巴振宁, 梁建文, 吴孟桃,横观各向同性半空间波动理论及其在土木工程中的应用, 科学出版社, 2021
Fu JS, Ba ZN, Liang JW, Wang FB. A Physics-Based Simulation Approach for Urban-Scale Earthquake Disaster From Fault to City: Theory, Verification, and Application, EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2024, 54(2): 685-705.
Ba ZN, Zhao JX, Zhang YS, Dalguer Luis A.The 3D Physics-Based Broadband GroundMotion Simulation, including Topography Effects Causing Damage to Structures, for the 2022 M w 6.6 Menyuan, China, Earthquake, BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 2024, 114(3): 1481-1506.
Ba ZN, Lyu LH, Zhao JX, Zhang YS, Wang Y. Predicting the seismic ground-motion parameters: 3D physics-based numerical simulations combined with artificial neural networks, EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 2024, 40(4): 2623-2650.
Liang JW, Zhang GL, Ba ZN, Seismic response analysis of high-rise frame-core tube building on fluid-saturated soil considering soil-pile-structure interaction, Journal of Building Engineering. 2023, 63: 105563.
Liang JW, Xu AQ, Ba ZN, Seismic response of ultra-large diameter shield tunnel in upper-soft and lower-hard site: Shaking table tests and numerical simulations, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2023, 164: 107634.
Ba ZN, Liu Y, Liang JW, Near-fault broadband seismograms synthesis in a stratified transversely isotropic half-space using a semi-analytical frequency-wavenumber method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2023, 146: 1-16.
Ba ZN, Fu J, Zhu ZH, An end-to-end 3d seismic simulation of underground structures due to point dislocation source by using an FK-FEM hybrid approach, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. 2022: 1-15.
Ba ZN, Sang QZ, Liang JW, Seismic analysis of a lined tunnel in a multi-layered TI saturated half-space due to qP1-and qSV-waves, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022, 119: 104248.
Wu MT, Ba ZN, Liang JW. A procedure for 3D simulation of seismic wave propagation considering source-path-site effects: Theory, verification and application, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. 2022, 51(12): 2925-2955.
Ba ZN, Wu MT, Liang JW, A two-step approach combining FK with SE for simulating ground motion due to point dislocation sources, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2022, 157: 107224.
Zhu ZH, Tang YJ, Ba ZN, Seismic analysis of high-speed railway irregular bridge–track system considering V-shaped canyon effect, Railway Engineering Science. 2022, 30(1): 57-70.
Ba ZN, Liu Y, Liang JW, The dynamic stiffness matrix method for seismograms synthesis for layered transversely isotropic half-space, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2022, 104: 205-227.
Ba ZN, Fu JS, Wang FB, Effects of adjacent paleochannel sedimentary on the seismic response of structure with incident SH-wave, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2022, 136: 55-63.
Ba ZN, Fu JS, Zhu ZH, An end-to-end 3d seismic simulation of underground structures due to point dislocation source by using an FK-FEM hybrid approach, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. 2022: 1-15.
Ba ZN, Fu JS, Wang FB, Three-dimensional dynamic response analysis of rigid foundation embedded in layered transversely isotropic half-space, Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2022, 26(16): 8611-8628.
Zhu J, Liang JW, Ba ZN, Application of Biot’s Poroelasticity to Seismic Analysis of Subway Stations in a Saturated Poroelastic Half-space: Effects of Viscous Coupling, Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2022, 26(7): 3747-3768.
Ba ZN, Fu JS, Liu Y, Lee VW, Wang Y, Scattering of elastic spherical P, SV, and SH waves by three-dimensional hill in a layered half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 147: 106545.
Ba ZN, Fu JS, Liu Y, Wang Y, Elastic wave field simulation of a three-dimensional sedimentary basin for incident spherical P, SV, and SH waves, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2021, 128: 203-215.
Ba ZN, Fu JS, Liang JW, Liang K, Wang MS, Risk Assessment Method of Drainage Network Operation Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Combined with Analytic Network Process, Journal of Pipeline Systems in Engineering and Practice. 2021, 12(2): 04021009.
Ba ZN, Sang QZ, Liang JW, Wu MT, HVSR analysis of a layered saturated half-space using diffuse-field theory, Geophysical Journal International. 2021, 226(1): 270-286.
