

王中兴 英才副教授/特聘研究员 的个人资料


王中兴 /Wang Zhongxing














[email protected]



(1) 铝合金结构(材料本构/构件稳定性能/连接性能/抗灾性能

(2) 金属结构3D打印(电弧增材制造/激光增材制造等)

(3) 地震-波流联合作用下动力试验(相似律/模型材料研发/缩尺效应/结构动力响应等)


(1) 2014/09-2020/06 清华大学 土木工程 工学博士

(2) 2018/11-2019/12 帝国理工澳门新葡京娱乐城 土木工程 学术访问

(3) 2010/09-2014/06 大连理工大学 土木工程(英语强化) 工学学士


(1) 2020/07-2023/12 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木系 副研究员

(2) 2024/01-至今  澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木系 英才副教授/特聘研究员


(1) 土木工程建设法规(本科生专业核心)

(2) 建筑结构设计软件(本科生专业核心)

(3) Advanced Steel Structures (研究生课程)


(1) 中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会第九届、第十届青年理事

(2) 中国建筑金属结构协会检测鉴定加固改造分会委员

(3) 中国工程建设标准化协会(CECS)轻型钢结构专业委员会委员

(4) 中国土木工程学会先进工程材料分会理事

(5) 中国建筑金属结构协会专家库成员

(6) 国际期刊《Earthquake Engineering and Resilience》(ESCI、Scopus、EI检索期刊)青年编委

(7) 美国土木工程师学会会员

(8)《Engineering Structures》、《Thin-Walled Structures》、《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》、《建筑结构学报》等10余本期刊审稿专家


(1) 2024年入选首批天津市青年科技人才

(2) 2022年中国建筑金属结构协会科学技术奖特等奖

(3) 入选2023年天津大学科技领军人才培育计划(攀登计划)

(4) 2022年《Engineering Structures》钢结构与空间结构最佳论文奖(Benchmark tests on high strength steel frames, 唯一获奖文章)

(5) International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City, GBCESC 2022最佳论文奖

(6) 清华大学研究生特等奖学金

(7) 清华大学士木工程系2020年学术新秀

(8) 清华大学优秀博士学位论文

(9) 中国土木工程学会优秀毕业生



(1) 震损后铝合金单层网壳板式节点抗火性能基础理论研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 主持.

(2) 特高压直流 GIL 样机制造关键工艺及试验考核技术(课题4),国家科技重大专项,任务5,主持.

(3) 不锈钢件连接的铝合金梁柱节点高温承载性能及设计方法研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 主持.

(4) 地震-波流耦合作用下海上风电机组支撑结构水下振动台缩尺试验方法研究, 天津市自然科学基金重点项目, 主持.

(5) 亚热带增材制造金属结构地震损伤后耐火性能基础理论研究, 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室开放基金项目, 主持.

(6) 前海信息枢纽大厦幕墙样板工程关键铝合金节点受力性能研究, 企业咨询项目, 主持.

(7) 柔性光伏支架试验测试与建模分析, 企业咨询项目, 主持.

(8) 铝合金结构环槽铆钉连接受力机理及其梁柱节点承载性能研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 参与.

(9) Stronger Steels in the Built Environment (STROBE), 欧盟煤炭和钢铁研究基金项目(RFCS), 参与.



(1) 王中兴.铝合金结构环槽铆钉连接及梁柱节点受力机理与设计方法.清华大学出版社,2022.


(1) CECS标准:《低多层铝合金框架结构技术规程》,制定.(主编

(2) 国家标准:《铝合金结构技术标准》(GB 50429-202x), 修订.(参编)

(3) 中国钢结构协会标准:《空间钢结构工程检测与鉴定技术标准》(T/CSCS 045-2023),制定.(参编,已发布) 

(4) CECS标准:《钢结构高强度环槽铆钉连接技术规程》,制定.(参编) 

(5) CECS标准:《不锈钢环槽铆钉连接技术规程》,制定.(参编) 

(6) CECS标准:《建筑空间结构防火技术规程》,制定.(参编) 


(1) Wang YQ, Wang ZX*, Yin FX, Yang L, Shi YJ, Yin J. Experimental study and finite element analysis on the local buckling behavior of aluminium alloy beams under concentrated loads. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016,105:44-56.

(2) Wang YQ, Wang ZX*, Hu XG, Han JK, Xing HJ. Experimental study and parametric analysis on the stability behavior of 7A04 high-strength aluminum alloy angle columns under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 2016,108:305-320.

(3) Wang YQ, Wang ZX*. Experimental investigation and FE analysis on constitutive relationship of high strength aluminum alloy under cyclic loading. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016:1-16.

(4) Wang ZX*,Wang YQ, Sojeong J, Ouyang YW. Experimental investigation and parametric analysis on overall buckling behavior of large-section aluminum alloy columns under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018,122:585-596.

(5) Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Zhang GX, Shi YJ. Tests and parametric analysis of aluminum alloy bolted joints of different material types. Construction and Building Materials, 2018,185:589-599.

