

徐万海  教授/博导  个人资料


徐万海 /Xu Wanhai













[email protected]







2000/9 - 2004/7 吉林大学/数学澳门新葡京娱乐城   数学力学  理学学士学位;

2004/9 - 2009/9 中国科澳门新葡京娱乐城 大学  工程力学  硕士、博士学位;


2020/07 - 至 今  天津大学/澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 /船舶与海洋工程系 教授、博导;

2016/03 - 2017/03 密西根大学(安娜堡) 访问学者;

2013/07 - 2020/06 天津大学/澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 /船舶与海洋工程系 副教授;

2012/10 - 2014/10 天津大学/澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 /水利工程 博士后;

2009/10 - 2013/06 天津大学/澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 /船舶与海洋工程系 讲师;




[1] Journal of Hydrodynamics、船舶工程和水动力学研究与进展(A辑)编委;

[2] Ocean Engineering、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Composite Structures,Journal of Sound and Vibration、Applied Ocean Research、Engineering Structures、Journal of Fluids and Structures、Acta Mechanica Sinica, China Ocean Engineering、振动与冲击、海洋工程等审稿人;

[3] 中国科澳门新葡京娱乐城 大学兼职研究生导师;

[4] 海洋工程科学技术奖评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家、霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年科学奖及教育教学奖评审专家、教育部学位中心论文评审专家;









(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于机器学习的海洋立管束流激振动碰撞智能识别及冲击动力学特性研究,项目负责人;

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于VIVACE海流能发电技术的海洋立管涡激振动自利用-自控制理论与实验研究,项目负责人;

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:海底多跨悬空输流管道流-固-土多场耦合机理及涡激振动特性研究,项目负责人;

(4) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:脉动内流-立管-外流漩涡脱落流-固耦合系统的非线性动力学特性研究,项目负责人;

(5) 天津市自然科学基金面上项目:海洋柔性结构涡激振动及振动控制研究,项目负责人;

(6) 天津市自然科学基金青年项目:点吸式波浪能发电装置水动力性能研究,项目负责人;

(7) 教育部博士点基金新教师类基金项目:海洋立管的顺流向涡激振动研究,项目负责人;

(8) 企事业单位委托横向项目:海洋工程领域特种绳缆的研发,项目负责人;

(9) 企事业单位委托横向项目:深海管道压溃及止屈模型试验及深海多跨管道涡激振动及抑制装置模型试验,项目负责人;



[1] Wanhai Xu, Haokai Wu, Kun Jia, Enhao Wang. Numerical investigation into the effect of spacing on the flow-induced vibrations of two tandem circular cylinders at subcritical Reynolds numbers. Ocean Engineering,2021,236:109521.

[2] Wanhai Xu, Shuhai Zhang, Yexuan Ma, Bin Liu. Fluid forces acting on three and four long side-by-side flexible cylinders undergoing flow-induced vibration (FIV). Marine Structures, 2021, 75:102877

[3] Wanhai Xu, Shuhai Zhang, Yexuan Ma, Bin Liu, Junlei Wang. A study on the FIV hydrodynamic force coefficients of two staggered flexible cylinders via an inverse method. Ocean Engineering. 2021,219:108272.

[4] Wang, J., Gu, S., Abdelkefi, A., Xu, W. *, Lai, Y., Piezoelectric energy harvesting from flow-induced vibrations of a square cylinder at various angles of attack. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30(8): 08LT02

[5] Yexuan Ma, Yingsen Luan, Wanhai Xu*. Hydrodynamic features of three equally spaced, long flexible cylinders undergoing flow-induced vibration. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 2020,79: 386-400.

[6] Wude Xie, Xifeng Gao, Wanhai Xu*. Stability and nonlinear vibrations of a flexible pipe parametrically excited by the internal varying fluid density. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2020,36:206-219.

[7] Yan Lu, Yangyang Liao, Wanhai Xu*. An investigation on fatigue damage in a long flexible cylinder with multiple control rods experiencing a uniform flow. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 202:107175.

