47.(EI:20193307313247)

[28] 李宁,史伟,谢礼立.公路桥梁震后可恢复性研究—以汶川地震为例.地震工程与工程振动.2018,38(S1):42-31.

[29] Zhong-Xian Li, Kun Wu, Yundong Shi, Ning Li, Yang Ding. Coordinative similitude law considering fluid-structure interaction for underwater shaking table tests. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2018, 47(11): 2315-2332. (SCI: WOS000440996300009 /EI:20183205658270)

[30] 刘平,李宁*,马华,李振宝,谢礼立.基于总输入能量谱与瞬时输入能量谱的设计谱修正.土木工程学报.2018,51(2):32-39.(EI:20182605375516)

[31] 李宁,史伟,谢礼立.考虑修/改造方案优选的桥梁震后可恢复性和可持续性研究.地震工程与工程振动.2018,38(1):1-9.

[32] 高营,李忠献,李宁.基于RSAPS平台的钢筋混凝土墩柱损伤分析.天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),2017,48(4):345-350.(EI:20172803930203)

[33] Ning Li, Bille F. Spencer Jr, Zhong-Xian Li. Model-based MDOF real-time hybrid simulation procedure considering time-delay effects.16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Jan 9-13, 2017. Santiago, Chile. Paper No. 4666.

[34] 李忠献,高营,李宁.基于结构精细化模拟分析平台的弯剪纤维单元模型.建筑结构学报.2016,37(9):69-77.(EI:20163802821752)

[35] 陈宇,李忠献,李宁.钢筋混凝土柱地震破坏分析的多尺度建模方法.工程力学.2016,33(6):46-53.(EI:20162702564018)

[36] 李宁,王建凯,李忠献.基于地震动预测模型的桥梁结构易损性分析.天津大学学报(自然科学版),2016,49(6):624-630.(EI:20162702560112)

[37] 高营,李忠献,李宁.基于RSAPS平台的隔震单元模型.工程力学,2016,33(4):144-149.(EI:20161902371647)

[38] 李忠献,陈宇,李宁.强震作用下钢筋混凝土连续梁桥倒塌破坏分析.地震工程与工程振动,2016,36(1):35-43.

[39] 李宁,李杨,李忠献*.基于向量IM的钢筋混凝土桥墩地震易损性分析.工程力学,2016,33(1):58-63+71.(EI:20160902037268)

[40] Ning Li, Zhong-Xian Li, B. F. Spencer, Jr. Development and Numerical Simulation of Sub-Structural Shaking Table Testing Framework Considering Soil/Fluid – Structure Coupling Effects. 6th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering 11th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology. August 1-2, 2015, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States.

[41] 陈宇,李忠献*,李宁.多介质体作用下近海桥梁的地震损伤分析.土木工程学报,2015,48(10):91-98,(EI:20154501501964).

[42] 丁阳,马瑞,李宁*.三维波流耦合水槽模拟模型.工程力学,2015,32(10):68-74+88,(EI:20154501520744).

[43] 丁阳,赖程钢,李宁*,李忠献.基于Hellinger-Reissner变分的混合单元的开发与应用[J].天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),2015,48(5):422-428.(EI:20152801027096)

[44] 丁阳,刘晨,李宁,李忠献.钢管混凝土柱-预应力混凝土梁T型节点抗震性能研究[J].建筑结构,2015,45(2):15-19.

[45] Li Zhong-Xian, Li Yang, Li Ning*. Vector-Intensity Measure Based Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Bridge Structures. Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration. 2014. 13(4): 695-706. (SCI: IDS AW9GU; EI: 20145200379500).

[46] 李宁,李忠献,李杨.近场作用下桥梁结构易损性曲面分析.地震工程与工程振动,2014,34(Suppl):307-312.

[47] 李忠献,李笑穹,李宁.空间相关多点多维地震动的模拟.地震工程与工程振动,2014,34(04):64-72.

[48] Ning Li,Zhongxian Li, Lili Xie. Seismic Analysis of RC Short Column Member with Modified CSMM, FA-STM, RA-STM Theory. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Vol II. 1442-1450. Oct 24-27, 2014. (CPCI-s: BF0WM)

[49] 李忠献,陈宇,李宁*.基于材料损伤的钢筋混凝土构件损伤模型.工程力学,2014,31(6):53-59.(EI: 20142617873616) .

[50] 李忠献,李杨,李宁*.RC桥墩抗震性能分析模型与验证.地震工程与工程震动,2014,34(1):71-80.

[51] 李宁,李忠献,丁阳.以高校创新能力提升为基点的研究生教学模式初探.高等教育研究,2013,(112):22-26.

[52] 刘平,李宁*,李忠献等.考虑天然地震特征的长周期人工地震动合成.土木工程学报,2013,46(12):41-47.(EI: 20140217179818).

