

臧志鹏 副教授 的个人资料


臧志鹏 /Zang Zhipeng











[email protected]











2011.01-2012.09,中国科澳门新葡京娱乐城 力学研究所,助理研究员

2012.09-2016.08,中国科澳门新葡京娱乐城 力学研究所,副研究员

2016.08-2023.12  澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,副教授

2024.01-至今     澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 ,特聘研究员(英才副教授)







国际海洋和极地工程师协会 技术委员会委员(ISOPE TPC member);《China Ocean Engineering 》青年编委;《中国海洋平台》《船舶工程》编委;《海洋工程》青年编委;《Water》客座编委





  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,内波底流作用下海底沙波运移演变及海管动态悬跨稳定性研究,2024.01-2027.12,负责。

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,浮式梳式防波堤水动力学特性及集成振荡浮子波浪能装置俘获效率研究,2020.01-2023.12,负责。

  3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,深海土与油气管缆的相互作用,2019.01-2023.12,参加。

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,波流联合作用下海底砂波动力演变及其对管道悬空特性的影响,2016.01-2019.12,负责。

  5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,海底管线冲刷悬空扩展与涡激振动诱发机理研究,2012.01-2014.12,负责。

  6. 中国科澳门新葡京娱乐城 仪器设备功能开发项目,基于主动视觉成像原理的水下地形动态演变测量系统,2013.09-2015.09月,负责

  7. 海洋工程国家重点实验室研究基金,海底沙波区悬空管道的涡激振动特性及抑制研究,2017.01-2018.12,负责。

  8. 水力学与山区河流保护开发国家重点实验室开放基金,考虑渗流力影响的波流下粉沙运动及桩基冲刷研究,2017.01-2018.12,负责。

  9. 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室开放项目,考虑渗流力影响的波流联合作用下泥沙运动特性研究,2014.04-2016.04,负责。


  1. 觉华岛跨海供水管道修复工程海床稳定性研究,2023.11-2024.06,负责。

  2. 自升式平台桩靴基础冲刷试验研究,2023.05-2023.12,负责。

  3. 渤海海域大气-海流-波浪耦合数值模型与后报数据库开发,2023.08-2024.10,负责。

  4. 福建泉州市泉港区海洋生态保护修复项目潮流泥沙数值模拟,2023.04-2023.06,负责。

  5. 沙波沙脊运移与海底管道相互作用机理和试验研究,2022.10-2025.06,负责

  6. 普陀区本岛片东海岸海洋生态保护修复项目前期潮流泥沙数值,2022.02-2022.10,负责

  7. 惠安县崇武半岛、小岞半岛海洋生态保护修复项目水动力数值研究,2021.05-2021.12,负责。

  8. 泉港区海岸带保护修复工程水动力数值研究,2021.03-2021.10,负责。

  9. 半潜式风电基础稳定性试验研究,2020.10-2021.06,负责。

  10. 陆丰区域海底沙波稳定性数值研究,2018.12-2020.12,负责。

  11. 垦利3-2至东营终端海管跨越航道改造项目落锚和拖锚试验分析及数模开发,2018.10-2020.12,负责。

  12. 礁坪消能水动力模型试验,2019.10-2010.10,负责。

  13. 波流作用下南海北部海域海床冲淤稳定及其对海底管道影响模型研究,2017.12-2018.12,负责。

  14. 多载荷作用下自升式钻井平台隔水导管模型试验研究,2017.10-2017.12,负责。

  15. 东方13-2气田群开发工程砂脊砂波及路由海床稳定性研究,2014.09-2016.01,参加。

  16. 海南8海底管线临界悬跨长度研究,2013.10-2015.01,参加。

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:






  1. Zang Zhipeng, Zhao M*, Chen EB, Zhang Q. (2024). Numerical modeling of local scour around a subsea pipeline on cohesive seabed under steady currents. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2024.2340649. (SCI)

  2. Zhao L, Zang Zhipeng*, Bo Z, Zhao M. (2024).  Numerical Study on Vibration Characteristics and Vortex Shedding Modes of Piggyback Pipelines at Low Reynolds Numbers. China Ocean Engineering. Accepted. (SCI)

  3. Zang Zhipeng*, Tian R, Xie BT, Zou X, Zhang JF. (2024). Numerical Investigations on Evolution Characteristics of Sand waves under Current and Waves at Various Interaction Angles. China Ocean Engineering. Accepted. (SCI)

  4. Zang Zhipeng*, Fang Z, Qiao K, Zhao L, Zhou T. (2024). Numerical Study on Wave Dissipation and Mooring Force of a Horizontal Multi-Cylinder Floating Breakwater. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,12, 449. (SCI)

  5. ,,,臧志鹏*.(2024).一种浮式梳式防波堤消浪性能试验研究.船舶工程. 