[8] XU Wanhai, YANG Meng, AI Huanan, HE Ming, LI Muhan. Application of helical strakes for suppressing the flow-induced vibration of two side-by-side long flexible cylinders. China Ocean Engineering, 2020, 34(2): 172-184.

[9] Xifeng Gao, Wude Xie, Wanhai Xu*, Xiaoyong Liu, Mengyue Zhang. Vortex-induced vibrations of a free-spanning pipe based on a nonlinear hysteretic soil model at the shoulders. China Ocean Engineering, 2020,34(3):328-340

[10] Wanhai Xu, Wenqi Qin, Yang Yu. Flow-induced vibration of two identical long flexible cylinders in a staggered arrangement. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,2020, 180:105637.

[11] 马烨璇,徐万海*,徐增伟. 基于多项式拟合的细长梁结构振动位移重构方法,振动与冲击,2020,39 (11): 152-157.

[12] 徐万海,李宇寒,闫术明,马烨璇. 海洋工程中柔性圆柱群的流激振动响应特性,海洋工程,2020,38(2):8-16.

[13] 高喜峰,徐增伟,徐万海*.导管架平台健康监测中的信号处理技术,海洋技术学报,2020,39(1):70-76.

[14] Wanhai Xu, Qiannan Zhang, Jiang Lai, Qicheng Wang, Yang Yu. Flow-induced vibration of two staggered flexible cylinders with unequal diameters. Ocean Engineering,2020,211:107523.

[15] Yexuan Ma, Wanhai Xu*, Tao Pang, Qicheng Wang, Jiang Lai. Dynamic characteristics of a slender flexible cylinder excited by concomitant vortex-induced vibration and time-varying axial tension. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020,485:115524.

[16] Wanhai Xu, Qiannan Zhang, Wenchen Ma, Enhao Wang. Response of two unequal-diameter flexible cylinders in a side-by-side arrangement: Characteristics of FIV. China Ocean Engineering, 2020,34:328-340.

[17] Yan Lu, Xiaolan Yu, Yangyang Liao, Wanhai Xu*. The influence of yaw angle on VIV fatigue damage of a yawed cylinder with or without helical strakes. Applied Ocean Research, 2020,102:102295

[18] Wanhai Xu, Yuhan Li, Wenchen Ma, Kai Liang, Yang Yu. Effects of spacing ratio on the FIV fatigue damage characteristics of a pair of tandem flexible cylinders. Applied Ocean Research ,2020,102:102299

[19] 高喜峰,翟立宾,徐万海*. 应用BP神经网络的柔性圆柱涡激振动预报,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2020,41(8): 1150-1155.

[20] Wanhai Xu, Yuhan Li, Kun Jia, Yang Yu. FIV induced fatigue damage of two side-by-side flexible cylinders in a uniform flow. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 217:107898.

[21] Wanhai Xu, Meng Yang, Enhao Wang, Hai Sun. Performance of single-cylinder VIVACE converter near a free surface. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 218:108168.

[22] Wanhai Xu, Qiannan Zhang, Yang Yu, Jiang Lai, Yuanjiang Chang. Interactions of two tandem flexible cylinders with different diameters undergoing flow-induced vibration. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 218:108148.

[23] 梁凯,王亚琼,徐万海*,周大可. 基于不同规范的CALM单点系泊系统锚链直径选型对比研究,海洋技术学报,2020,39(5):100-104.

[24] Meng Yang, Shuo Liu, Wanhai Xu, Jingyu Xu, Numerical and experimental studies of an oil slick recovery method that uses a free surface vortex. ACS Omega, 2020, 5(48):31332-31341.

[25] 徐万海,杨猛, 芦燕. 控制杆对柔性圆柱结构涡激振动的抑制效果研究, 船舶力学. 2019, 23(2):172-179.

[26] 徐万海, 罗浩,孙海. 近自由表面的海流能发电装置VIVACE流激振动特性研究.振动与冲击, 2019,38(4): 83-89.

[27] 高喜峰,廖宏运,徐万海*. 考虑非对称管土边界的海底悬跨管道涡激振动疲劳特性. 哈尔滨工程大学学报.2019,40(5): 960-966.

