

熊春宝 教授 的个人资料


熊春宝 /Xiong Chunbao










澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 土木工程系











1980.9-1984.7 武汉测绘澳门新葡京娱乐城 (后改名为武汉测绘科技大学)工程测量专业 学士

1986.9-1989.1 武汉测绘科技大学(现合并为武汉大学)大地测量专业 硕士(导师:王昆杰 教授)

1995.9-1998.8 天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程澳门新葡京娱乐城 测试计量技术与仪器专业 博士(导师:叶声华 院士)


1991.4-现在 澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师

2005.9-2006.9 加拿大卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary)访问学者







澳门新葡京娱乐城(简体中文)官网 测量教研室 主任

天津市测绘学会 理事

中国测绘学会海洋测绘委员会 委员

中国海洋工程咨询协会 理事

中国卫星导航定位(GNSS & LBS)协会 理事



[1] 项目负责人国家重点研发计划(2023YFC3009301)子课题:城市超大深基坑(群)多因素耦合作用下施工变形快速时空预测技术. 2023-2026

[2] 项目负责人津市自然科学基金项目(22JCYBJC00300):热---化耦合下横观各向同性非饱和土渗流特性和固结机理研究. 2022-2025

[3] 项目负责人深海油气工程施工定位与安全检测关键技术研究. 2019-2022 

[4] 项目负责人海底管线的多源探测数据融合方法及其三维仿真系统. 2015-2018

[5] 项目负责人国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)“灾害环境下地下工程安全性控制原理和方法”子课题:城市地下工程安全远程自动监控与专家系统. 2010-2014

[6] 项目负责人天津市科技攻关项目:海河两岸地面沉降监测与控沉研究. 2004-2006. 获天津市科技进步三等奖

[7] 项目负责人天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划“自动柔性测量与自动分选技术的研究”子项目:大尺度空间控制的测地机器人定位技术研究. 2009-2012

[8] 项目负责人黄骅港防沙堤变形观测及其稳定性分析. 2010-2012

[9] 项目负责人道桥变形监测及数据处理方法的研究. 2001-2004

[10] 项目负责人天津开发区(化学工业区)地下管线探测与管理信息系统开发. 2006-2008

[11] 项目负责人广东阳江核电站海域水下地形测绘与数据分析. 2008-2009

[12] 项目负责人辽宁江石底核电站海域水下地形测绘与分析. 2009-2010

[13] 主研人深海导管架制造尺寸控制方法的研究及其测量误差处理软件的开发. 1995-1997

[14] 主研人国家自然科学基金项目:无导轨图像拼接及大范围现场检测技术研究. 2000-2002

[15] 主研人重庆市狮子滩水库淤积测量与分析研究. 2001-2003

[16] 主研人天津市区至滨海新区快速轨道交通工程线路结构沉降变形监测. 2004-2007


[1] 天津西站主站楼平移过程全自动实时变形监测预警系统的研制与实际应用(2009

[2] 天津地铁1号线第17标段(丁字沽三号路)(2002-2004)及地铁3号线第10A标段(解放北路站)施工变形监测(2008-2009

[3] 天津轻轨全线(49km)竣后沉降监测(2006-2009

[4] 天津经济技术开发区(17km2)地籍测绘(2000-2001

[5] 彩虹大桥(天津北塘)桥墩、桥拱及桥面全方位变形观测(2000-2003

[6] 天津大学校园地形图修测及地下管线探测(2001-2002

[7] 独乐寺(天津蓟县)三维变形观测(1994

[8] 黄河(山西段:450km)水下地形测绘及其电子地图的制作(2002-2003

[9] 胜利油田(山东东营)海上石油钻井平台(16座)沉降变形检测及海底管缆(10条)安全检测(2003-2004

[10] 三星(韩国)船厂(山东荣成)港池航道锚地多波束扫海测量(2008

代表性论文 / 论著及检索情况:

主编:《测量学》(土木类)天津大学出版社, 2001.

