

马超 教授 的个人资料


马超 /Ma Chao









澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 水利水电系300072


[email protected]







2005.7~2008.6 天津大学 水利水电工程专业 博士研究生学习

2003.7~2005.6 天津大学 水利水电工程专业 硕士研究生学习

1999.9~2003.6 天津大学 水利水电工程专业 本科学习


2008.7~2011.6 天津大学 讲师

2011.6~2017.9 天津大学 副教授 硕士生导师/博士副导师

2016.3~2017.3 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,土木与环境工程系,访问学者

2017.9~       天津大学 教授/博士生导师

2022.9~       青海大学兼职博士生导师







研究生课程:《水库优化调度》32学时;《水利工程专论》 4学时






国际水利与环境工程学会IAHR 中国分会第四届执委会委员



2021 齐心聚力谋育人 传承奋斗展新颜——澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 水利水电第二党支部开展“党支部+服务”扎实推进立德树人工作 第二届水利院校德育教育优秀成果三等奖



双排机水电站厂房结构与机组运行优化研究 教育部科学技术进步一等奖 2007 排名11

复杂长距离输水工程水力调控技术及应用 天津市科技进步一等奖2012,排名第7

多功能复合的景观水系设计方法创新及应用 天津市科技进步二等奖2012,排名第3

大型水库分层流模拟与调控技术及应用 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科技进步二等奖2013,排名第6










天津大学北洋学者-青年骨干教师 2012

天津大学北洋学者-优秀青年学者 2017









1.        清洁电能规模流动替代的节水效应及其溯源增效研究(52279021),国家自然科学基金面上项目

2.        风光火储+多能互补科技项目青海省投资集团有限公司

3.        光储一体化功率预测系统的研究青海黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司/大庆市科学技术局,揭榜挂帅项目

4.        水面光伏与水域环境的协同效应和能-水资源适应性利用研究(52079087),国家自然科学基金面上项目

5.        海河干支流河网联动水循环净化综合调控技术研究与示范课题(2017ZX07106004),国家水体污染控制与治理重大专项课题

6.          复杂水利工程综合调控理论与方法(51722906),国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金

7.          适应多维度用水需求的水库群供水调度技术(2016YFC0402203),国家重点研发计划课题

8.          沿海城市内涝灾害致灾机理与灾防决策研究(51679159),国家自然科学基金面上项目

9.          围填海区域排涝渠泵工程优化布局和调控研究(15JCYBJC21800) 天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划(一般项目)

10.    水库人控水动力条件对库区支流富营养化的影响及其改善调度策略研究 教育部博士点基金青年教师基金(2011.1~2013.12)

11.      水库调控对近坝支流水质的影响机制及其多目标互进优化调度(51109156) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(2012.1~2014.12)

12.      南水北调中线工程水源地及沿线水质监测预警关键技术研究与示范(2011BAC12B01-02 2012A2-0004) 国家科技支撑计划项目(2011.1~2014.12) 专题

13.       三峡新能源峡潘150MW水面光伏电站工程漂浮光伏电站系统及关键设备研究采购合同,三峡新能源淮南光伏发电有限公司

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:

1.        Chao Ma*, Lu Liu, Optimal capacity configuration of hydro-wind-PV hybrid system and its coordinative operation rules considering the UHV transmission and reservoir operation requirements[J].Renewable Energy, 2022, 198:637-653.

2.        Yusheng Zhang, Chao Ma, Yang Yang, Xiulan Pang, Jijian Lian*, Xin Wang. Capacity configuration and economic evaluation of a power system integrating hydropower, solar, and wind[J].Energy, accepted.

3.        Chao Ma*, Zhao liu. Water surface photovoltaics performance, utilization, and interactions with water eco-environment[j].Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 2022,167:112823.

4.        Yanan Qiao, Chao Ma*, Kui Xu. Nutrient removal by floating treatment wetlands under different spatial arrangement modes: a field study[J]. Environmental Management, 2022, DOI10.1007/s00267-022-01677-w.

5.        Yanan Qiao, Chao Ma*.Assessment of influence radius and purification effect of floating treatment wetlands in the low-flow urban rivers[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, DOI10.1007/s11356-022-21073-5.

6.        Wenchao Qi, Chao Ma*, Hongshi Xu, Kai Zhao. Urban flood response analysis for designed rainstorms with different characteristics based on a tracer-aided modeling simulation[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022,355:131797.

7.        Chao Ma*, Wenchao Qi, Hongshi Xu, et al. An integrated quantitative framework to assess the impacts of disaster-inducing factors on the causing of urban flood[J].Natural Hazards, 2022, DOI10.1007/s11069-022-05375-y

8.        Chuanming Sheng, Chao Ma, Bin Ma, Jijian Lian,Wenjuan Gou, Fang Liu*. Impinging pressure and flood discharge atomization in high arch dams with flaring gate piers [J].Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2022, DOI 10.1080/00221686.2022.2059583.

