姓名(中文/汉语拼音) |
崔健 /Cui Jian |
职称 |
副研究员 |
职务 |
导师资格 |
硕导/博导 | |
所在系、所 |
土木工程系 |
通讯地址 |
天津市海河教育园区雅观路135号天津大学新校区43楼C225 |
电子信箱 |
[email protected] | |
办公室电话 |
主要研究方向: |
混凝土动态本构模型、混凝土结构抗爆、材料动力学实验 |
主要学历: |
2014.09-2018.06,天津大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程,博士研究生 2012.09-2014.07,天津大学,结构工程(硕博连读),硕士研究生 2008.09-2012.07,中国石油大学(华东),土木工程,本科 |
主要学术经历: |
2021.05-今,天津大学,副研究员 2018.09-2021.04,天津大学,讲师 2017.02-2018.02,澳大利亚西澳大学,联合培养博士 |
主要讲授课程: |
工程经济与造价、混凝土结构原理 | ||
主要学术兼职: |
国际防护结构学会会员 天津土木工程学会会员 |
主要学术成就、奖励及荣誉: |
1民用建筑防爆设计标准(T/CECS 736-2020)主要起草人 2天津市优秀博士学位论文 |
主要科研项目及角色: |
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,爆炸荷载下建筑围护构件破碎分析方法及碎片危害性评价与控制研究,2023.01-2026.12,主持 2.国家自然科学基金青年项目,考虑静水压力损伤和孔隙水效应的混凝土动态本构模型研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持 3.中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等),考虑静水压力作用的混凝土损伤机理与动态本构模型研究,2019.05-2020.11,主持 4.国家自然科学基金重点项目,建筑结构性能化抗爆设计理论与方法研究,2020.01-2024.12,参与 |
代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况: |
1. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Xibing Li, Kun Du. Experimental study of concrete damage under high hydrostatic pressure. Cement and Concrete Research. 2017; 100: 140-152. 2. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Discussion on the suitability of concrete constitutive models for high-rate response predictions of RC structures. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2017; 106: 202-216. 3. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Numerical study of the influences of pressure confinement on high-speed impact tests of dynamic material properties of concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 2018; 171: 839-849. 4. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi. Study of concrete damage mechanism under hydrostatic pressure by numerical simulations. Construction and Building Materials. 2018; 160: 440-447. 5. Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, Zhong-Xian Li, Li Chen. Failure Analysis and Damage Assessment of RC Columns under Close-In Explosions. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2015; 29: B4015003. 6. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Xihong Zhang and Shi Huan. Volumetric properties of concrete under true tri-axial dynamic compressive loadings. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2019, 31(7): 04019126. 7. Yanchao Shi, Jing Wang, Jian Cui(通讯作者). Experimental studies on fragments of reinforced concrete slabs under close-in explosions. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020: 103630. 8. Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, Xihong Zhang, Weibo Huang, Mingliang Ma. Experimental study on the tension and puncture behavior of spray polyurea at high strain rates. Polymer Testing, 2020; 93: 106863. 9. Yanchao Shi,Ning Wang,Jian Cui(通讯作者), Changhui Li,Xuejie Zhang.Experimental and numerical investigation of charge shape effect on blast load induced by near-field explosions.Process Safety and Environmental Protection.2022;165:266-277. 10. Mei Li, Hong Hao, Jian Cui(通讯作者).Numerical investigation of the failure mechanism of concrete specimens under tri-axial dynamic loads.Engineering Fracture Mechanics.2022;266:108425. |