  6. Zou X, Xie BT, Zang Zhipeng*, Chen EB, Hou J. (2023). Vortex-Induced Vibration and Fatigue Damage Assessment for a Submarine Pipeline on a Sand Wave Seabed. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,11, 2031. (SCI)

  7. Wang Z, Fang Z, Zang Zhipeng*, Zhang J. (2023). Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Fixed Comb-Type Floating Breakwater. Water,15, 2689. (SCI)

  8. Zang Zhipeng*, Xie BT,  Cheng L, He F, Zhang JF. (2023). Numerical investigations on the transient behavior of sand waves in Beibu Gulf under normal and extreme sea conditions. China Ocean Engineering, 37(2), 1-15. (SCI)

  9. Zang Zhipeng*,  Zhang YP, Chen TQ, Xie BT, Zou X. (2023). Numerical simulation of propagation of internal waves on the continental slope and its influence on sediment transport. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11, 517. (SCI)

  10. Yao HY, Zang Zhipeng, Fang Z, Tian YH, Cheng N. (2023). Investigation of the optimal interaction zone length for a large wave-current flume. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 27(6), 835-847. (EI)

  11. 臧志鹏*,许振,邹星,侯静.(2023). 块石和混凝土排垫保护下海底管道落锚撞击变形响应研究.海洋工程, 41(4), 114-126. 

  12. Zang Zhipeng*, Chen ZX, Zhao M, Xu WH, Chen YF, (2022). Experimental study on dynamic responses of a tensioned flexible vertical cylinder under waves and combined current and waves. Ocean Engineering, 266, 113159. (SCI)

  13. Zhang F, Zang Zhipeng*, Zhao M, Zhang JF, Xie BT, Zou X (2022). Numerical Investigations on Scour and Flow around Two Crossing Pipelines on a Sandy Seabed. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(12), 2019. (SCI)

  14. Zhang CH, Zang Zhipeng*, Zhao M, Chen YF, Zhang JF. (2022). Investigations on the Effectiveness of Protection Methods for a Submarine Pipeline Exposed to the Impact of a Falling Anchor. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 1159. (SCI)

  15. 陈志雄,臧志鹏*,王琮,张庆河,张金凤. (2022). 有限水深多载荷作用下细长圆管水动力响应试验研究.船舶力学,26(8), 1160-1170. (EI)

  16. Zang Zhipeng*, Chen YF, Zhang JF, Tian YH, Dolores Esteban M. (2021). Experimental study on local scour and onset of VIV of a pipeline on a silty seabed under steady currents. Applied Ocean Research, 109, 102560.(SCI)

  17. Fang Z, Cheng L, Zang Zhipeng*, Shen C, Tian YH, Cheng N. (2021).Numerical investigations on hydrodynamic performance of an open comb-type breakwater under medium water levels. China Ocean Engineering, 35(6), 866–877. (SCI)

  18. Chen YF*, Dong SH, Zang Zhipeng, Gao M. et al. (2021). Collapse failure and capacity of subsea pipelines with complex corrosion defects. Engineering Failure Analysis, 123, 105266. (SCI)

  19. Chen YF*, Dong SH, Zang Zhipeng, Ao C., et al.(2021).Buckling analysis of subsea pipeline with idealized corrosion defects using homotopy analysis method. Ocean Engieering, 234, 108865. (SCI)

  20. Chen YF*, Zang Zhipeng, Dong SH, Ao C., et al. (2021). Flapwise Bending Vibbration Analysis of Ratating Tapered Rayleigh Beams for the Application of Offshore Wind Tubbine Blades. China Ocean Engineering, 35(4), 544-553. (SCI)