主编:《测量学》(国家级“十五”规划教材)天津大学出版社, 2005.

主编:《测地机器人》测绘出版社, 2011.

主编:《地理信息系统原理与工程应用》天津大学出版社, 2015.

[1] Xiong Chunbao, Shang Zhi, Chen Wen, Wang Meng. Bw-ICEEMDAN/NExT-ERA method of data processing for dynamic monitoring of a super high-rise TV tower based on GNSS-RTK technique [J]. GPS Solutions, 2024, 28(1): 1. SCI一区, 收录号: 001080639400001.

[2] Su Guangli, Xiong Chunbao, Zhang Guiying, Wang Yong, Shen Qiang, Chen Xiaohu, An Hewen & Qin Longchao. Coupled processes of groundwater dynamics and land subsidence in the context of active human intervention, a case in Tianjin, China [J]. Science of The Total Environment,  2023, 903. SCI一区, 收录号: 001076889300001.

[3] Chunbao Xiong, Sida Lian, Wen Chen. An ensemble method for automatic real‑time detection, evaluation and position of exposed subsea pipelines based on 3D real‑time sonar system [J]. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2023, 13: 485–504. SCI收录号: 000886875100001.

[4] Chunbao Xiong, Sida Lian, Wen Chen. An ensemble method for automatic real-time detection and evaluation of oil and gas leakage in subsea pipelines based on 3D real-time sonar system [J]. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2023, 13: 1313-1331. SCI收录号: 000995713100001.

[5] Xiong C, Wang M, Chen W. Data-driven structural dynamic characteristics investigation by combining RDT and IVMD method [J]. Structures, 2023, 55: 2295-2306. SCI收录号: 001048645500001.

[6] Xiong C, Wang M, Shang Z, Liu T, Shi Q. Modal frequencies evaluation of a damaged bridge using RCVMD algorithm based on sensor dynamic responses [J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34(10): 105013. SCI收录号: 001030730600001.

[7] Chunbao Xiong, Sida Lian, Wen Chen. Detection and Location of Steel Structure Trestle Surface Cracks Based on Consumer-grade Camera System [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2023, 27(3): 1150-1165. SCI收录号: 000920128600003.

[8] Chunbao Xiong, Meng Wang, Wen Chen. Data analysis and dynamic characteristic investigation of large-scale civil structures monitored by RTK-GNSS based on a hybrid filtering algorithm [J]. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2022, (12): 857–874. SCI收录号:000801082200001.

[9] Xiong C, Lian S. Structural Damage Identification Based on Improved Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(3). SCI收录号: 000606175900005.

[10] Yu Lina, Xiong Chunbao, Chen Wen, Gao Yang, Ye Zuoan, Shi Qingfa. A combined algorithm for denoising GNSS-RTK positioning solutions with application to displacement monitoring of a super-high-rise building [J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, 32(11): 115-121. SCI收录号: 000685773500001.

[11] Chen W., Xiong C., Yu L., Lian S., & Ye Z.. Dynamic monitoring of an offshore jacket platform based on RTK-GNSS measurement by CF-CEEMDAN method [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2021, 115(3): 102844. SCI收录号: 000697347200001.

[12] Chunbao Xiong and Hongzhi Bai. Calibration of Large-Scale Spatial Positioning Systems Based on Photoelectric Scanning Angle Measurements and Spatial Resection in Conjunction with an External Receiver Array [J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 925. SCI收录号: 00525305900196.

[13] Xiong C, Yu L, Zhao L. Analysis on the Impacts of Slant Tropospheric Delays on Precise Point Positioning [J]. Applied sciences, 2019, 9(22):1-12. SCI收录号: 000502570800161.

[14] Yu L, Xiong C, Gao Y, Zhu J. Combining GNSS and accelerometer measurements for evaluation of dynamic and semi-static characteristics of bridge structures [J]. Measurement Science and Technology. 2020, 31(12): 1-11. SCI收录号: 000576551000001.