[28] Enhao Wang, Wanhai Xu*, Xifeng Gao, Liqin Liu, Kiran Ramesh,Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik. The effect of cubic stiffness nonlinearity on the vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers. Ocean Engineering,2019, 173: 12-27.

[29] Wanhai Xu, Chunning Ji, Hai Sun, Wenjun Ding, Michael M. Bernitsas. Flow induced vibration of two elastically mounted tandem cylinders in cross-flow at subcritical Reynolds numbers. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 173:375-387.

[30] 徐万海,马烨璇,张书海,高喜峰. 柔性圆柱结构涡激振动流体力系数识别方法综述. 中国海洋平台,2019,34(1):1-8.

[31] Qinghua Han, Yexuan Ma, Xinxin Feng, Wanhai Xu*. Displacement response reconstruction of slender flexible structures based on cubic spline fitting method. China Ocean Engineering, 2019,33(2):226-236.  

[32] Enhao Wang, Wanhai Xu*, Lidan Zhou, Atilla Incecik. Flow-induced vibrations of three and four long flexible cylinders in tandem arrangement: An experimental study. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 178:170-184.

[33] Yexuan Ma, Wanhai Xu*, Bin Liu. Dynamic response of three long flexible cylinders subjected to FIV in an equilateral-triangular configuration. Ocean Engineering, 2019,183:187-207.

[34] Ming He, Xifeng Gao, Wanhai Xu*, Bing Ren, Hongshu Wang. Potential application of submerged horizontal plate as a wave energy breakwater:A 2D study using the WCSPH method. Ocean Engineering,2019,185:27-46.

[35] Wude Xie, Xifeng Gao, Enhao Wang, Wanhai Xu, Yuchuan Bai. Vortex-induced vibrations of a pipe conveying variable density fluid. Ocean Engineering, 2019,183:453-468.

[36] Yan Lu, Yangyang Liao, Bin Liu, Wanhai Xu*. Cross-flow vortex-induced vibration reduction of a long flexible cylinder using 3 and 4 control rods with different configurations. Applied Ocean Research.2019,91:101900.

[37] Yexuan Ma, Wanhai Xu*, Libin Zhai, Huanan Ai. Hydrodynamic characteristics of two tandem flexible cylinders undergoing flow-induced vibration. Ocean Engineering,2019,193: 106587.

[38] Wanhai Xu, Ankang Cheng, Yexuan Ma, Xifeng Gao. Multi-mode flow-induced vibrations of two side-by-side slender flexible cylinders in uniform flow. Marine Structures, 2018, 57: 219-236.

[39] Wanhai Xu, Yexuan Ma, Ankang Cheng, Hao Yuan. Experimental investigation on multi-mode flow-induced vibrations of two long flexible cylinders in a tandem arrangement. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018,135:261-278.

[40] 徐万海, 栾英森, 余杨, 韩冰. 大倾角附螺旋列板倾斜圆柱涡激振动抑制分析. 工程力学,2018,35(1):236-245.

[41] LIU Liqin, LIU Yaliu, XU Wanhai*, LI Yan, TANG Yougang. A Semi-analytical Method for the PDFs of a Ship Rolling in Random Oblique Waves. China Ocean Engineering. 2018, 32(1):74-84.

[42] Wanhai Xu,Chunning Ji, Hai Sun, Wenjun Ding, Michael M. Bernitsas. Flow-induced vibration and hydrokinetic power conversion of two staggered rough cylinders in the TrsL3 flow regime (2.5×10^4<Re<1.2×10^5). Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2018,140:021905.

[43] Wanhai Xu, Yexuan Ma, Chunning Ji, Chao Sun. Laboratory measurements of vortex-induced vibrations of an inclined flexible cylinder at different yaw angles. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 154:27-42.

[44] GAO Xifeng, XIE Wude, XU Wanhai*, BAI Yuchuan, ZHU Haitao. A novel wake oscillator model for vortex-induced vibrations prediction of a cylinder considering the influence of Reynolds number. China Ocean Engineering, 2018, 32(2): 132-143.