9.        Chao Ma*, Zifan Chen, Wenchao Qi, Kai Zhao, Hongshi Xu. Improved urban flood risk assessment based on spontaneous-triggered risk assessment conceptual model considering road environment [J].Journal of Hydrology, 2022,608:127693

10.    Wenchao Qi, Chao Ma, Hongshi Xu, Kai Zhao, Zifan Chen. A comprehensive analysis method of spatial prioritization for urban flood management based on source tracking[J].Ecological Indicators, 2022,135:108565

11.    Chao Ma, Chuanming Sheng*, Jijian Lian, Fang Liu. Solidification sludge as a scour countermeasure in ocean engineering[J].Ocean Engineering,2022, 244: 110423

12.    Chao Ma*, Zhao Liu, Wei He. Water surface photovoltaic along long-distance water diversion projects and its co-benefits[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2022,331:129924.

13.    Runze Wu, Chao Ma*, Hui Su. Design of Floating Photovoltaic Power Plant and its Environmental Effects: A Review [J].Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2021, 13(6):062701.

14.    Weichao Yang, Kui Xu, Chao Ma, Jijian Lian, Xuelian Jiang, Yadong Zhou, Lingling Bin. A novel multi-objective optimization framework to allocate support funds for flash flood reduction based on multiple vulnerability assessment[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021,603(D):127144.

15.    Peiyao Li, Ye Yao*, Jijian Lian, Chao Ma. Effect of thermal stratified flow on algal blooms in a tributary bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 60:126648.

16.    Chao Ma*, Yanan Qiao, Lingling Bin, Ye Yao. Performance of hybrid constructed floating treatment wetlands in purifying urban river water: A field study[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2021, 171:106372.

17.    Wenchao Qi, Chao Ma*, Hongshi Xu, Zifan Chen, Kai Zhao, Hao Han. Low Impact Development Measures Spatial Arrangement for Urban Flood Mitigation: An Exploratory Optimal Framework based on Source Tracking[J].Water Resources Management, 2021 35:3755–3770.

18.    Wenchao Qi, Chao Ma*, Hongshi Xu, et al. A review on applications of urban flood model in flood mitigation strategies[J].Natural Hazards,2021, 108(1):31-62.doi.org/10.1007/s11069-021-04715-8.

19.    Yusheng Zhang, Chao Ma, Yang Yang, Xiulan Pang, Lu Liu, Jijian Lian*. Study on short-term optimal operation of cascade hydro-photovoltaic hybrid systems[J].Applied Energy, 2021,291:116828.

20.    Yang Yang, Chao Ma*, Chong Lian, et al. Optimal power reallocation of large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic power plant integrated with hydrogen production[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 298:126830.

21.    Evance Chaima, Jijian Lian*, Chao Ma, Yusheng Zhang, Kavwenje, Sheila. Complementary Optimization of Hydropower with Pumped Hydro Storage-Photovoltaic Plant for All-Day Peak Electricity Demand in Malawi[J].2021, Energies, 14(16):4948.

22.    Rui Du, Penghui Zou, Chao Ma*. Multi-objective optimal sizing of hybrid energy storage systems for grid-connected wind farms using fuzzy control[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2021, 13(1):014103.DOI: 10.1063/5.0031696. (被选为Featured Article 期刊主页专门报导,AIP SCILight栏目专题报导)

23.    Yusheng Zhang, Jijian Lian, Chao Ma*, Yang Yang, Xiulan Pang, Lun Wang. Optimal sizing of the grid-connected hybrid system integrating hydropower, photovoltaic and wind considering cascade reservoir connection and photovoltaic-wind complementarity[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 274, 123100.

24.    Chao Ma*, Rui Xu, Wei He*, Jinjin Xia. Determining the Limiting Water Level of Early Flood Season by Combining Multi objective Optimization Scheduling and Copula Joint Distribution Function: A Case Study of Three Gorges Reservoir[J].Science of the Total Environment, 2020,737,139789.

25.    Xu H, Ma C*, Xu K*, Lian J,et al. Staged optimization of urban drainage systems considering climate change and hydrological model uncertainty[J].Journal of Hydrology, 2020,587:124959.

26.    Chao Ma, Chuanming Sheng, Jijian Lian, Bin Ma, Fang Liu*. Failure analysis of a leaf gate jammed in closing process[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020,110:104391.

27.    Wei He, Chao Ma*, Jian Zhang, et,al.Multi-objective Optimal Operation of a Large Deep Reservoir in Storage Period considering Outflow Temperature Demand based on NSGA-II[J].Journal of Hydrology, 2020,586:124919.

28.    Yang Yang, Chong Lian, Chao Ma*, Yusheng Zhang. Research on energy storage optimization for large-scale PV power station under given long-distance delivery mode[J]. Energies, 2020, 13(1), 27.

29.    Chao Ma *, Sen Dong, Jijian Lian, Xiulan Pang. Multi-objective sizing of hybrid energy storage system for large-scale photovoltaic power generation system[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(19):5441DOI: 10.3390/su11195441.