[15] Xiong C. B., Niu Y. B., Wang Z. L. and Yuan L. L.. Dynamic monitoring of a super high-rise structure based on RTK-GNSS technique combining CEEMDAN and wavelet threshold analysis [J]. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2019. SCI收录号: 000469731200001.

[16] Xiong C. B., Yu L. N. and Niu Y. B.. Dynamic Parameter Identification of a Long-Span Arch Bridge Based on GNSS-RTK Combined with CEEMDAN-WP Analysis [J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(7): 1301. SCI收录号: 000466547500036.

[17] Chunbao Xiong, Wen Chen, Meng Shen, Zhi Li. Experimental investigation on recycled clay brick powder as a sand replacement in LFC [J]. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2019, 71(23): 1206-1217. SCI收录号: 000493300200002.

[18] Chunbao Xiong, Lina Yu, Yanbo Niu. Effect of Variable Thermal Conductivity on the Generalized Thermoelasticity Problems in a Fiber-Reinforced Anisotropic Half-Space [J]. Advances in material science and engineering, 2019, 1-9. SCI收录号: 000486398100001.

[19] Xiong C. B. and Niu Y. B. Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of a Super High-rise Structure using RTK-GNSS Technique [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(2): 654-665. SCI收录号: 000455806000020.

[20] Ying Guo, Chunbao Xiong, Haibin Zhu. Dynamic Response of Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Elastodynamic Problem for Saturated Foundation under G-L Generalized Thermoelasticity [J]. Journal of Porous Media, 2019, 22: 1651-1666. SCI收录号: 00505042500003.

[21] Xiong C , Li Z , Sun X , et al. An Effective Method for Submarine Pipeline Inspection Using Three-Dimensional (3D) Models Constructed from Multisensor Data Fusion [J]. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 34(4): 1009-1019. SCI收录号: 000438448400023.

[22] Xiong C. B., Bai H. Z., Lin J. R. Potential of Workshop Measurement Positioning System to Measure Oscillation Frequencies of Rigid Structures [J]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(3): 595. SCI收录号: 000459976200235.

[23] Xiong C. and Niu Y. An investigation of the dynamic characteristics of super high-rise buildings using real-time kinematic-global navigation satellite system technology [J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2018, 21: 783-792. SCI收录号: 000429746100011.

[24] Chunbao Xiong, Ying Guo, and Yu Diao. Dynamic Response of Saturated Soil Subject to Time Harmonic Sources under Generalized Thermoelasticity [J]. Journal of Porous Media, 2018, 21: 441-456. SCI收录号: 000435024300004.

[25] Niu Y. B. and Xiong C. B. Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a suspension bridge based on RTK-GNSS measurement combining EEMD and a wavelet packet technique [J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 29: 085-103. SCI收录号: 000436957100001.

[26] Xiong C B, Li Z, Zhai G J, et al. A new method for inspecting the status of submarine pipeline based on a multi-beam bathymetric system [J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2016, 24(4): 876-887. SCI收录号: 000382799100021.

[27] Xiong Chunbao, Lu Huali, Zhu Jinsong. Reality of virtual damage identification based on neural networks and vibration analysis of a damaged bridge under a moving vehicle [J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2017: 1-11. SCI收录号: 000426853600013.

[28] Xiong Chunbao, Lu Huali, Zhu Jinsong. Operational modal analysis of bridge structures with data from GNSS/accelerometer measurements [J]. Sensors, 2017, 17(3): 436. SCI收录号: 000398818700009.

[29] Xiong, C. B. and Niu, Y. B.. Fractional-order generalized thermoelastic diffusion theory [J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, 38(8): 1091–1108. SCI收录号: 000404749900004.

[30] Chunbao Xiong and Ying Guo. Effect of variable properties and moving heat source on magnetothermoelastic problem under fractional order thermoelasticity [J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, SCI收录号: 000376894900001.