Ba ZN, Sang QZ, Wu MT, Liang JW, The revised direct stiffness matrix method for seismogram synthesis due to dislocations: from crustal to geotechnical scale, Geophysical Journal International. 2021, 227(1): 717-734.
Ba ZN, Wang Y, Fu JS, Liang JW, Corrosion Risk Assessment Model of Gas Pipeline Based on Improved AHP and Its Engineering Application, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2021: 1-19.
Ba ZN, Yu ZY, Wang Y, A multi-domain IBEM for the wave scattering and diffraction of P-and SV-waves by complex local sites, Waves in Random and Complex Media. 2021, 31(4): 769-793, DOI: 10.1080/17455030.2019.1626028.
Liang JW, Wu MT, Ba ZN, Lee VW, Surface motion of a layered transversely isotropic half-space with a 3D arbitrary-shaped alluvial valley under qP-, qSV- and SH-waves, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 140: 106388
Liang J, Zhang G, Ba Z, Liang JL, Development of a 3D fluid-saturated element for dynamic analysis of two-phase media in ABAQUS based on uU formed equations, Computers and Geotechnics. 2021, 139: 104377.
Liang JW, Wang YG, *Ba ZN, Zhong H, Scattering of plane waves by a 3D canyon in a transversely isotropic fluid-saturated layered half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 151: 106997.
Liang JW, Wu MT, *Ba ZN, Sang QZ, A reflection-transmission matrix method for time-history response analysis of a layered TI saturated site under obliquely incident seismic waves, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021, 97: 206-225.
Liang JW, Xu AQ, *Ba ZN, Chen RD, Zhang W, Liu MG, Shaking table test and numerical simulation on ultra-large diameter shield tunnel passing through soft-hard stratum, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 147: 106790.
Liang JW, Wang YG, *Ba ZN, Zhong H, A special indirect boundary element method for seismic response of a 3D canyon in a saturated layered half-space subjected to obliquely incident plane waves, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2021, 132: 182-201.
Liang JW, Wu MT, *Ba ZN, Simulating elastic wave propagation in 3-D layered transversely isotropic half-space using a special IBEM: Hill topography as an example, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2021, 124: 64-81.
Fu J, Liang JW, Ba ZN, Model errors caused by rigid-foundation assumption in soil-structure interaction: a comparison of responses of a soil-structure-flexible foundation system and a rigid foundation system, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 19(1): 77-99.
Liang JW, Wu MT, Ba ZN, Lee VW, Surface motion of a layered transversely isotropic half-space with a 3D arbitrary-shaped alluvial valley under qP-, qSV- and SH-waves, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2021, 140: 106388
Ba ZN, Wang Y, Liang JW, Vincent W Lee, Wave scattering of plane P, SV, and SH waves by a 3D alluvial basin in a multilayered half-space, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2020, 110(2): 576-595
Ba ZN, Wu MT, Liang JW, 3D dynamic responses of a multi-layered transversely isotropic saturated half-space under concentrated forces and pore pressure, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 80: 859-878
Ba ZN, Fu ZY, Liu ZX, Sang QZ, A 2.5D IBEM to investigate the 3D seismic response of 2D topographies in a multi-layered transversely isotropic half-space, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 113:382-401
Ba ZN, Sang QZ, Vincent W Lee, 2.5D scattering of obliquely incident seismic waves due to a canyon cut in a multi-layered TI saturated half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020, 129: 105957
Liang JW, Wu MT, Ba ZN, Vincent W Lee. Transfer matrix solution to free-field response of a multi-layered transversely isotropic poroelastic half-plane, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2020, 134: 106168
Ba ZN, An DH, Seismic response of a 3-D canyon in a multilayered TI half-space modelled by an indirect boundary integral equation method, Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 217: 1949-1973
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Lee VW, Sang QZ, Free-field response of a transversely isotropic saturated half-space subjected to incident plane qP1-and qSV-waves, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 125: 105-126
Ba ZN, Gao X, Lee VW, Scattering of plane P-and SV-waves by periodic topography: Modeled by a PIBEM, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 106: 320-333
Ba ZN, Sang QZ, Liang JW, 3D seismic response of a 2D hill-valley staggered topography modeled by a 2.5D multi-domain IBEM, Earthquake Science, 2019, 32: 125-142
Ba ZN, Wang Y, Liang JW, Liu XN, 3D dynamic responses of a 2D hill in a layered half-space subjected to obliquely incident plane P-, SV-and SH-waves, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 125: 129-145
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Lee VW, Gao YN,A semi-analytical method for vibrations of a layered transversely isotropic ground-track system due to moving train loads, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 121: 25-39
Ba ZN, Yu ZY, Wang Y, A multi-domain IBEM for the wave scattering and diffraction of P-and SV-waves by complex local sites, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2019, 6: 1-25
Liang JW, Wu MT, Ba ZN, Three-dimensional dynamic Green’s functions for transversely isotropic saturated half-space subjected to buried loads, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 129: 129-145