[53] Longjun XU, Ning LI, Yujian XIE, Lili XIE. On equivalent response estimation of structural systems subjected to long-period ground motion. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2013, 19(5): 356-365. (EI: 20134416925949)

[54] LI Ning, LI Zhong-Xian, XIE Li-Li. A Fiber-Section Model Based Timoshenko Beam Element Using Shear-Bending Interdependent Shape Function. Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration. 2013, 12(3): 421-432. (SCI: IDS 213NG; EI: 20133816758108)

[55] 李宁,李忠献,谢礼立.基于UKF的双轴耦联Bouc-Wen模型识别与应用.工程力学,2013,30(7):1-6.(EI: 20133516670523).

[56] 李宁,李忠献,谢礼立.基于纤维截面的弯剪耦联薄壁墩柱模拟模型.天津大学学报,2013,46(8):686-692(EI: 20133916789999).

[57] 李忠献,王洪龙,李宁.考虑接头力学特性的盾构隧道地震响应分析.地震工程与工程振动.2012,32(6):166-173.

[58] Ning Li, Zhong-Xian Li, Xie Lili. Seismic Analysis of Rectangular Hollow Section RC Piers including Flexure-Shear Coupling Behavior. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Vol II. 1129-1136. Nov 17-19, 2012. (EI: 20135217126176).

[59] Zhong-Xian Li, Yulong Li, Xin Huang, Ning Li. Dynamic interaction between water and bridge pier under earthquake excitation. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Vol I. 106-120. Nov 17-19, 2012. (EI: 20135217126019).

[60] LI Ning, LI Zhong-Xian, XIE Li-Li. Flexure-Shear Coupling Fiber Model for the Nonlinear Analysis of Rectangular Hollow Section R/C Piers. 15th WCEE, Lisben, Portugal, Sep 24-28, 2012. Paper No. 2578.

[61] Ning Li, Zhong-Xian Li & Li-Li Xie. A Flexure-Shear Coupling Fiber-Section Model for the Cyclic Behavior of R/C Rectangular Hollow Section Bridge Piers. Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 374-377 (2012): 2009-2012. EI: 20114814560137.

[62] 李正,朱炳寅,李宁.基于ABAQUS的钢筋混凝土框架结构地震损伤分析.建筑结构,2011,41(S1):249-252.

[63] Li Ning, Zhai Changhai, Xie Lili. Seismic performance evaluation procedure of asymmetric plan structures. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2011, 18(3): 99-104. EI: 20113114199220.

[64] 李宁,翟长海,谢礼立.单向偏心结构的简化增量动力分析方法.工程力学,2011,28(5):8-12,EI:20112314043488.

[65] 李宁,翟长海,谢礼立.平面偏心结构的三维能力谱方法.计算力学学报.2011,28(1):113-118.EI:20111413898238.

[66] Zhai Changhai, Li Ning, Ma Yuhong, Xie Lili. P-Δ Effect on Inelastic Displacement Ratio Spectra for Seismic Structures. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series). 2011, 18(1): 107-112. EI: 20111613922414.

[67] Li Ning, Zhai Changhai, Li Zhongxian, et. al. Energy-Based Modal Pushover Procedure for Asymmetric Structures. Advances in Structure Engineering – An international Journal. 2010, 13(6): 1129-1138. EI: 20105113511034, SCI: 690HS.

[68] Ning Li, Zhong-Xian Li, Li-li Xie. Capacity Spectrum Method for Eccentric Buildings Based on Biaxial Constant Strength Spectra. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Vol I & II. 1070-1076. DEC 18-20, 2010. SCI/cPCI(ISTP): BVV39. WOS: 000292890600183

[69] 禚一,李忠献,李宁.基于FENAP平台的钢筋混凝土桥墩非线性动力分析.天津大学学报,2010,43(10):906-911.EI:20104613391058.

[70] 李宁,翟长海,谢礼立.基于等位移原理的二维能力谱方法.天津大学学报.2010,43(1):21-25.EI:20101212786282.

[71] 李宁,翟长海,谢礼立.基于能量的MPA结构性态评估方法.建筑结构学报,2009,30(6):101-106,EI: 20095312598032.

[72] 李宁,翟长海,谢礼立.基于MPA的单向偏心结构性态评估方法.哈尔滨工业大学学报.2009,41(8):30-34,78,EI: 20095312588736.

[73] Zhai Changhai, Liu Hongbo, Li Ning, Xie Lili. The hysteretic energy analysis of inelastic structures during the earthquake. Key Engineering Materials. 2007, 348-349: 365-368 (EI: 20073110716362).

[74] Li Ning, Xie Lili, Zhai Changhai. Comparison of perfectly matched layer and multi-transmitting formula artificial boundary condition based on hybrid finite element formulation. ACTA Seismological Sinica, 2007, 20(6): 684-695. 一级学报.

[75] 李宁,谢礼立,翟长海.基于混合有限单元格式的PML与MTF人工边界比较研究,地震学报,2007,29(6):643-653.一级学报.