张晨 教授 的个人资料 |
姓名(中文/汉语拼音) |
张晨 /Zhang Chen |
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职称 |
教授 |
职务 |
副院长 | |
导师资格 |
博导 |
所在系、所 |
水利水电工程系 |
通讯地址 |
澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 水利水电工程系 |
电子信箱 |
办公室电话 |
主要研究方向: |
河湖水力调控及环境生态效应 1 基于水力调控的浅水湖库水生态环境保障体系 2 气候变化对湖库水环境影响的不确定性及对策 3 水环境数值模拟技术 4 湖沼水力学 |
主要学历: |
1999年-2003年,天津大学,水利水电工程专业,获学士学位; 2003年-2005年,天津大学,水利水电工程专业,获硕士学位; 2005年-2008年,天津大学,水力学及河流动力学专业,获博士学位。 |
主要学术经历: |
2019/07至今,天津大学,澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 水利水电工程系,教授; 2016/11-2017/12,美国华盛顿大学, University of Washington, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seattle, WA. 访问学者; 2012/07-2019/06,天津大学,澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 水利水电工程系,副教授; 2008/07-2012/06,天津大学,澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 水利水电工程系,讲师。 |
主要讲授课程: |
水力学,本科生专业基础课,64学时; 高等流体力学,研究生必修课,32学时; 环境流体力学,研究生选修课,24学时; 应用湖沼学,本科生/研究生选修课,32学时。 |
主要学术兼职: |
IAHR国际水利与环境工程学会中国分会执行委员 中国水利学会水力学专业委员会委员 国际水文科学协会中国委员会CNC-IAHS生态水力学专委会委员 Science of the Total Environment, Ecological Informatics 期刊编委 |
主要学术成就、奖励及荣誉: |
荣誉称号: 1、天津大学优秀青年教师,2020. 2、天津大学青年教工示范岗,2016. 3、天津大学第七届师德表彰“教书育人”先进工作者称号,2014. 教学获奖: 1、世界工程师峰会青年工程师竞赛金牌,新加坡,2013. 2、连续三届全国大学生水利创新设计大赛一、二等奖,2015、2017、2019. 3、第九届挑战杯学生课外学术科技作品竞赛校级特等奖,2013. 4、天津市第十届女性创业计划书大赛,二等奖. 科研获奖: 1、Chen Zhang (1/12), 优秀论文奖(Editors’ Choice), 加拿大湖沼学会, 国际学术奖,2022. 2、流域河湖治理工程水生态影响监测与评估关键技术及应用,大禹水利科学技术奖,科技进步一等奖,2022. 3、大型水库分层流模拟与调控技术及应用,教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖,2014. 4、天津大学“北洋学者•青年骨干教师”,水环境与生态水利,2013. 5、人工深水湖水沙过渡过程及生态水力学研究,河南省水利科技进步奖,贰等. |
主要科研项目及角色: |
国家基金项目: 1、国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,大型浅水湖泊水动力水质模型风拖曳系数适配性分析及失适传递机制研究,2021/01-2024/12,主持。 2、国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,基于水生态模型的区域气候变化对浅水库水质的影响机制及不确定性研究,2017/01-2020/12,主持。 3、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,水源地草型富营养化沉水植物对水质影响及其抑制方法研究,2010/01-2012/12,主持。 国际合作交流项目: 4、政府间科技合作中国-克罗地亚科技例会交流项目,淡水湖泊生态系统水生植物与水动力和营养盐动态平衡机理研究,2018/01-2019/12,主持。 国家专项: 5、国家重点研发计划专题,河湖水系连通伴生风险识别与管控技术,2018/07-2021/12,主持。 6、国家科技支撑计划课题,南水北调河渠湖库联合调控关键技术研究与示范,课题联系人。 7、国家科技支撑计划专题,南水北调河渠湖库复杂水网水量多目标联合优化调度方案,2015/04-2017/12,主持。 8、国家重大科技专项,水专项专题,北运河下游河道生态整治水系调度方案研究,2008/09-2010/12,主持。 省部级项目: 9、天津市重点研发计划,京津冀协同创新项目,面向城市河流生态治理和水质保持的智能加速曝气机技术集成与应用示范,2016/10-2018/09,主持。 10、天津市自然科学基金青年基金项目,13JCQNJC09200,气候变化对天津市饮用水水源地水质的影响研究,2013/04-2016/03,主持。 其他重大工程项目: 11、郑东新区龙湖工程水环境保障体系及运行管理系统等研究,2013/04-2014/12,第1参加人。 |
代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况: |
一、代表论著: 张晨[译],应用湖沼学:淡水中的污染物效应(第三版),中国水利水电出版社,2020.12. ISBN 978 7 5170 9334 3. Eugene B. Welch & Jean M. Jacoby [原著]. Pollutant Effects in Fresh Waters: Applied Limnology, 3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2004. 二、5篇代表论文: [1] Chen Zhang*, Lingwei Chen, Michael T. Brett. Adaptation of Wind Drag Coefficient Parameterization: Improvement of Hydrodynamic Modeling by a Wave-Dependent Cd in Large Shallow Lakes. Water Resources Research, 2024, 60, e2023WR035914. [2] Chen Zhang*, Yuhong Zhou, Maria Špoljar*, Jelena Fressl, Tea Tomljanović, Valjbone Rama, Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen. How can top-down and bottom-up manipulation be used to mitigate eutrophication? Mesocosm experiment driven modeling zooplankton seasonal dynamic approach in the trophic cascade. Water Research, 2023, 243, 120364. [3] Chen Zhang* & Tianyu Fu. Recalibration of a three-dimensional water quality model with a newly developed autocalibration toolkit (EFDC-ACT v1.0.0): how much improvement will be