  21. Chen YF*, Dong SH, Zang Zhipeng, Gao M. et al. (2020). Free transverse vibrational analysis of axially functionally graged tapered beams via the variational iteration approach. Journal of Vibration and Control, 27(11-12), 1265-1280. (SCI)

  22. Sun CL, Azmi AM, Zhou TM*, Zhu HJ, Zang Zhipeng. Experimental study on wake flow structures of screen cylinders using PIV. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 85, 108643. (SCI)

  23. Zang Zhipeng∗, Tang GQ, Chen YF, Cheng L, Zhang JF. (2019). Predictions of the equilibrium depth and time scale of local scour below a partially buried pipeline under oblique currents and waves. Coastal Engineering, 150, 94-107. (SCI)

  24. Carmen Lacasa M, Dolores Esteban M*, José-Santos López-Gutiérrez, Vicente Negro, Zang Zhipeng. (2019). Feasibility Study of the Installation of Wave Energy Converters in Existing Breakwaters in the North of Spain. Applied Sciences, 9, 5225. (SCI).  

  25. Wang C*, Sun YF, Liu ZW, Zhou QK, Zang Zhipeng. Experimental study on the formation and migration of submarine sandwaves under wave-only and combined wave-current conditions. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology//doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2019.1699210. 

  26. Zang Zhipeng∗, Zhang QH, Qi Y, Fu XY.(2018).Hydrodynamic responses and efficiency analyses of a heaving-buoy wave energy converter with PTO damping in regular and irregular waves. Renewable Energy, 116, 527-542. (SCI)

  27. Zang Zhipeng, Fang Z*, Zhang NC. (2018). Flow mechanism of impulsive wave forces and improvement on hydrodynamic performance of a comb-type breakwater. Coastal Engineering, 133, 142-158. (SCI)

  28. Chen YF*, Dong SH, Zang Zhipeng, Zhang Q.(2018).Variational Iteration Approach for Flexural Vibration of Rotating Timoshenko Cantilever Beams.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18(12), 1850154. (SCI)

  29. Zang Zhipeng∗, Zhou TM. (2017).Transverse Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Near-Wall Cylinder under Oblique Flows. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 68, 370-389. (SCI)

  30. Zang Zhipeng, Gao FP*. (2014). Steady current induced vibration of near-bed piggyback pipelines: Configuration effects on VIV Suppression. Applied Ocean Research, 46, 62-69. (SCI)

  31. Cheng L*, Yeow KK, Zang Zhipeng, Li FJ. (2014). 3D scour below pipelines under waves and combined waves and currents. Coastal Engineering, 83, 137-149. (SCI)

  32. Zang Zhipeng, Gao FP*, Cui JS. (2013).Physical modeling and swirling strength analysis of vortex shedding from near-bed piggyback pipelines.Applied Ocean Research, 40, 50-59. (SCI)

  33. Zhao M*, Cheng L, Zang Zhipeng. (2010). Experimental and numerical investigation of local scour around a submerged vertical circular cylinder in steady currents. Coastal Engineering, 57 (8), 709-721. (SCI)

  34. Zang Zhipeng, Cheng L*, Zhao M, Teng B. (2009). A Numerical model for Onset of Scour below Offshore Pipelines. Coastal Engineering, 56(4), 458-466. (SCI)

  35. Cheng L*, Yeow KK, Zang Zhipeng, Teng B. (2009). Three-dimensional scour below offshore pipelines in steady currents.Coastal engineering, 56(5-6), 577-590. (SCI)

  36. Zang Zhipeng,Teng B*, Bai W, Cheng L. (2007). A finite Volume Solution of Wave Forces on Submarine Pipelines. Ocean Engineering, 34(14-15), 1955-1964. (SCI)


  1. Zou X, Xie BT, Hou J, Zhao LM, Zang Zhipeng. Experimental study on local scour propagation below two intersecting pipelines on a sandy seabed under currents. Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth (2024) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 19-23.

  2. Fang Z, Wang Z, Zang Zhipeng, Li ZC, Hu C. (2023). Experimental Study on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Fixed Comb-type Floating Breakwater. Proceedings of the Thirty-third (2023) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 19-23.