30.    Jijian Lian, Yusheng Zhang, Chao Ma*, et,al. A review on recent sizing methodologies of hybrid renewable energy systems[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 199: 112027.

31.    Yusheng Zhang, Chao Ma*, Jijian Lian, et,al. Optimal photovoltaic capacity of large-scale hydro-photovoltaic complementary system considering electricity delivery demand and reservoir characteristics[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019,195:597-608.

32.    Xu H, Xu K, Lian J, Ma C. Compound effects of rainfall and storm tides on coastal flooding risk [J].Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2019,33(7):1249-1261.

33.    Ji-jian Lian, Xin-yu Guo, Chao Ma*, et al. Optimal Reservoir Flood Control Operation Using Hedging Model and Considering the Near-Field Vibrations Induced by Releasing Flood[J]. Water Resources management, 2019, 33(8)2645-2663.

34.    Zhengcao Hua, Chao Ma*, Jijian Lian, et al. Optimal capacity allocation of multiple solar trackers and storage capacity for utility-scale photovoltaic plants considering output characteristics and complementary demand[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 238:721-733.

35.    Lingling Bin, Kui Xu, Xinyi Xu, Jijian Lian and Chao Ma. Development of a Landscape Indicator to Evaluate the Effect of Landscape Pattern on Surface Runoff in the Haihe River Basin [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 566:546-557.

36.    Hongshi Xu, Chao Ma*, Jijian Lian, et,al. Urban flooding risk assessment based on an integrated k-means cluster algorithm and improved entropy weight method in the region of Haikou, China[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 563:975-986.

37.    Hongshi Xu, Kui Xu, Lingling Bin, Jijian Lian and Chao Ma. Joint Risk of Rainfall and Storm Surges during Typhoons in a Coastal City of Haidian Island, China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018,15(7):1377.

38.    Yang, WC , Xu, K ,Lian, JJ ,Ma, C , Bin, LL . Integrated flood vulnerability assessment approach based on TOPSIS and Shannon entropy methods[J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018,89:269-280.

39.    Yang, WC , Xu, K ,Lian, JJ , Bin, LL ,Ma, C .Multiple flood vulnerability assessment approach based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and coordinated development degree model [J].Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 213:440-450.

40.    Xinyu Guo, Chao Ma*, Zhibo Tang. Multi-Timescale Joint Optimal Dispatch Model Considering Environmental Flow Requirements for a Dewatered River Channel: A Case Study of JinPing Cascade Hydropower Stations[J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management -ASCE,2018,144(10):05018014.

41.    Yan Dongyi, Xu Kui, Ma Chao, Ma Mancang. Classifying Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones by Physical Index System[J]. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2018,24(2):142-150

42.    Wei He, Jijian Lian, Huichao Du, Chao Ma*. Source tracking and temperature prediction of discharged water in a deep reservoir based on a 3-D hydro-thermal-tracer model[J]. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2018, 20(6):9-21.

43.    Xiaozhong Sun, Chao Ma*, Jijian Lian. Optimal Operation of Danjiangkou Reservoir Using Improved Hedging Model and Considering the Effects of Historical Decisions [J]. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management -ASCE, 2018, 144(1):04017080-1-10.

44.    李富彪,庞秀岚,马超. 光伏电站组件和运行方式组合及其容量优化配置研究[J].可再生能源,2022, 40(1):34-40

45.    马超,赵凯,齐文超,陈姿帆,许红师.基于示踪思路的沿海城市内涝防灾方案研究[J].水资源保护,202238(1):91-99.

46.    马超,于博,宾零陵,乔雅男,城市河网连通循环净化系统构建及其关键技术[J].水资源与水工程学报,202132(158):7-14

47.    黄宣旭练继建沈威马超. 中国规模化氢能供应链的经济性分析[J].南方能源建设,2020. 7(2): 1-13

48.    苑希民,张紫畅,马超*. 动水中MABR-生态浮床组合装置净化效果试验研究[J].水力发电学报,2020.39(6): 62-71.

49.    马超,董森,华正操.多种光伏组件组合光伏电站的混合储能容量优化配置研究[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),202053(11): 1128-1135.

50.    杨阳,练冲,马超*. 晴天光伏发电功率的年日变化规律及预测方法研究[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),202053(06):565-572.

51.    练继建,孙亚楠,马超*,等.膜曝气生物膜-生态浮床组合装置开发及其水体净化效果研究[J].水利水电技术,2019,50(6)142-149.

52.    马超,夏金金,徐嘉,许红师.围填海区域泵站群规模配置与渠网布置研究[J].水力发电学报,201837(12):85-93

53.    马超,崔冉昕.基于变化范围法的头道拐站水沙变化分析[J].水力发电学报,201837(5):58-68

54.    马超,崔喜艳.水库月平均流量滚动预报及其不确定性研究[J].水力发电学报,2018,37(2):59-67

55.    党莉马超*练继建.水库调节对下游鱼类栖息地适宜性的影响[J].天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)201851(6)566-574.