

罗云标 副教授 的个人资料


罗云标 /Luo Yunbiao











[email protected]







2001.9-2005.6 浙江大学 土木工程 本科

2005.9-2008.6 东南大学 结构工程 硕士

2008.10-2009.8 东北师范大学留日预备学校 日语二级

2009.10-2013.9 京都大学 建筑结构 博士

2013.10-2015.3 京都大学 防灾研究所 特定研究员


罗云标博士从2015年3月至今在天津大学土木系从事科研及教学工作,目前主要在抗震抗爆团队从事高性能土木工程材料的装配式结构构件的性能研究,桥梁及结构的抗震评估及加固等。他2005年本科毕业于浙江大学,随后保送至东南大学师从国家杰青基金获得者吴刚教授,主要从事新型纤维增强复合材料(FRP)与钢的复合增强筋的开发及其在结构工程中的应用研究。2009年至2013年在日本文部省奖学金资助下赴京都大学攻读博士学位,师从美国工程院及日本工程院两院院士Masayoshi Nakashima教授 (日本建筑学会主席,国际地震工程学会IAEE主席),主要研究方向为应用高性能土木工程材料的组合结构及新型抗震结构。他在包括结构工程领域国内外权威期刊Journal of Structural Engineering(ASCE), Engineering Structures,土木工程学报,建筑结构学报等期刊及会议上发表研究论文合计30余篇,其中SCI论文8篇(含ASCE论文4篇)。现主持国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目5项,参与日本文部科学省研究项目3项。同时,他是美国土木工程学会(ASCE)会员,日本建筑学会(AIJ)及日本钢结构学会(JSSC)会员。


1. 混凝土结构原理 64课时

2. 道路勘测设计 32学时

3. 道路勘测课程设计 10学时








3.大连市优秀自然科学论文二等奖, 2015年




1. 高强钢与高性能纤维增强混凝土的预制装配式组合梁的基本性能与设计方法研究,青年基金,国家自然科学基金委员会, 20万, 2016/1/1-2018/12/30,项目号:51508381, 主持。

2. 钢-连续纤维复合板与混凝土组合梁的抗弯性能研究,天津大学自主创新基金,10万,2017/1/1-2018/12/30,主持。

3. 带可更换耗能元件的高韧性框架-剪力墙结构抗震性能及功能可恢复研究,应急管理部重点实验室项目,子课题,36万,2019/8-2022/8,主持。

4. 大型液态天然气储罐模块化装配铝制吊顶技术研究,企事业委托项目,50万,2020/10-2022/9,主持。

5. 钢结构污水池受力分析及加固处理研究,企事业委托项目,4万,2020/10-2021/9,主持。



2.973项目(子课题), 2016120024003572,钢和钢筋混凝土结构的多尺度、多物理场数值计算理论与方法, 2015/7-2019/8,53万,在研,参加。

3. 直置き型鋼構造建築物の構造性能と耐震設計,基盤研究(A),日本文部科学省,JPY 4030万,2013年4月1日~2017年3月31日, 项目号:25249078。

4. 建築鋼構造の崩壊余裕度とそれに及ぼす筋違いの役割,特別研究員奨励費,日本文部科学省,JPY 300万,2012年10月1日~2014年9月30日, 项目号:12F02374。

5.「構造の扉」と「見える制振部材」を用いた建物損傷検知システムの開発,挑戦的萌芽研究,日本文部科学省,JPY 350万,2009年4月1日~2011年3月31日, 项目号:21656136。

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:

Refereed journal papers (full paper reviewed by multiple):

[1] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Kazuaki Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima. Behavior and Strength of Headed Stud-SFRCC Shear Connection: Part I Experimental Study, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,2016.

[2] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Kazuaki Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima. Behavior and Strength of Headed Stud-SFRCC Shear Connection: Part II Strength Evaluation, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,2016.

[3] Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu, Yunbiao Luo, Zeyang Sun, Xianqi Hu. “Mechanical Properties of steel-FRP Composite Bar under Uniaxial and Cyclic Tensile Loads.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE. Vol.22, pp.1056-1066, October, 2010.

[4] Masayoshi Nakashima, Oren Lavan, Masahiro Kurata, and Yunbiao Luo. “Earthquake engineering research needs in light of lessons learned from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.” Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. Vol.13, pp.141-149, August, 2014.

[5] Kazuaki Hoki, Yunbiao Luo, Masayoshi Nakashima, “Strength Evaluation of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab.” Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, AIJ, Vol.77, No. 675, pp.975-984, June, 2012 (in Japanese).

[6] Yao Cui, Yunbiao Luo, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Development of steel beam-to-column connections using SFRCC slabs.” Engineering Structures, 52, 545– 557, 2013.

[7] Yunbiao Luo, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu, Ming Zhang, and Xianqi. Hu. “Bearing Capacity Analysis of RC Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted Steel FRP Composite Bar,” Journal of Building Structures, Vol.31, No. 8, pp.86–93, Aug, 2010 (EI).

[8] Gang Wu, Yunbiao Luo, Zhishen Wu, Min Zhang, and Xianqi Hu “Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Mechanical Properties of steel-FRP Composite Bars.” China Civil Engineering Journal,Vol.43, No.3, pp.53-61, March, 2010 (EI)

[9] Yunbiao Luo, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu, Xianqi Hu, and Ye Tian. “Study on Fabrication Technique of Steel Fiber Composite Bar (SFCB).” Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, Vol.31, No. 1, pp.28–34, 2009 (in Chinese)

[10] Yunbiao Luo, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu, Min Zhang, and Xianqi Hu, “Numerical Study on Seismic Performance of Steel Fiber Composite Bar (SFCB) Reinforced Concrete Column.” Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, Vol.31, No.1, pp.14–20, 2009 (in Chinese).