  3. Fang Z, Huang MH, Zhou T, Zang Zhipeng. (2023). Numerical study on hydrodynamics of the floating breakwaters surrounding an artificial floating island. The 5h International conference onCivil Architecture and Urban Engineering, Xiamen, Fujian, China, November 17-19.

  4. Mao LD, Li SM, Zang Zhipeng , Zhang F, Huang SQ. (2022). Experimental Investigation on the Motion Response Characteristics of a Semi-Submersible Foundation for Wind Turbines, Proceedings of the Thirty second (2022) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, June 5-10. 

  5. Yang LF, Luo C, Zang Zhipeng, Wang C. (2022). VIV Fatigue Assessment of a PIP (Pipe-in-Pipe) Pipeline in Sand Wave Area in South China Sea. Proceedings of the Thirty second (2022) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, June 5-10.  

  6. Zang Zhipeng, Sun Y, Li L, Wang M. (2020). Experimental study on formation and evolution of sand waves under periodic flows.Proceedings of the Fourteenth (2020) ISOPE Pacific-Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium Dalian, China, November 22-25.

  7. Fang Z, Sun L, Zang Zhipeng, Tian Y, et al. (2020).Numerical study on wave forces on a perforated comb-type breakwater at water levels below the superstructure.Proceedings of the Fourteenth (2020) ISOPE Pacific-Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium Dalian, China, November 22-25.

  8. Chen Z, Sun Y, Zang Zhipeng, Wang C. (2019). Experimental investigation on vibrations of a drilling riser in a jack-up platform under environmental and operating loads.Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth (2019) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 16-21.

  9. Zhang C, Zang Zhipeng, Zhang Y, Chen Z. (2019). Experimental Study on the Dynamic Response of a Submarine Pipeline Collided by a Dropped Anchor.Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth (2019) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 16-21. 

  10. Zhang Y, Zang zhipeng, Qi Y, Liang D. (2019). Simulation of Migration of Sand waves under Currents induced by Internal Waves.Proceeding of the 10th International Conferecne on Asian and Pacific Coasta, September 25-28, 457-462.

  11. Zang Zhipeng, Tang GQ, Cheng L. (2017). Time Scale of scour below submarine pipeline under combined waves and currents with oblique incident angle. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Trondheim, Norway,June 25-30.

  12. Fang Z, Zang Zhipeng, Zhang NC. (2017). Flow mechanism of impact wave forces on a comb-type breakwater under nonbreaking waves. 10th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics,Keelung, Taiwan, November 5-8.

  13. Zang Zhipeng, Tang GQ, Cheng L. (2016). Propagation Modes of 3D Scour below a Submarine Pipeline in Oblique Steady Currents and Waves. The 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Oxford, UK, Sep 12-14, 2016.

  14. Zang Zhipeng, Gao FP. (2014). Experimental study on onset of vortex-induced vibration of a pipeline near an erodible seabed. The 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Perth, Australia, Dec 1-4, pp. 679-684.

  15. Zang Zhipeng, Gao FP, Mou YC, Li ZB. (2013).Transverse VIV response of piggyback pipelines with various configurations in ocean current. The 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, July 1-5,pp. 448-453.

  16. Zang Zhipeng, Gao FP, Cui JS. (2012).Vortex-shedding and vortex-induced vibrations of Piggyback pipelines in steady currents. The 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodos, Greece, June 17-22, pp. 565-571.

  17. Zang Zhipeng, Cheng L, Gao FP. (2011). Application of ROMS for simulating evolution and migration of tidal sand waves. The 6th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, Hong Kong, China, Dec 14-16, pp. 1533–1540.

  18. Ye ZH, Cheng L, Zang Zhipeng. (2011).Experimental study of erosion threshold of reconstituted sediments. The 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 7: 973–983.

  19. Zang Zhipeng, Cheng L, Zhao M. (2010). Onset of Scour below Pipeline under combined Waves and current. The 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Shanghai, China,1,483-488.

  20. Zhao M, Cheng L, Zang Zhipeng. (2009). Experimental investigation of local scour around a submerged vertical circular cylinder in steady current. The 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 1,139–145.