[45] 徐万海,谢武德,高喜峰*,马烨璇. 考虑跨肩管土作用的悬跨管道涡激振动特性研究. 船舶力学,2018,22(4): 446-453.

[46] XU Wanhai, ZHANG Shuhai, ZHOU Lidan, GAO Xifeng. Use of helical strakes for FIV suppression of two inclined flexible cylinders in a side-by-side arrangement. China Ocean Engineering,2018,32(3):331-340.

[47] Qinghua Han, Yexuan Ma, Wanhai Xu*, Shuhai Zhang. A study on the hydrodynamic features of two side-by-side flexible cylinders undergoing flow-induced vibrations in a uniform flow. Marine Structures, 2018, 61,326-342.

[48] Yuchuan Bai, Wude Xie, Xifeng Gao, Wanhai Xu*. Dynamic analysis of a cantilevered pipe conveying fluid with density variation. Journal of Fluids and Structures,2018,81:638-655.

[49] Liqin Liu, Haixiang Zhao, Wanhai Xu*, Rui Yuan, Ying Guo. Structural Strength Analysis of a Tri-Floater Floating Foundation for Offshore VAWT. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2018, 17(4): 753-762.

[50] XU Wanhai, QIN Wenqi, HE Ming, GAO Xifeng. Passive VIV reduction of an inclined flexible cylinder by means of helical strakes with round-section. China Ocean Engineering, 2018, 32(4): 413-421.

[51] 徐万海,马烨璇,张书海,刘彬.圆柱顺流向涡激振动响应及流体力特征分析. 哈尔滨工程大学学报,2018,39(12):1902-1909.

[52] Ming He, Wanhai Xu*, Xifeng gao, Bing Ren. The layout of submerged horizontal plate breakwater (SHPB) with respect to the tidal-level variation. Coastal Engineering Journal, 2018, 60(3):280-298.

[53] Qinghua Han, Yexuan Ma, Wanhai Xu*, Dixia Fan, Enhao Wang. Hydrodynamic characteristics of an inclined slender flexible cylinder subjected to vortex-induced vibration. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 148,352-365.

[54] Wanhai Xu, Yang Yu, Enhao Wang, Lidan Zhou. Flow-induced vibration (FIV) suppression of two tandem long flexible cylinders attached with helical strakes. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 169:49-69.

[55] Wanhai Xu, Shuhai Zhang, Bin Liu, Enhao Wang, Yin Bai. An experimental study on flow-induced vibration of three and four side-by-side long flexible cylinders. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 169:492-510.

[56] XU Wanhai, XU Jingyu, WU Yingxiang, JI Chunning. Study on pure IL VIV of a free spanning pipeline under general boundary conditions. China ocean engineering, 2017, 31(1): 114-122.

[57] Qinghua Han, Yexuan Ma, Wanhai Xu*, Yan Lu. Dynamic characteristic of an inclined flexible cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibrations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017 394:306-320.

[58] Wanhai Xu, Chunning Ji, Hai Sun, Wenjun Ding, Michael M. Bernitsas. Flow-induced vibration (FIV) and hydrokinetic power conversion of two staggered, low mass-ratio cylinders, with passive turbulence control in the trsl3 flow regime (2.5×10^4<Re<1.2×10^5). Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 25-30, 2017, Trondheim, Norway. OMAE2017-62693.

[59] XU Wanhai, LUAN Yingsen, LIU Liqin, WU Yingxiang. Influences of the helical strake cross-section shape on vortex-induced vibrations suppression for a long flexible cylinder. China Ocean Engineering, 2017, 31(4):438-446.

[60] 徐万海,马烨璇,罗浩,栾英森. 柔性圆柱涡激振动流体力系数识别及其特性.力学学报, 2017, 94(4):818-827.

[61] Wanhai Xu, Yingsen Luan, Qinghua Han, Chunning Ji, Ankang Cheng. The effect of yaw angle on VIV suppression for an inclined flexible cylinder fitted with helical strakes. Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 67:263-276.

[62] 徐万海,谢武德,高喜峰,马烨璇. 海底多段悬跨管道涡激振动特性分析.船舶力学, 2017,21(8): 1025-1034.

