













邮箱:[email protected]




2023.06-至今, 天津大学,副研究员




2019.10-2020.10,University of Victoria(加拿大),联合培养博士研究生

2019.07-2019.10,Saga University(日本),优秀博士生访学




[1] Huayang Lei, Jiankai Li, Shuangxi Feng*, Anyi Liu. Reinforcement effect and mechanism analysis of dredged sludge treated by alternating prefabricated radiant drain vacuum preloading method[J]. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 2023.

[2] Huayang Lei, Bishun Zhan,Shuangxi Feng*. Influence of foundation pit groups’ excavation on deformation characteristics of adjacent railway subgrade and protection measures[J].Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2023.

[3]Shuangxi Feng, Weiwei Bai, Huayang Lei*, Xugen Song, Wei Liu, Xuesong Cheng. Vacuum preloading combined with surcharge preloading method for consolidation of clay-slurry ground: a case study[J]. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2023.

[4] Huayang lei, Ziyang Qi,Shuangxi Feng*, Shanghua Lei. Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of the structural characteristics of artificially structured marine clay[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2022, 62(6): 101243.

[5] Huayang Lei, Ziyang Qi, Shuangxi Feng*.Long-term deformation and damage analysis of marine clay around seawalls under dynamic-seepage loading coupling [J].Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2022.

[6]Huayang Lei, Xiaonan Yang,Shuangxi Feng*, Tianlu Ma. Softening and deformation characteristics of Tianjin soft soil under principal stress rotation induced by traffic loading [J].Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 164: 107587.

[7]Shuangxi Feng, Shitao Dai, Huayang Lei. Application of an integrated nonuniform seismic random excitation method in tunnel engineering in soft soil areas [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 153: 105043.

[8] Huayang Lei, Aiyi Liu, Shuangxi Feng*.Consolidation effect of prefabricated radiant drain vacuum preloading technology: a physical model case study [J].Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2022.

[9] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei*, Anyi Liu, Tianlu Ma, Shitao Dai, Zheng Lei. Application and design method of dredging sludge ground treated via prefabricated radiant drain vacuum preloading [J].Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2022, 1-15.

[10] 雷华阳,张文振, 霍海峰,冯双喜*,李其昂.水汽补给下砂土冻胀量与微观结构参数关联研究[J].岩土力学,2022, 43(09),2337-2346+2359.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2021.1985.

[11] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei* A settlement prediction model considering tidal loading and traffic loading of soft soil subgrade[J]. Computers and Geotechnics,2022,144,104639.

[12] Huayang Lei, Zeyu Cheng,Shuangxi Feng*, Jinfeng Lou, Haichen Zhong.Investigation on the macro- and microdeformation characteristics of silty clay under different shield construction stress paths [J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021,80(12), 9105-9125.

[13] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei*, Lei Wang, Qi Hao. The reinforcement analysis of soft ground treated by thermal consolidation vacuum preloading[J]. Transportation Geotechnics,2021,31 (2021) 100672.

[14] 雷华阳,张文振,冯双喜*,霍海峰.水汽补给下砂土水分迁移规律及冻胀特性研究[J].岩土力学,2022,43(01):1-14

[15] 冯双喜,雷华阳*,刘景锦,加瑞.新工科背景下土力学课程思政教学研究与探讨[J].高等建筑教育,2021,30(06):32-38.

[16] 雷华阳,万勇峰,冯双喜*.不同潮汐水位下深厚滩涂软土路基长期沉降规律及预测研究[J].天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),2022,55(06):584-595.

[17] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei, Cheng Lin. Analysis of deformation development and settlement prediction by air-boosted vacuum preloading[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022,14(1), 272-288.

[18] 冯双喜,雷华阳*.一种基于边界面的饱和软黏土弹塑性动本构模型[J].岩土工程学报, 2021, 52(3), 790-805.

[19] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei, Xiaodong Ding, Gang Zheng, Yawei Jin. Shallow Ground Treatment by a Combined Air Booster and Straight-line Vacuum Preloading Method: A Case Study[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2021, 14(2),129-141

[20] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei, Yongfeng Wan, Haiyan Jin, Jun Han. Influencing factors and control measures of deep excavation on adjacent bridge foundation based on analytic hierarchy process and finite element method[J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2021,15(2): 461-477

[21] 冯双喜,雷华阳,万勇峰,祁子洋.新型辐射排水板真空预压加固效果研究[J].中南大学学报 (自然科学版),2021, 52(03): 790-805.(EI)

[22] Huayang Lei,Shuangxi Feng, Edgard C C, Jingfei Zhou, Mingjing Jiang. Numerical analysis on ground improvement of vacuum preloading with prefabricated radiant drain[J]. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2020, 8(13): 514-519.EI

[23] Huayang Lei,Shuangxi Feng, Lei Wang, Yawei Jin. Field instrumentation and settlement prediction of ground treated with straight-line vacuum preloading[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2019, 19(5): 447-462. (SCI)

[24] Huayang Lei,Shuangxi Feng, Yan Jiang. Geotechnical characteristics and consolidation properties of Tianjin marine clay[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2018, 16(2): 125-140. (SCI)

[25]雷华阳,冯双喜,郝琪,张雅杰, Fathia Abdourazk. ABDI.吹填土热力固结和强度特性试验研究[J].天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2020, 53(01):17-26. (EI)

[26]雷华阳,冯双喜,万勇峰,加瑞,韩均,靳海彦.基坑开挖对既有临近滩涂铁路路基影响规律及安全措施研究.天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2019,52(9):969-978. (EI)

[27] Huayang Lei,Ming Liu ,Shuangxi Feng,Jinjin Liu, Mingjing Jiang. Cyclic behavior of Tianjinsoftclay underintermittentcombined-frequencycyclicloading[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(10):04020186.