[31] Chunbao Xiong and Ying Guo. Electromagneto-thermoelastic diffusive plane waves in a half-space with variable material properties under fractional order thermoelastic diffusion [J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2017, 53(2): 251-269. SCI收录号: 000395833300006.

[32] Chunbao Xiong, Ying Guo, and Yu Diao. Normal mode analysis to a poroelastic half-space problem under generalized thermoelasticity [J]. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 14(5): 930-949. SCI收录号: 000406869100009.

[33] Xiong Chunbao, Chen Wen, Ye Zuoan. Experimental study on calculation of hydro-geological parameters for unsteady flow [J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2013, 19(5): 351-355. EI收录号: 20134416925956.

[34] Xiong Chunbao, Wang Haitao. Study on technique of automatic and continuous monitoring groundwater level and its application to engineering [C]. 2012 International Conference on Progress in Civil Engineering, 2012, 170-173: 2060-2065. EI收录号: 20122315099806.

[35] Xiong Chunbao, Sun Ming. A real-time remote automatic system for monitoring the subsidence of building [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 163-167. EI收录号: 20110313593615.

[36] Xiong Chunbao, Li Tiande. Application of artificial neural networks to prediction of deformation in deep foundation pit [C]. 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 2011, 1448-1453. EI收录号: 20113814353743.

[37] Xiong Chunbao, Ye Shenghua, Wang Zhong. New model of theodolite industrial measuring system [J]. Transactions of Tianjin University, 1999, 5(2): 180-184.

[38] 熊春宝, 王猛, 尚智, 史青法. 基于ACVMD-WT法的GNSS-RTK高耸结构动态监测与模态分析[J]. 振动工程学报, 2023, 36(05): 1223-1233. EI收录号: 20234615061529.

[39] 熊春宝, 庞红星. 基于组合赋权法的小波阈值降噪综合评价指标研究[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版). 2022, 55(12): 1300-1308. EI收录号: 20225013253045.

[40] 熊春宝, 张子健, 陈雯, 于丽娜. 海洋平台GNSS-RTK监测数据的CVCEEMDAN-WT-SSA去噪方法[J]. 测绘通报, 2023, (04): 163-166+171.

[41] 郭颖, 熊春宝, 虞跨海, 梁斌. 分数阶热弹性理论下中空黏弹性圆柱热弹耦合动力响应[J]. 振动与冲击. 2022, 41(22): 152-159+201. EI收录号: 20225313324281.

[42] 陈雯熊春宝张子健于丽娜基于多传感器的海洋平台动态位移监测及滤波方法[J]. 导航定位学报, 2022, 10(04): 94-99+114.

[43] 熊春宝庞红星王猛史青法基于ICEEMDAN的多滤波算法在超高层动态变形监测中的应用[J]. 测绘通报, 2022, (03): 152-156.

[44] 于丽娜熊春宝熊爱成朱劲松王猛基于改进 CEEMDAN 分解的 GNSS-RTK 监测信号处理方法[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2021, 54(08): 816-824. EI收录号: 20212310458517.

[45] 熊春宝白洪志王猛基于wMPS测量刚性结构振动频率的可行性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(19): 41-47+58. EI收录号: 20214411105757.

[46] 熊春宝王猛于丽娜桥梁GNSS-RTK变形监测数据的CEEMDAN-WT联合降噪法[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(9): 12-18. EI检索号: 20212310449109.

[47] 熊春宝陈雯王猛基于RTK-GNSS的海上平台桩腿结构水平位移监测[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2021, 54(8): 781-789. EI收录号:20212310458533.

[48] 熊春宝王猛于丽娜桥梁GNSS-RTK变形监测数据的多滤波联合去噪处理[J]. 测绘通报, 2020, (7): 93-96+142.

[49] 熊春宝胡倩倩郭颖孔隙率各向异性下饱和多孔弹性地基动力响应[J]. 力学学报, 2020, 52(4): 1120-1130. EI收录号: 20203509106458.