[63] 高喜峰,周丽丹,徐万海*,马烨璇,吴梦宁. 圆柱结构涡激振动拖曳水池实验研究. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(23): 131-136.

[64] 徐万海,马烨璇,杜杰,罗浩. 45度大倾角倾斜柔性圆柱涡激振动不相关原则实验验证. 振动与冲击,2017,36 (7): 177-183.

[65] 及春宁,陈威霖,徐万海.正方形顺排排列四圆柱流致振动响应研究. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(11):54-60.

[66] 陈威霖,及春宁,徐万海.并列双圆柱流致振动的不对称性振动和对称性迟滞研究.力学学报,2015,47(5):731-739.

[67] 高喜峰,谢武德,徐万海*.多跨海底管道横流向涡激振动预报模型. 海洋工程,2016, 34(2): 48-53. 

[68] Weilin Chen, Chunning Ji, Wanhai Xu, Shuang Liu, Jordan Campbell. Response and wake patterns of two side-by-side elastically supported circular cylinders in uniform laminar cross-flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures ,2015,55: 218-236.

[69] 徐万海,谢武德,高喜峰,任钟书. 非对称管-土边界的海底悬跨管道涡激振动特性. 地震工程学报,2014,36(4):771-775.

[70] 及春宁, 陈威霖, 黄继露, 徐万海*. 串列双圆柱流致振动的数值模拟及其耦合机制.力学学报, 2014,46(6):862-870.

[71] XU Wanhai, YU Jianxing, LIU Jian, HUANG Xin. Pure in-line vortex induced-vibrations of a free spanning pipeline conveying fluid. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2013, 17(12): 1481-1489.

[72] 徐万海,许晶禹,吴应湘.圆柱结构顺流向第一不稳定区内涡激振动的研究. 水动力学研究与进展A辑,2013,28(2):123-127.

[73] Wanhai Xu, Xifeng Gao, Jie Du. The prediction of in-line vortex-induced vibration for slender marine structures. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2012, 28(5):1303-1308.

[74] XU Wanhai, YU Jian-xing, DU Jie, CHENG Ankang. Prediction of streamwise Flow-Induced Vibration of a circular cylinder in the first instability range. China Ocean Engineering, 2012, 26(4):555-564.

[75] XU Wanhai, DU Jie, YU Jianxing, LI Jingcheng. Wake oscillator model proposed for the stream-wise Vortex-Induced Vibration of a circular cylinder in the second excitation region. Chinese Physics Letters,2011,28(12):124704.

[76] 徐万海,吴应湘,钟兴福,何杨,刘培林,冯现洪.海洋细长结构参数激励不稳定区的确定方法.振动与冲击,2011,30(9):79-83.

[77] XU Wanhai, WU Yingxiang, ZENG Xiaohui, ZHONG Xingfu, YU Jianxing. A new wake oscillator model for predicting vortex induced vibration of a circular cylinder. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2010, 22(3):381-386.

[78] 吴应湘,徐万海,钟兴福. 海洋立管的涡激振动模型预测方法.中国造船, 2010,51(2):40-44.

[79] 徐万海, 曾晓辉, 吴应湘. 深水张力腿平台与系泊系统的耦合动力响应. 振动与冲击, 2009, 28(2): 145-150.

[80] Wanhai Xu, Xiaohui Zeng, Yingxiang Wu. High aspect ratio (L/D) riser VIV prediction using wake-oscillator model. Ocean Engineering, 2008, 35:1769-1774.

[81] Xu Wanhai, Zeng Xiaohui, Wu Yingxiang. Hill instability analysis of TLP tether subjected to combined platform surge and heave motions. China Ocean Engineering, 2008, 22(4): 533-546.

[82] 徐万海,曾晓辉,吴应湘. 张力腿线性与非线性模型的比较研究. 振动与冲击, 2008,27(5): 134-138.

[83] 徐万海,曾晓辉,吴应湘.海洋平台张力腿的非线性动力响应. 海洋工程, 2008,26(2):11-15.