[28]雷华阳,郝琪,冯双喜,张雅杰,蒋明镜.不同温度模式下软黏土孔隙水压力变化规律与应力-应变特性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(11):2308-2318. (EI)

[29] 加瑞,雷华阳,冯双喜.温度对CPTU在海底泥中测试结果的影响及修正方法[J].天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),2019,52(11):1194-1200. (EI)

[30] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei, Ziyang Qi. A simple elastoplastic dynamic constitutive model of saturated structural soft clay[C]. Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020,570.1-8 (EI)

[31] Shuangxi Feng, Huayang Lei, Yongfeng Wan, Cheng Lin. Analytical solutions for dynamic consolidation of soft clay ground under different loading modes[C]. Geovirtual 2020 resilience and innovation, 2020.

[32]Huayang Lei,Shuangxi Feng, Xin Li, Min Liu. Permeabilityand deformation characteristics of Tianjin clays under coupled dynamic stressand seepage fields[C]. International Conference on Transportation Infrastructureand materials (ICTIM 2017), Doi:10.12783/dtmse/ictim2017/10080.

[33]加瑞, 雷华阳, 刘景锦, 冯双喜. 土力学课堂和实验教学改革的探索与实践[J].高等建筑教育, 2021, 30(06): 39-46.



[1] 雷华阳,冯双喜,刘敏,王铁英,祁子洋.一种饱和软土离心渗流装置[P].中国, ZL201610526244.2.

[2]雷华阳,冯双喜,祁子洋,刘敏,赵浩.饱和软土振动离心渗流仪[P].中国, ZL201610526245.7.

[3]雷华阳,冯双喜,祁子洋,周骏,刘敏.一种饱和软土离心渗流筒[P].中国, ZL201610526219.4.

[4] 雷华阳,王铁英,冯双喜,祁子洋.一种用于真空预压气压劈裂系统的喷气头[P].中国, ZL201611054831.2.

[5]雷华阳, 冯双喜,王铁英,李鑫.一种渗透气压固结仪[P].中国, ZL201621275622.6.

[6] 雷华阳,冯双喜, 刘景锦, 胡垚, 周静菲.一种真空预压注气增压管[P].中国, ZL201721074295.2.

[7]雷华阳, 冯双喜, 冀智勇,周静菲,刘景锦.一种模拟涨潮落潮的固结试验仪[P].中国, ZL201721090712.2.

[8] 雷华阳,张雅杰,冯双喜, 郝琪, Fathia Abdourazak Abdi.温度场-应力场-渗流场耦合固结试验设备[P].中国, ZL201920087524.7.

[9]雷华阳,刘安仪,冯双喜,雷铮,马天禄,戴世滔.一种用于加固与修复疏浚污泥地基的电渗-真空预压装置[P].中国, ZL202221089524.9.

l 软件著作权


[2]雷华阳,马天禄,冯双喜*,万勇峰,刘安仪,雷铮,戴世滔.反复水位下路基长期沉降计算程序[P].中国, 2022SR0551154.

[3]冯双喜,雷华阳*.动渗耦合条件下软黏土地基长期沉降预测系统[P].中国, 2022SR0632278.

[4]冯双喜,戴世滔,雷华阳*,加瑞.地表非一致地震动生成程序软件[P].中国, 2022SR1006522

[5]包一琳,冯双喜*,雷华阳,马天禄,李建楷,管波涵,刘安仪.基于淤堵层厚度的真空预压加固软土地表沉降预测计算程序软件[P].中国, 2023SR0872556


[1] 2022年05月至2025年05月,《Earthquake Engineering and Resilience》(EER)首届青年学术编委







[1] 2023年5月第七届全国防震减灾科普讲解大赛二等奖

[2] 2023年荣获第三届“原创杯”创新创意比赛优异奖




[3]天津市自然科学基金青年项目,22JCQNJC00130,“辐射排水板真空预压-电渗联合处理污染土地基固结机理及修复理论研”, 主持, 2022-10-01至2024-10-30.








[1]袁洪波、高玉庆、吕建松、潘全志、雷华阳、刘宇清、李晶峰、 王占立、郑爱荣、张德全、闫鹏、郑刚、冯双喜.土工用非织造布T/YNIA 013—2023[S].上海长三角非织造材料工业协会.

[2]郑刚、雷华阳、金亚伟、周国钧、谭再坤、叶国良、王军、孙红林、刘良志、俞演名、潘秉忠、冯双喜、梁爱华、吴怀波、刘景锦、王 磊、薄 钰、许英刚、李建楷、刘旭、高磊、钱明、王敏超、朱孟军、郑明明、李鹏、李选民.增压式真空预压加固软土地基技术规程(土标委【2018】2号)[S].中国土木工程学会标准