Liang JW, Jin W, Ba ZN, A study on a coupled model of a SDOF oscillator moving along an Euler beam on a viscoelastic half-space with variable speed, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 105: 221-230
Zhu J, Liang JW, Ba ZN, A 2.5 D equivalent linear model for longitudinal seismic analysis of tunnels in water-saturated poroelastic half-space, Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 109: 166-188
Fu J, Liang JW, Ba ZN, Non-singular boundary element method on impedances of three-dimensional rectangular foundations, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 99: 100-110
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Lee VW, Kang ZQ. Dynamic impedance functions for a rigid strip footing resting on a multi-layered transversely isotropic saturated half-space, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 86: 31-44
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Lee VW, Hu LM. IBEM for Impedance Functions of an Embedded Strip Foundation in a Multi-layered Transversely Isotropic half-space, Journal of Earthquake engineering, 2018, 22(8):1415-1446
Ba ZN, Kang ZQ, Liang JW. In-plane dynamic Green’s functions for inclined and uniformly distributed loads in a multi-layered transversely isotropic half-space, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018, 17(2): 293-309
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Lee VW, Kang ZQ. Dynamic impedance functions for a rigid strip footing resting on a multi-layered transversely isotropic saturated half-space, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2017, 80: 1-14 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Kang ZQ, Lee VW. Plane Strain Dynamic Responses of a Multi-layered Transversely Isotropic Saturated Half-space, international journal of engineering science, 2017, 119: 55-77
Ba ZN, Gao X, Soil-structure interaction in transversely isotropic layered media subjected to incident plane SH waves, Shock and Vibration, 2017, (2): 1-13 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Lee VW, Liang JW, Yan Y. Dynamic 2.5D Green’s functions for moving distributed loads acting on an inclined line in a multi-layered TI half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 99: 172-188 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW. Fundamental solutions of a multi-layered transversely isotropic saturated half-space subjected to moving point forces and pore pressure, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2017, 76: 40-58 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Lee VW, Liang JW, Yan Y., Scattering of plane qP- and qSV-waves by a canyon in a multi-layered transversely isotropic half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 98: 120-140 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Kang ZQ, Liang JW., Dynamic Green’s functions for uniformly distributed loads acting on an inclined line in a multi-layered transversely isotropic half-space, earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW. Lee VW., 3D dynamic response of a multi-layered transversely isotropic half-space subjected to a moving point load along a horizontal straight line with constant speed, international journal of solids and structures, 2016, 100: 427-445 (SCI)
Ba ZN,Liang JW, Lee VW, Hu LM. IBEM for Impedance Functions of an Embedded Strip Foundation in a Multi-layered Transversely Isotropic half-space, Journal of Earthquake engineering (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Zhang YJ. Diffraction of SH-waves by topographic features in a layered transversely isotropic half-space, Earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, 2017, 16: 11-22 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW. Dynamic response analysis of periodic alluvial valleys under incident plane SH-waves, Journal of Earthquake engineering, 2017, 21: 531-550(SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Lee VW. Wave propagation of buried spherical SH-, P1-, P2- and SV-waves in a layered poroelastic half-space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2016,88: 237-255 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Yin X. Wave scattering of complex local site in a layered half-space by using a multidomain IBEM: incident plane SH waves, Geophys. J. Int., 2016, 205: 1382-1405 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW, Zhang YJ. Scattering and diffraction of plane SH-waves by periodically distributed canyons, Earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, 2016, 15(2): 325-339 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Wang JY, Liang JW, Reduction of train-induced vibrations by using a trench in a layered half-space,Journal of Vibroengineering,2016, 18: 1742-1764 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW. 3-D scattering of obliquely incident Rayleigh waves by a saturated alluvial valley in a layered half-space, Journal of Vibroengineering,2015, 17: 4057-4647 (SCI)
Ba ZN, Liang JW. 2.5D Scattering of Incident Plane SV Waves by a Canyon in Layered Half-Space,Earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, 2010, 9: 587-595(SCI)
Liang JW,Ba ZN,Lee V W. Diffraction of plane SV waves by a shallow circular-arc canyon in a saturated poroelastic half-space. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2006,26:582-610 (SCI检索)
巴振宁, 鲁世斌, 付继赛, 梁建文, 芦燕, 基于FK-FE混合方法的位错点源作用下全过程结构地震反应模拟, 工程力学.