[11] Gang Wu, Yunbiao Luo, Zhishen Wu, Xianqi Hu, and Min Zhang. “Experimental Study on Mechanics Properties of Steel Fiber Composite Bar (SFCB) Under Uniaxial Load.” Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, Vol.31, No.1, pp.1–7, 2009 (in Chinese).

[12] Gang Wu, Yunbiao Luo, Zhishen Wu, Min Zhang, and Xianqi Hu. “Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted Steel Fiber Composite Bars (SFCB).” Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting, Vol.31, No.1, pp.8–13, 2009 (in Chinese).

Conference Papers (Full reviewed):

[1] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masahiro Kurata, and Masayoshi Nakashima, “Experimental Study on Steel Beam-to-Column Connections Repaired with SFRCC,” presented at the Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference (PSSC 2013), Singapore, 2013, pp. 327–332.

[2] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima, “Analysis and Design of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections Rehabilitated with SFRCC”, 21th JSSC Annual Symposium, Tokyo, pp.581-586, November, 2013.

[3] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Yao Cui, Masayoshi Nakashima, “Strength of Headed Studs in Composite Structural Connection with SFRCC,” presented at the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas, STESSA 2012, Santiago, Chile, pp. 653–659, January, 2011.

[4] Yunbiao Luo, Gang Wu, Zhishen Wu, Ming Zhang, and Xianqi Hu. “Experimental study on flexural performance of RC beams strengthened with near surface mounted steel fiber composite bars (SFCB)”. Proceedings of 9th international symposium on fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement for concrete structures, Sydney, Australia, July, 2009.

[5] Masayoshi Nakashima, Masahiro Kurata, Yunbiao Luo. “A Practical Approach using Large-Scale Testing Facilities for Research on Urgent Issues Disclosed in 2011 Tohoku Earthquake,” Keynote Paper at the 10th Sino-Japan Joint Seminar on Structure Engineering, Nanjing, 2013, pp. 33–44.

[6] Masayoshi Nakashima, Yunbiao Luo. “Research Needs For Earthquake Engineering And Current Research And Development Efforts In Japan,” Keynote Paper at the 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, 2014, pp. 33– 44.

[7] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Yao Cui, Masayoshi Nakashima, “Experimental Study on Strength of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Closely Arranged in SFRCC Slab”, 19th JSSC Annual Symposium, Tokyo, pp.215-220, November, 2011.

[8] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima, “Effects of Fiber Volume Ratio and Reversed Cyclic Loading on Behavior of Steel Stud-SFRCC Composite Connection”, 20th JSSC Annual Symposium, Tokyo, pp.189-194, November, 2012.

Conference Papers (In Japan)

[1] Yunbiao Luo, Yao Cui, Toru Tai, Shuhai Song, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Hysteretic Behavior for Steel Beam-to-column Connections Using SFRCC Floor Slabs : Part.4 Finite Element Analysis.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 787–788, 2010.

[2] Toru Tai, Shuhai Song, Yao Cui, Yunbiao Luo, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Hysteretic Behavior for Steel Beam-to-column Connections Using SFRCC Floor Slabs : Part 3 : Procedure to Estimate Maximum Strength.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 785–786, 2010.

[3] Shuhai Song, Toru Tai, Yao Cui, Yunbiao Luo, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Hysteretic Behavior for Steel Beam-to-column Connections Using SFRCC Floor Slabs : Part 1 : Design of specimens and test setup.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 781–782, 2010.

[4] Yao Cui, Toru Tai, Shuhai Song, Yunbiao Luo, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Hysteretic Behavior for Steel Beam-to-column Connections Using SFRCC Floor Slabs : Part 2 : Test Results.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 783–784, 2010.

[5] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Shuhai Song, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Strength Evaluation of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab : Part 2 Numerical Study.” Proceedings of Technical Papers of Kinki Branch, No. 51, pp.309–312, 2011.

[6] Kazuaki Hoki, Yunbiao Luo, Shuhai Song, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Strength Evaluation of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab : Part 1 Push-out Test.” Proceedings of Technical Papers of Kinki Branch, No. 51, pp.305–308, 2011.

[7] Shuhai Song, Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Strength Evaluation of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab : Part 3 Proposal Equation for Strength Evaluation..” Proceedings of Technical Papers of Kinki Branch, No. 51, pp.313–316, 2011.

[8] Kazuaki Hoki, Yunbiao Luo, Shuhai Song, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Mechanical Behavior of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab Part 1 Push-out Test.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 1149–1150, 2011.

[9] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Shuhai Song, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Mechanical Behavior of Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab Part 2 Numerical Analysis.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 1151–1152, 2011.

[10] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Performance of High Strength Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab: Part 1 Effect of Fiber Volume Fraction.” Proceedings of Technical Papers of Kinki Branch, No. 52 pp.509–512, 2012.

[11] Kazuaki Hoki, Yunbiao Luo, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Performance of High Strength Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab: Part 2 Effect of Cyclic Loading.” Proceedings of Technical Papers of Kinki Branch, No. 52 pp.513–516, 2012.

[12] Yunbiao Luo, Kazuaki Hoki, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Study on Effects of Steel Fiber Volume and Cyclic Loading in High-Strength Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab : Part 1 : Effect of Steel Fiber Volume.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 1157–1158, 2012.

[13] Kazuaki Hoki, Yunbiao Luo, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Masayoshi Nakashima. “Study on Effects of Steel Fiber Volume and Cyclic Loading in High-Strength Composite Structural Connection with Steel Studs Embedded in SFRCC Slab : Part 1 : Comparison of Cyclic and Monotonic Loading Behavior.” Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. C-1, No. 1159–1160, 2012.