[50] 熊春宝韩龙陈雯叶作安基于GNSS和静力水准的海洋石油平台沉降监测方法[J]. 船海工程, 2020, 49(1): 120-123.

[51] 熊春宝于丽娜常翔宇基于EEMD-小波阈值去噪的桥梁结构模态参数识别[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2020, 53(4): 378-385. EI收录号: 20201808589913.

[52] 秦鹏程熊春宝李志翟京生考虑多腐蚀缺陷作用效应的海底管道失效压力分析[J]. 表面技术, 2020, 49(1): 237-244. EI收录号: 20200908216331.

[53] 熊春宝张雪芳牛彦波朱劲松一种基于RTK-GNSS技术的大跨径悬索桥动态特性分析方法[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2019, 52(7): 699-708.EI收录号: 20192607106123.

[54] 熊春宝路华丽朱劲松余加勇基于GPS-RTK和加速度计的桥梁动态变形监测试验[J]. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(12): 69-73. EI收录号: 20193607395905.

[55] 熊春宝陈雯翟京生韩龙. GNSS-RTK技术下海洋平台桩腿动态变形监测及数据处理[J]. 测绘通报, 2019, (5): 102-105.

[56] 熊春宝郭颖刁钰李志荷载作用下多孔饱和地基的热--力耦合动力响应分析[J]. 计算力学学报, 2018, 35(6): 795-801. EI收录号: 20182605357129.

[57] 熊春宝白洪志李郎邾继贵局域定位系统拟应用于工程测量系统自定位法[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(12): 132-139. EI收录号: 20182005193765.

[58] 熊春宝李志孙轩丁建棣陈小华基于声波探测的海底管道非掩埋状态检测方法[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(5): 425-431.

[59] 熊春宝李志孙轩基于3D建模的海底管道在位稳定分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(S2):53-56. EI收录号: 20183905880108.

[60] 熊春宝郭颖刁钰考虑热--力耦合效应的饱和多孔地基动力响应分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2018, 39(6): 689-699.

[61] 熊春宝王渊杨林叶作安基于控制点约束的地面三维激光扫描仪自检方法研究[J]. 石家庄铁道大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 31(1): 86-90.

[62] 熊春宝田力耘叶作安熊指南白鋆. GNSS RTK技术下超高层结构的动态变形监测[J]. 测绘通报, 2015, (7): 14-17.

[63] 熊春宝丁建棣李志熊爱成海底管道检测中侧扫声纳声波掠射角的优化设计[J]. 海洋测绘, 2016, 36(6): 15-19.

[64] 熊春宝何浩博牛彦波叶作安基于GNSS-RTK的在建超高层风载动态变形监测[J]. 测绘工程, 2017, 26(5): 34-39.

[65] 熊春宝高鹏田力耘熊爱成不同坑底加固方式对深基坑变形影响的研究[J]. 建筑技术, 2015, 46(6): 486-490.

[66] 熊春宝田磊熊爱成陈小华侧扫声呐声波掠射角对海底管道检测的影响[J]. 测绘通报, 2016, (4): 58-63.

[67] 熊春宝杨林熊爱成叶作安基于三维激光扫描异地控制法的深基坑变形监测[J]. 建筑技术, 2016, 47(9): 777-780.

[68] 熊春宝李郎马超峰深基坑变形影响因子分析及预测方法研究[J]. 石家庄铁道大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 29(4): 53-59.

[69] 熊春宝王海涛一种组合模型在地面沉降预测中的应用研究[J]. 建筑技术, 2013, 44(3): 201-204.

[70] 熊春宝雷礼钢黄立人武艳强匡绍君. GPS-RTK监测大范围地面沉降的试验研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2006, 27(2): 309-312. EI收录号: 06159819358.

[71] 熊春宝雷礼钢软土深基坑支护内力和变形的三维有限元分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2006, 27(s): 701-705. EI收录号: 070610414960.

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