巴振宁, 慕少聪, 赵靖轩, 梁建文, 基于动力学震源模型的三维沉积盆地直下型断层地震动模拟, 震灾防御技术. 2022, 17(03):431-441.
巴振宁, 刘世朋, 吴孟桃, 梁建文, 管桩屏障在柱面波源下近场隔振效应的解析求解, 工程力学. 2022, 39(08):138-148+184.
巴振宁, 赵靖轩, 梁建文, 张郁山, 张玉洁, 基于有限断层震源模型的北京地区强地震动模拟——以1679年三河—平谷8级地震为例, 地震研究. 2022, 45(03):479-488.
巴振宁, 符瞻远, 焦鹏, 张龙, 俞春荣, 许德臣, 张翔, 嘉峪关木构城楼动力特性试验研究及分析.工程抗震与加固改造,2022,44(03):88-96.
巴振宁, 刘悦, 赵靖轩, 张郁山, 梁建文, 2021年漾濞6.4级近断层宽频地震动模拟:一种改进的FK方法, 岩土工程学报.
巴振宁, 赵靖轩, 吴孟桃, 梁建文, 基于CPU-GPU异构并行的复杂场地近断层地震动谱元法模拟, 地震学报. 2022, 44(01):182-193.
梁建文, 吴孟桃, 巴振宁, 频率波数域内地壳层半空间剪切位错源宽频地震波传播模拟, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2021: 1-16
巴振宁, 刘博佳, 付继赛, 排桩对柱面SH波散射问题研究:解析求解,吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2021, 05: 1306-1315
梁建文, 吴孟桃, 巴振宁, 流体饱和半空间二维地形三分量弹性波散射间接边界元模拟,地球物理学报, 2021, 08: 2766-2779
巴振宁, 赵靖轩, 吴孟桃, 梁建文, 塔拉, 基于逆断层动力学模型的三维山体地震动谱元法模拟, 地震工程与工程振动, 2021, 03: 32-42
巴振宁, 王智恺, 梁建文, 韩亚鑫, 王鸣铄, 苏州工业园区燃气管网腐蚀风险评估, 油气储运, 2021, 07: 828-833+840
张季, 谭灿星, 叶国涛, 巴振宁, 梁建文, SV波超临界角斜入射时层状地基地震动输入在ABAQUS中的实现, 工程力学, 2021, 04: 200-210
巴振宁, 高愈辉, 梁建文, 田巧焕, 天津软土地区地铁运营沿线地面振动响应实测与建模分析, 噪声与振动控制, 2021, 01: 160-167
刘彬, 荣棉水, 孙伟家, 黄建平, 巴振宁, 非均匀介质全局广义R/T递推传播矩阵法二维SH地震波模拟研究, 地球物理学报, 2021, 02: 525-536
巴振宁, 匡田, 梁建文, 王智恺, 城市排水管网风险评估研究, 市政技术, 2021, 01: 90-93
巴振宁, 刘世朋, 吴孟桃, 梁建文, 饱和土中周期排列管桩对平面SV波隔振的解析求解, 岩土力学, 2021, 03: 627-637
巴振宁, 王莹, 梁建文, 层状半空间中多层沉积谷地时域地震响应分析, 振动与冲击,2020,18:78-88
巴振宁, 吴孟桃, 梁建文, 喻志颖. 高山-峡谷复合地形对入射平面P-SV 波的散射,应用数学与力学,2020, 41(7): 695-712
巴振宁, 王莹, 梁建文. 层状半空间中多层沉积谷地时域地震响应分析, 振动与冲击, 2020,39 (18): 78-88
巴振宁, 高旭, 梁建文. 周期分布不规则体对弹性波的二维散射, 振动与冲击, 2020, 39(14): 201-213
巴振宁, 刘世朋, 吴孟桃, 梁建文. 周期分布群桩屏障对平面弹性波隔振效应的解析求解, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(7): 1468-1482
巴振宁, 刘世朋, 吴孟桃, 梁建文. 周期分布桩体对平面SH波隔振效应的解析求解, 岩土力学, 2020,41(9): 2861-2868