  21. Cheng L, Zang Zhipeng, Zhao M, Teng B. (2008). Numerical Modeling of Onset Conditions of Scour below Offshore Pipeline in Steady Current. The 18th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp: 250-254.


  1. 一种模拟海床输气管道冲击防护的数值方法.臧志鹏,许振,谢波涛,邹星,侯静.发明专利, ZL202310020832.9.

  2. 浮式梳式防波堤与振荡浮子波浪能集成实验装置和方法.臧志鹏,王梓,房卓,张金凤.发明专利,ZL202310105733.0.

  3. 一种海底交叉管缆局部三维冲刷实验模拟装置.臧志鹏,赵立萌,张金凤,邹星,侯静.发明专利,ZL202310059631.X. 

  4. 海岸修复用人工贝藻礁防护系统及其应用.臧志鹏,田瑞,房卓,谢波涛,袁峻峰,姜德刚,王梓.发明专利,ZL20221010454279.5.

  5. 一种淤泥质海岸生态修复和减灾空间系统.臧志鹏,杨阳,王梓,房卓,袁峻峰,谢波涛,姜德刚.发明专利,ZL202210454584.4.

  6. 一种用于泥化海岸生态修复的人工清淤纳潮海湾系统.臧志鹏,房卓,袁峻峰,赵立萌,姜德刚,李少明.发明专利,ZL202210424329.5.

  7. 一种海上浮岛-防波-锚固系统实验室模拟装置和方法.臧志鹏,吴承阳,田英辉,张春会,王荣,陶然,程宁.发明专利, ZL202111440498X.

  8. 海底大尺度沙波地貌动力演变过程模拟软件V1.0.臧志鹏,陈同庆,张一平.软件著作权,2021SR0673028.

  9. 兼具波浪防护与海上风电功能的浮式系统.臧志鹏,张帆,张翔宇,赵泽锋等,实用新型专利,ZL202120434956.8.

  10. 一种模拟岛礁坪台波浪消能水动力实验装置和方法.臧志鹏,许振,魏厚振,孟庆山.发明专利,ZL202010248937.6.

  11. 模拟潜埋管缆受落物冲击效应的实验装置.臧志鹏,张慈珩,方皓宇,徐霏凡,吕沅庚.发明专利,ZL201911138398.4.

  12. 带底板的浮式梳状消浪装置.臧志鹏,邱炳然,田英辉,付登锋,程宁.发明专利,ZL201910793319.7.

  13. 可利用波浪能的浮式梳状防波堤装置及应用.臧志鹏,孙玉欣,付登锋,张金凤.发明专利, ZL201910795151.3.

  14. 用于实验水槽内模拟床面地形变化的测量装置.臧志鹏,陈志雄,张金凤,张庆河.发明专利,ZL201910612304.6.

  15. 一种可升降造波系统.练继建,白志刚,臧志鹏,燕翔.实用新型专利,ZL201920381810.4.

  16. 粉沙质海床上海底管道周围冲刷地形的测量装置和方法.臧志鹏,张金凤,张庆河,陈同庆.发明专利,ZL201710106779.9.

  17. 管道涡激振动模拟装置和实验方法.臧志鹏,及春宁,陈同庆.发明专利,ZL201611160735.6.

  18. 波流共同作用下海床三维地形演变动力学过程模拟软件V1.0.臧志鹏,高福平.软件著作权,2014SR031383.

  19. 模拟海底管系结构与海床土体轴向相互作用的方法及装置.高福平,汪宁,胡存,臧志鹏.发明专利,201410145543.2.

  20. 一种双脉冲式泥沙运移信息的图像测量方法.杜海,孟娟,李木国,臧志鹏.发明专利,ZL201410182506.9.

  21. 主动立体视觉技术的模拟海床地形测量方法及测量装置.臧志鹏,高福平,姜海洋.发明专利,ZL201310520389.8.

  22. 模拟钢悬链线立管与海床动力耦合的装置及方法.高福平,姜海洋,臧志鹏.发明专利,ZL201310339182.0.



 1. 河道和航道底泥形成规律及处理技术,天津市科学技术进步奖三等奖(2022),排名(3/5)

 2. 港口航道污染底泥形成规律及修复新技术,中国航海学会科学技术奖二等奖(2022),排名(2/10)