(6) Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Zhang Y, Gardner L, Ouyang YW. Experimental investigation and design of extruded aluminium alloy T-stubs connected by swage-locking pins. Engineering Structures, 2019,200:109675.

(7) Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Yun X, Gardner L, Hu XG. Experimental and numerical study of fixed-ended high strength aluminium alloy angle section columns. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2020,146(10):04020206.

(8) Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Zhang Y, Wang ZY*, Ouyang YW. Experimental investigation on the behaviour of aluminium alloy beam-to-column joints connected by swage-locking pins. Engineering Structures, 2020,213:110578.

(9) Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Yun X, Zhang Y, Li ZQ, Wang ZY. Numerical modelling of extruded aluminium alloy T-stubs connected by swage-locking pins: FE validation and parametric study. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020,155:106926.

(10) Yun X, Wang ZX*, Gardner L. Structural performance and design of hot-rolled steel SHS and RHS under combined axial compression and bending. Structures, 2020,27:1289-1298.

(11) Yun X, Wang ZX*, Gardner L. Full-range stress–strain curves for aluminum alloys. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2021,147(6):04021060.

(12) Wang ZX, Wang Y, Yun X, Gardner L, Teh LH. Experimental study of swage-locking pinned aluminium alloy shear connections. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 163:107641.

(13) Yun X, Zhu YF, Wang ZX*, Gardner L. Benchmark tests on high strength steel frames. Engineering Structures, 2022, 258:114108.(Best Paper Award 2022 (Steel and Space Structures) of Engineering Structures)

(14) Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Li BB, Zhang Y. Experimental and numerical study on seismic behaviour of aluminium alloy frames. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 50:104231.

(15) Li BB, Wang YQ, Wang ZX*, Zhi XH, Zhang Y, Ouyang YW. 7A04-T6 high-strength aluminium alloy SHS and RHS beams under pure bending—Testing, modelling and design recommendations. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022,177:109400.

(16) Wang ZX, Li MY, Han QH, Yun X, Zhou K, Gardner L, Mazzolani FM. Structural fire behaviour of aluminium alloy structures: Review and outlook. Engineering Structures, 2022,268:114746.(Review Paper)

(17) Yan JB, Kong GB, Wang ZX*, Zhang L, Wang X. Compression behaviours of aluminium alloy I-column at low temperatures. Structures, 2022, 44:418-435.

(18) Wang ZX, Ma CY, Li MY, Han QH, Li HT, Zhao DD. Mechanical properties of 7A04-T6 high strength structural aluminium alloy at elevated temperatures and after cooling down. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 180:109930.

(19) Han QH, Li MY, Wang ZX*. Testing of high strength aluminium alloy SHS and RHS stub columns in fire. Engineering Structures, 2023, 284:115971.

(20) Han QH, Li MY, Wang ZX*, Yun X, Ouyang YW. Local buckling behaviour and design of aluminium alloy plates in fire. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 189:110886.

(21) Wang ZX, Yun X, Wang YQ, Ma CY, Yan JB. Numerical study and design of swage-locking pinned aluminium alloy shear connections. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 190:110949.

(22) Han QH, Li MY, Wang ZX*, Sun JJ, Liu MJ. Strategy of scaled modelling for underwater shaking table tests on cylindrical marine structures under coupled earthquake and wave-current action: A review. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience, 2023, 2, 263-281. (Review Paper)

(23) Chen MT, Gong ZC, Zhang TY, Zuo WK, Zhao Y, Zhao O, Zhang GD, Wang ZX*. Mechanical behavior of austenitic stainless steels produced by wire arc additive manufacturing.Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 196:111455.

(24) Wang ZX, Hou YH, Huang C*, Han QH, Zong L, Chen MT, Deng KL, Gardner L. Experimental study and constitutive modelling of wire arc additively manufactured steel under cyclic loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 213:108420.

(25) Han QH, Li MY, Wang ZX*. Bridge pier under coupled earthquake and wave-current actions: Numerical model establishing, optimization and structural response analysis. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 302:117520.

(26) Wang ZX, Ma CY, Yun X, Han QH*, Li BB, Wang ZY. Experimental study on structural performance of 7A04-T6 high-strength aluminium alloy shear connections in and after fire. Engineering Structures, 2024, 309:118028. 

(27) Wang ZX, Zhan LL, Yun X*. Experimental study of local buckling behaviour of 7A04-T6 high strength aluminium alloy H-section stub columns in fire. Engineering Structures, 2024, 317:118631.

(28) Han QH, Li MY, Wang ZX*. Evaluation on the applicability of similitude laws for scaled model design in underwater shaking table tests in the elastic stage. Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 153:104252.

(29) Sun JJ, Ma CY, Wang ZX*, Han QH*. Experimental investigations on the structural performance of the swage-locking pin without separating pintail (SLP-WSP) at elevated temperatures. Engineering Structures, 2025, 325:119333.