巴振宁, 张家玮, 梁建文, 吴孟桃. 地震波斜入射下层状TI饱和场地地震反应分析,工程力学, 2020, 37(5): 166-177
巴振宁, 安东辉, 梁建文, 高旭. 横观各向同性场地中埋置衬砌隧道对qP波的散射,地震工程学报, 2020, 42(4):948-954
陆文斌, 巴振宁, 刘冰松, 王智恺. 滨海软土中爆炸冲击对盾构隧道的影响研究,防灾减灾工程学报, 2020, 40(1): 125-131
李家飞, 梁建文, 巴振宁, 张久麒, 朱昱瞳, 张萍. 天津Z2线工程软土场地震陷分析,防灾减灾工程学报, 2020, 40(1): 116-124
张月辉, 巴振宁, 刘冰松, 王智恺. 滨海软土中爆炸冲击传播规律的数值模拟,地下空间与工程学报, 2020, 15(S2): 959-965
梁建文, 吴泽群, 辛钰, 巴振宁. 断层错动下盾构隧道抗震措施研究,地震工程与工程振动, 2020, 40(1): 1-11
梁建文, 朱昱曈, 赵华, 巴振宁. 盾构隧道抗震分析的整体强制反应位移法适用性研究,地震工程与工程振动, 2020, 40(3): 1-10
张梁, 朱海涛, 梁建文, 巴振宁. 基于黏弹性边界的P波斜入射波场分解方法精度比较,地震工程与工程振动, 2020, 40(2): 177-186
梁建文,吴孟桃,巴振宁,软硬交互横向不均匀场地地震反应分析,岩土工程学报,2019, 41(9):1599-1608
巴振宁, 赵靖轩, 梁建文. 温度和基坑开挖耦合作用下埋地管道变形规律研究,市政技术, 2020, 2(38): 227-231
张嵩, 巴振宁, 赵靖轩. 大直径盾构隧道复合泡沫铝保护层抗爆性能研究,市政技术, 2020, 3: 1-11
梁建文, 高美娇, 巴振宁. 寒潮期市政埋地供水管道应力分析,安全与环境学报, 2019, 2: 436-443
巴振宁, 刘冰松, 焦鹏, 高商. 嘉峪关木构城楼模态分析研究,建筑结构, 2019, 49(S2): 362-366
巴振宁, 张恩玮, 梁建文, 吴孟桃. 横观各向同性饱和沉积谷地对平面qP1波的散射,地震研究, 2019, 42(4): 474-482
巴振宁、彭琳、梁建文、黄棣旸,任意多个凸起地形对平面P波的散射,工程力学,2018,35 (7):7-17
巴振宁,黄棣旸,梁建文,层状半空间中周期分布凸起地形对平面SH波的散射,地球物理学报,2017,60(3):1039-1052 (SCI)
巴振宁,胡黎明,梁建文,层状横观各向同性地基上明置条形基础平面内动力刚度系数,土木工程学报, 2017, 57 (9): 67-81
巴振宁,梁建文,流体饱和半空间中埋置球面P1、P2和SV波源动力格林函数,工程力学,2016,5:34-43 (EI)
巴振宁,严洋,梁建文,张艳菊,基于TI介质模型的凸起地形对平面SH波的放大作用,工程力学, 2017, 4(8): 10-24
巴振宁,梁建文,层状场地中凹陷地形Rayleigh波斜入射下三维地震响应分析,振动工程学报,2015,28(5):809-821 (EI)
巴振宁,金威,梁建文,层状饱和地基-路轨-列车耦合系统轨道不平顺引起振动的分析,振动与冲击,2015,34(15),88-97 (EI)
巴振宁,梁建文,金威,高速移动列车荷载作用下成层地基-轨道耦合系统的动力响应,土木工程学报,2014,47(11):108-119 (EI)
巴振宁,梁建文,梅雄一,层状饱和半空间中沉积谷地对斜入射平面P1波的三维散射,工程力学,2013,30(9):47-62 (EI)
巴振宁,梁建文,梅雄一,斜入射平面SH波在层状饱和半空间中沉积谷地周围的三维散射,岩土工程学报,2013,35(3):476-486 (EI)
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