achieved with a wider hydrological variability? Geoscientific Model Development, 2023, 16, 4315-4329. [4] Chen Zhang, Michael T. Brett*, Jens M. Nielsen, George B. Arhonditsis, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Jackie L. Carter, Jacob Kann, Dörthe C. Müller-Navarra, Daniel E. Schindler, Jason D. Stockwell, Monika Winder, David A. Beauchamp. Physiological and nutritional constraints on zooplankton productivity due to eutrophication and climate change predicted using a resource-based modeling approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2022, 79(3), 472–486. DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2021-0071. [5] Chen Zhang, Michael T. Brett*, Shannon K. Brattebo, Eugene B. Welch. How well does the mechanistic water quality model CE-QUAL-W2 represent biogeochemical responses to climatic and hydrologic forcing? Water Resources Research, 2018,54(9): 6609-6624. 三、其他英文论著: [1] Didi Song, Chen Zhang*, Ali Saber. Integrating impacts of climate change on aquatic environments in inter-basin water regulation: Establishing a critical threshold for best management practices. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 913, 169297. [2] Tianyu Fu & Chen Zhang*. Towards a generic model evaluation metric for non-normally distributed measurements in water quality and ecosystem models. Ecological Informatics, 2024, 80, 102470. [3] Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen, Maria Špoljar, Małgorzata Pronina, Chen Zhang, Mirosław Mleczek. Spring and autumn rotifer community structure differentiates shallow water bodies in two European ecoregions: Poland and Croatia. Hydrobiologia, 2024, 851, 2983–2998.[4] Ruolan Yu, Chen Zhang*, Xueping Gao, Kensey Daly. Stagnant water environmental management in urban river networks: An integrated risk analysis involving hydraulic potential dissipation. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 622, 129652. [6] Chen Zhang*, Zixuan Zhu, Maria Špoljar, Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen, Tvrtko Dražina, Matija Cvetnić, Mirosław Mleczek. Ecosystem models indicate zooplankton biomass response to nutrient input and climate warming is related to lake size. Ecological Modelling, 2022, 464, 109837. [7] Ruolan Yu, Chen Zhang*. Early warning of water quality degradation: A copula-based Bayesian network model for highly efficient water quality risk assessment. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 292, 112749. [8] Rui Yang, Shiqiang Wu, Xueping Gao, Xiufeng Wu, Chen Zhang*, et al. An accuracy-improved flood risk and ecological risk assessment in an interconnected river-lake system based on a copula-coupled hydrodynamic risk assessment model. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603, 127042. [9] Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen, Maria Špoljar, Mirosław Mleczek, Chen Zhang. Elodeids, but not helophytes, increase community diversity and reduce trophic state: case study with rotifer indices in field ponds. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 128, 107829. [10] Maria Špoljar, Mirela Sertić Perić, Haobai Wang, Chen Zhang, Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen, Jelena Fressl, Zvonimir Ercegovac. Does the size structure of the littoral community reflect water level fluctuations in shallow waterbodies. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 132, 108330. [11] Chen Zhang*, Qi Yan, Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen, Xueping Gao. An Ensemble Kalman Filter approach to assess the effects of hydrological variability, water diversion, and meteorological forcing on the total phosphorus concentration in a shallow reservoir. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 724, 138215. [12] Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen, Maria Špoljar, Chen Zhang, Małgorzata Pronina. Zooplankton functional traits as a tool to assess latitudinal variation in the northern-southern temperate European regions during spring and autumn seasons. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 117, 106629. [13] Fang Chen, Chen Zhang*, Michael T. Brett, and Jens M. Nielsen. The importance of the wind-drag coefficient parameterization for hydrodynamic modeling of a large shallow lake. Ecological Informatics, 2020, 59, 101106. [14] Guixia Zhao, Xueping Gao, Chen Zhang*, Guoqing Sang. The effects of turbulence on phytoplankton and implications for energy transfer with an integrated water quality- ecosystem model in a shallow lake. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 256, 109954. [15] Chen Zhang*, Yixuan Huang, Aisha Javed, George. B. Arhonditsis. An ensemble modeling framework to study the effects of climate change on the trophic state of shallow reservoirs. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 697, 134078. [16] Chen Zhang*, Yixuan, Huang, Maria Špoljar, Wenna, Zhang, Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen. Epiphyton dependency of macrophyte biomass in shallow reservoirs and implications for water transparency. Aquatic Botany, 2018, 150: 46-52. [17] Maria Špoljar, Chen Zhang*, Tvrtko Dražina, Guixia Zhao, Jasna Lajtner, Goran Radonić. Development of submerged macrophyte and epiphyton in a flow-through system: assessment and modelling predictions in interconnected reservoirs. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 75: 145-154. [18] Chen Zhang*, Hanan Liu, Xueping Gao, Han Zhang. Modeling nutrients, oxygen and critical phosphorus loading in a shallow reservoir in China with a coupled water quality – macrophytes model. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 66: 212-219. [19] Chen Zhang*, Xueping Gao, Liyi Wang, Xiaojun Chen. Modelling the role of epiphyton and water level for submerged macrophyte development with a modified submerged aquatic vegetation model in a shallow reservoir in China. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 81: 123-132. [20] Chen Zhang*, Xueping Gao, Liyi Wang, Yuanyuan Chen. Analysis of agricultural pollution by flood flow impact on water quality in a reservoir using a three-dimensional water quality modeling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2013, 15(4): 1061-1072. . 四、中文论著: [1] 张晨*,周雅迪,宋迪迪,1990-2018年于桥水库流域氮磷浓度变化趋势及影响因素,湖泊科学,2023,35(6),1949-1959. [2] 张晨*,李天国,高学平,竖井式进/出水口工程尺度SPH方法模拟研究,水力发电学报,2022,41(11),34-45. [3] 张晨,郑云鹤,刘殷竹,于若兰,高学平,湖泊水力调控对河湖连通伴生洪水风险的缓释影响,水利学报,2022,53(3),316-324. [4] 张晨*,于昊,于若兰,郑云鹤,杨蕊,高学平,不同洪水重现期下橡胶坝调控对洪水风险影响,水科学进展,2021,32(3),427-437. [5] 杨蕊,吴时强,高学平,张晨*,基于Vine Copula函数的河湖连通水环境多因子联合风险识别研究,水利学报,2020,51(5),606-616. [6] 张晨*,王浩百,胡华芬等,人为扰动下河流复氧激增现象及机制分析,中国环境科学,2020,40(5),2167-2173. [7] 张晨*,宋迪迪,廉铁辉,引水结构变化对天津于桥水库磷滞留的影响分析与生态水量估算,湖泊科学,2020,32(2),370-379. [8] 赵桂侠,张晨*,张赫,姜薇,高学平,人工岛布置方式对周围海域水动力及水交换影响研究,水力发电学报,2017,36(2),18-28. [9] 王晨茜,张晨,张翰,孙博闻,高学平*,侧式进/出水口流动分离现象研究,水力发电学报,2017,36(11),73-81. [10] 张晨*,来世玉,高学平,刘汉安,气候变化对湖库水环境的潜在影响研究进展,湖泊科学,2016,28(4),691-700. [11] 张晨*,刘汉安,高学平,张文娜,气候变化对于桥水库总磷与溶解氧的潜在影响分析,环境科学,2016,37(8),2932-2939. [12] 张晨*,来世玉,高学平,许莉萍,极端风场对郑东新区人工湖水动力特性影响分析,水动力学研究与进展,2016,31(4),480-488. |